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Nucleic acids and Protein synthesis

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1 Nucleic acids and Protein synthesis


3 History of DNS Fredrick Chargaff - determined that the bases:
Adenine and Thymine always join together Cytosine and Guanine always join together

4 What are Nucleic acids? It is a macromolecule.
Remember the other macromolecules ? They are all the directions to make proteins. 2 main types of Nucleic Acids: _______ ______ DNA RNA

5 Structure of Nucleic acids
Made up of monomers Nucleic acids are polymers made of many monomers called _____________ Parts of a nucleotide: _____________ _________________ ________________ nucleotides Phosphate Ribose sugar Nitrogen base

6 Nucleotide

7 DNA Stands for_____________________ Deoxyribonucleic acid
The structure of DNA is a_______________ Deoxyribose – the type of 5-carbon ________ Where is DNA found? ___________ Can DNA leave the nucleus? ____ Deoxyribonucleic acid double helix sugar nucleus NO DNA cannot leave the nucleus because it is a double helix and can NOT fit through the pores.

8 In the nucleus of the cell, _________________are structures that are made of _______tightly wrapped around Histones chromosomes DNA

9 One Strand of DNA double chains sugar phosphate bases
DNA is a ____________stranded molecule One strand of DNA has ______________of nucleotides The backbone or sides of the molecule is alternating _________ and _____________ molecules In the center, the rungs are the nitrogenous _________ double chains sugar phosphate bases

10 Label: sugar phosphate nitrogenous base

11 Four Nitrogenous Bases
Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine Two kinds of bases:

12 Chargarff’s Rule ___________ and __________ always join together
Adenine Thymine Cytosine Guanine

13 Two stranded DNA DNA has 2 strands that fit together something like a ladder or zipper. The teeth or the “rungs” of the ladder are the nitrogenous bases.

14 Hydrogen Bonds The bases are attracted to each other because of the hydrogen bonds Hydrogen bonds are weak, but millions of them makes DNA hard to split When making hydrogen bonds, cytosine always bonds with ____________ Adenine always pairs up with ____________ guanine thymine

15 DNA Replication Occurs In the _________ during the stage of _______________________________ Makes an ______________of DNA before a cell _________. nucleus interphase of mitosis (cell division) exact copy divides

16 Steps in DNA Replication
The enzyme HELICASE uncoils the DNA strands and then weakens the ________ between the nitrogen bases causing the strands to separate. DNA POLYMERASE (enzyme) molecules attach to each STRAND of the DNA molecule Y shaped Fork forms DNA polymerase adds ____________ to the 3’ end of each DNA strand Helicase rejoins the two strands making ________ copies of the DNA The two DNAs contain one old and one _______ strand which is known as ___________________ replication bonds nucleotides exact new semi-conservative

17 Why study DNA? It’s central importance to all life on earth because it codes for all _______________ Medical benefits such as cures for ___________ Better _______________ crops. proteins cancer agricultural

18 RNA Stands for ______________________ ribonucleic acid
Composed of ____________ Has ___________ instead of _____________like DNA RNA COPIES the codes from DNA and MAKES the protein. Adenine bonds with__________ on RNA. Is made of ________ strand of nucleotides The 3 types: _____________ RNA is involved in the process of __________________ ribonucleic acid nucleotides ribose deoxyribose uracil one rRNA mRNA tRNA protein synthesis

19 RNA Structure Also has 4 nitrogen bases like DNA: adenine uracil
__________ Has the sugar Ribose instead of deoxyribose adenine uracil cytosine guanine

20 Protein Synthesis Step 1 Transcription Location: NUCLEUS
Purpose: to copy the DNA code (order of the bases) onto the mRNA Events: DNA is unwound and _________ unzips the DNA strand mRNA reads the complementary base and RNA Polymerase adds new nucleotides to the DNA strand NEW mRNA is made; it leaves the nucleus to go to the ribosome. helicase

21 Translation ribosome proteins tRNA anticodon amino acid
Location:_____________ Purpose: to convert the instructions of mRNA into amino acids, to make POLYPEPTIDES or ___________ Events of translation: The first three bases of mRNA (codon) join the ribosome. Usually AUG- CONSIDERED THE START CODON) _________ brings the amino acid down to the ribosome. The three bases on the tRNA called an __________ match the complimentary bases on mRNA CODON. Each tRNA has an ______________ , which is determined by its anticodon. EX: Codon AUG = amino acid – Methionine The resulting chain of amino acids is called a polypeptide (PROTEIN) proteins tRNA anticodon amino acid

22 Codons and Anticodons CODON – segment of 3 bases on _______ mRNA
Codon: AUG UAA UAG UGA Anticodon- segment of 3 bases on ______ that is complimentary to the _______ codon. mRNA tRNA mRNA

23 History of DNA Darwin first proposed that there was something in the cells that carried traits. He was doing experimentation with plants. Most people at the time thought the heredity information was carried in proteins. NOT SO

24 Griffith’ s Experiment
Griffith's experiment discovering the "transforming principle" in pneumococcus bacteria It was one of the first experiments showing that bacteria can get DNA through a process called transformation. Griffith used two strains of Pneumococcus. These bacteria infect mice.


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