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Published byArchibald Walton Modified over 6 years ago
USACE OPLAN 2015-67 New Madrid Seismic Zone Earthquake
Tom Hanniff HQUSACE Civil Response Planner 30 NOV 2015
Purpose NMSZ OPLAN Changes OPLAN 2015-67 Overview Discussion
Agenda Purpose NMSZ OPLAN Changes OPLAN Overview Discussion
Purpose Provide LRD Senior Leaders, Planners and Interagency Partners with an overview of HQUSACE's New Madrid Earthquake response plan in order to ensure a fully synchronized and integrated response. -The current New Madrid OPLAN was a product of very deliberate planning and was used ISO NLE The NLE 11 RAW (Resource Allocation Workshop) provided USACE an outstanding opportunity to sit down face to face with planners from each of the 8 impacted states and determine their needs and resource gaps. - Initial ESF 3 Focus; now balanced to factor in USACE infrastructure and authorities (navigation). - Change to NORTHCOM relationship after Sandy; now see NCOM as a support - Latest iteration published on 10/31/2015
New Madrid Seismic Zone
Impacts No-Notice event, w/multiple aftershocks Mass care/shelter/resources may be inadequate Housing/evacuation/population relocation challenges Long-term impacts to incident area and the Nation requiring years to recover National Assessment (7.7 magnitude event, source MAEC Report) Households without Water 1,089,814 Power 2,481,271 Tons of debris 50,056,000 Injuries 82,500 Fatalities 3,500 Buildings damaged 715,000 Bridges damaged 3,600 Approximate area 126,575 sq mi 12 Million people / 160 – 200 Cities St. Louis Million Memphis Million IL IN MO KY St Louis TN AR Memphis AL MS
HQUSACE OPLAN Changes The NAD and SPD O-6 led USACE Forward Task Forces are OPCON to LRD to respectively support LRD operations at the Tennessee and Kentucky JFOs. SPD will deploy a General Officer to lead MVD's TF Navigation. MVD retains lead for ESF 3 operations in Illinois and Mississippi, with SAD will operating the RFOs in those two states. The DCG, CW&EO does not automatically forward deploy since the NRCC will adjudicate issues and resources. The UROC, ICW MVD and LRD, has lead to develop and implement a USACE Critical Infrastructure reconnaissance plan. CECI, in coordination with ACE-IT, the UROC and SAM / DTOS, will develop an overall USACE communications plan as part of the Signal Annex. The Strategic Infrastructure Recovery Cell utilizes a GS-15 or PM from the supported divisions ICW the DCO to adjudicate USACE resources and manage USACE Infrastructure priorities. A revised CONPLAN (Annex A) accounts for recent PRT inactivations and changes to MSC response plans. The ULA is tasked to provide two logisticians to support the FEMA Movement Control Cell at the NRCC. Based on predicted damage levels (MAE Center Report), USACE will not need to establish an RFO in Alabama. The Retired Annuitant Office (RAO) serves as the USACE lead to coordinate with the Department of Interior (DOI) to fill ESF 3 personnel support requirements. List of significant changes to the plan, largely based on input from LRD and MVD as their OPLANS are being revised.
4 Pillars of USACE Support
Mission USACE surges forces into the Central United States in response to a catastrophic NMSZ earthquake in order to assess and repair USACE Civil Works infrastructure, execute missions in support of DHS/FEMA under the NRF, support the U.S. Coast Guard in the restoration of navigable waterways and ports and provide technical engineering and contract construction support to impacted DA / DoD facilities. Note: the term "surges" denotes the Commander's Intent that USACE elements will proactively deploy personnel absent a directive given the expected loss of communications during this event. Use of the term “surges”: not doctrinal but goes to the mindset that USACE will attempt to meet the FEMA Administrator’s intent to respond to and stabilize areas impacted by a catastrophic earthquake incident within the initial 72 hours. 4 Pillars of USACE Support Support to USACE Civil Works Projects Will Be Within Current Civil-Works Boundaries, USACE Main Effort is to CW infrastructure on the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers Repair and maintain flood control infrastructure under PL 84-99 Support to FEMA under the National Response Framework Support the US Coast Guard, in order to restore navigable waterways ICW Unified Command Group (UCG) Provide support to others (DA IMCOM, other federal agencies) as requested End state: • Immediate threats to life and safety have been overcome • Basic physical and social infrastructure services have been restored to a functional level • Damaged USACE civil works infrastructure is restored to its authorized operational condition • Infrastructure is repaired to sustain economic recovery
Concept of Operations USACE Support to FEMA
MSC’s and District’s responsibilities aligned by state. MVD retains responsibility for IL & MS ESF 3 missions but SAD operates the RFOs Support FEMA/DHS through ESF # 3 mission assignments Worst Case Scenario assumes Memphis and St. Louis will be impacted districts (their PRT’s will not be available) IN Chicago IL Rock Island KY Louisville MO Kansas City TN Nashville Area covers 8 states, 4 FEMA Regions and 5 USACE Divisions (these are our supported Divisions in the plan) MSC response aligned by state; Priority of Effort: TN, AR, MO and KY Prioritization done in the absence of FEMA guidance; based on damage estimates (for example, modeling shows TN as having the biggest debris mission) Anticipate the St. Louis and Memphis Districts will be non-mission capable State District AR Little Rock AL Mobile MS Vicksburg
Concept of Operations Civil Works Response
Support to USACE Civil Works Projects Will Be Within Current Civil-Works Boundaries Unlike the ESF 3 alignment, responsibility for Civil Works infrastructure will remain in current civil works boundaries, so simply put, what you had before the quake you retain responsibility for after it.
