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Memory Storage and Retrieval.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory Storage and Retrieval."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory Storage and Retrieval

2 Agenda Announcements Long-Term Memory: Storage Retrieval
Submit Bonus Data ASAP Reading Assessment due Saturday – Personality Test Grade + 0.5/20 Long-Term Memory: Storage Retrieval Forgetting/Errors

3 Long-Term Memory (Module 1)
Declarative Memory Information about the world (Factual information) Semantic Memory General memory (e.g. Birth dates) Episodic Memory Personal events (e.g. What happened on your birthday) Procedural Memory Skills and habits (How to information)

4 Anterograde Amnesia Meet Clive: &feature=related

5 Explicit and Implicit Memory
Explicit Memory Intentional or conscious memory E.g. Studying for an exam. Implicit Memory Memories of which you are not consciously aware E.g. Subtle feelings, learned responses

6 What Do We Remember Best?
Levels of Processing Information processed more is better remembered Personally relevant (e.g. happens to you vs. to others) Interesting (e.g. song lyrics vs. terminology) Meaningful (e.g. words vs. nonwords) Flashbulb Memories (pg. 223) Virtual snapshot of an event Important episodic memories

7 Retrieval Three Kinds: Recall Recognition Relearning
The amount of time saved when learning material for the second time Application to Studying Mneumonics

8 Let’s Remember Words

9 Forgetting Ebbinghaus Methods Forgetting Curve (pg. 230)

10 Reasons for Forgetting
Types of Forgetting Encoding Errors Decay Loss of memories over time or through nonuse Interference Tip of the Tongue Proactive Older information interferes with recalling newer info Retroactive New information interferes with recalling older info

11 Memory Distortion
Misattribution Confusing the source of information Suggestibility Recall information effects memory Leading Questions “The Doll” General Bias Memory is colored by our beliefs

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