Phase 1- Steady State I VIII X II V IX III VII VI IV
POA Phase 1- Steady State Divisions’ Own Authorities Restore flood protection/civil works Mississippi River: MVD w/ SAD in DS Ohio River: LRD w/NAD in DS NRF/ESF #3 Support TN is the Main Effort Priority States: TN, AR, MO, KY NORTHCOM/ARNORTH NWD aligned with NORTHCOM SWD aligned with ARNORTH Seattle NWD XX NAD XX I Portland Walla Walla X VIII II New England SPD XX V Buffalo St. Paul NAU - Europe Detroit Philadelphia New York HQUSACE XXX Sacramento Pittsburgh DA XXXX JCS Rock Island Chicago San Francisco Baltimore XXXX NORTHCOM Omaha LRD XX IX III VII UMS 249 Cincinnati Winchester Pictured here is the STEADY STATE that outlines the HQUSACE and MSC relationships with NORTHCOM, ARNORTH, USCG , FEMAHQ and the FEMA regions. Note that the FEMA Regions are color coded by STATE BOUNDARIES while the USACE Divisions are outlined by RIVER BASINS – so there is no perfect alignment that would simplify operations. USACE completes preparedness activities, including support assessments and coordination requirements, training, and the development and validation of operation and logistic support plans. Determined support relationships per supported division input: SAD ISO MVD NAD ISO NAD (1) Key Tasks during STEADY STATE: Establish/maintain liaison and coordinate planning efforts with FEMA regional offices, the USCG, State Emergency Management Offices, and other agencies such as NAVYSUPSALV which support ESF#3 or lead other ESFs within the NRF that USACE supports. Note Map / Red lines (USACE Boundaries by watershed) vs. FEMA Regions (by state) ESF # 3: MSC’s and District’s responsibilities aligned by state. Support to USACE Civil Works Projects Will Be Within Current Civil-Works Boundaries Kansas City NCR OH Huntington HQUSCG XX Louisville Norfolk Colorado Springs St Louis Los Angeles LMS SAD XX Nashville Albuquerque VI Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands Tulsa Jackson Wilmington Little Rock Memphis SWD XX POJ JAPAN KOREA POF Guam & American Samoa Honolulu XXXX PACOM POD XX MVD XX IV Atlanta Charleston Denton USACE DIV HQs USACE Dist HQs FEMA Regional HQs USACE Boundaries - Military Programs - Civil Works FEMA National HQs Savannah Fort Worth Dallas Vicksburg Mobile Jacksonville US Coast Guard XXX ARNORTH HQ/8-D San Antonio New Orleans Galveston Miami
USACE NMSZ Response Plan: Phase 2a – Immediate Response
NWD XX NWD Task: Lead Div ISO DoD, FEMA, & USCG in MO, and lead Div ISO NORTHCOM Purpose: Execute response efforts ISO USACE authorities, FEMA, and DoD (NORTHCOM) Task: SCRP NORTHCOM and JCE Augmentation Cells Purpose: Coordinate with DoD (NORTHCOM) on response support efforts LRD Task: Lead Div ISO DoD, FEMA, & USCG in IN, KY, & TN, and the Ohio River Purpose: Execute response actions ISO FEMA, USACE authorities & DoD (NORTHCOM/ARNORTH) NAD Task: DS to LRD, O-6 TF support to LRD at TN JFO Purpose: Response efforts ISO USACE authorities, FEMA, and DoD (NORTHCOM/ARNORTH) Portland CW2/MVD II NAD XX St. Paul NORTHCOM / JCE Aug. Cell New York LRD XX HQ XXX 249 SPD XX CW1/MVD II XXX MCP Cincinnati Rock Island NORTHCOM XXXX Kansas City TN JFO (O-6 TF) San Francisco G.O. to TF Navigation / KY JFO (O-6) XX JTF-CS Winchester SPD Task: G.O. support to MVD TF NAV; O-6 TF to KY JFO (LRD) Purpose: Manage response efforts ISO USACE authorities and FEMA. NCR Jefferson City HQUSACE Task: Stand up the SIRC Purpose: Adjudicate resources and provide recommendations for recovery Colorado Springs St. Louis IL RFO Triggers: FEMA Alert and Deploy notice, ground shake and loss of communications, media reporting. USACE will initiate COOP and Response plans and own authorities once triggers are reached – MSCs will not wait on direction from HQ b/c we expect comms to be a problem – we are trying to meet the FEMA Administrator’s intent to stabilize impacted areas within 72 hours Mobilization PSMA already in place Impacted or Supported Divisions each surge forces to respond to the earthquake. You’ll note that the MSCs are aligned to support the states within their AOR – and that some MSCs have are responsible for more than one state (again, 8 states, 5 impacted divisions) LRD Forward CP: Nashville, TN MVD Forward CP: Tupelo, MS NWD Forward CP: Kansas City District, SAD Forward CP: Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL SWD Forward CP: Camp Robinson, Little Rock, AR DCG, Civil Works USACE Director of Contingency Operations (D/CO) remain at HQUSACE, Washington, DC to facilitate coordination with the National Response Coordination Center (NRCC) and the Emergency Support Function Leaders’ Group (ESFLG). UROC distributes communication assets SPD and NAD provide O-6 USACE TF FWDs to LRD at the KY and TN JFOs SAD runs RFOs ISO MVD in IL and MS 4. NWD and SWD support NORTHCOM and ARNORTH with LNO cells 5. POD provides general support , essentially serving as Force Providers, (staffing, SME, etc) thru USACE taskers and other UCEs go out as key nodes are stood up. Phase 2A: Immediate Response (0 to 24 hours after a NMZS event): During this phase USACE will be working to develop a common operating picture, executing COOP plans and OPORDs, and mobilizing and deploying response teams. USACE execute plans in place COOP plans, reestablish communications Deploy response teams, PRTs, US&R (no RSO&I) Develop common operating picture Divisions initiate RSO&I / logistics operations Deploy DTOS / communication assets Key Tasks: Account for USACE personnel, begin survivor districts reconstitution, Execute COOP plans, conduct initial reconnaissance of division/district civil works and critical infrastructure Deploy response teams & Tactical Operations Centers (ECCV), Execute missions directed by FEMA under ESF #3, SWD Task: Lead Div ISO DoD (ARNORTH), FEMA, & USCG in AR Purpose: Execute response efforts ISO USACE authorities, FEMA, & DoD (NORTHCOM/ARNORTH) Task: SCRP ARNORTH Augmentation Element Purpose: Coordinate DoD (ARNORTH) response support efforts XX CCP Nashville SAD XX Memphis Tupelo SAD Task: Lead Div ISO DoD, FEMA, & USCG in AL; DS to MVD for Navigation restoration and RFOs in IL & MS Purpose: Execute response efforts ISO USACE authorities, FEMA, & DoD (NORTHCOM/ARNORTH) Little Rock MVD XX MS RFO Atlanta SWD XX Vicksburg MVD Task: Lead Div ISO FEMA & USCG in MS & IL and the Mississippi River Purpose: Execute response efforts ISO USACE authorities, FEMA, & DoD (NORTHCOM/ARNORTH) ARNORTH XXX Dallas Mobile POD XX General Support UROC Task: Be prepared to provide comms equipment Purpose: Provide comms sets as needed Honolulu San Antonio POD Task: GS to USACE, as directed by HQUSACE Purpose: Response efforts ISO FEMA, USACE authorities and DoD as directed
Phase 2a – Restoration of Navigation
NWD Task: Lead Div ISO USACE and USCG response efforts in MO Purpose: Restore USACE civil works and navigation along navigable waterways in MO Divisions Provide LNOs to support USCG RRUs / facilitate coordination between RRUs and MTSRUs LRD: IN, KY, and TN MVD: IL and MS NWD: MO SAD: AL SWD: AR Lead Divisions: MVD: USCG coordination and USACE efforts along the Upper and Lower Mississippi River LRD: USACE efforts along the Ohio River NAD Task: Provides DS to LRD Purpose: Assists LRD in restoring USACE civil works and navigation along navigable waterways in IN, KY, and TN, and along the Ohio River St. Paul LRD Task: Lead Div for Navigation along the Ohio River and ISO the USCG in IN, KY, & TN Purpose: Restore USACE civil works and navigation along the Ohio River and its tributaries Rock Island Chicago LRD XX Omaha OH UMS Upper Mississippi River Cincinnati Kansas City Louisville St Louis Ohio River LMS SWD MVD SAD LRD NWD Nashville SAD XX The Mississippi and Ohio Rivers which comprise this system of concern are divided into three sections, the Upper Mississippi River, the Lower Mississippi River and the Ohio River. The entire system is overseen by the USCG’s 8th District headquartered in New Orleans. MVD’s efforts to restore flood control and civil works infrastructure along the Mississippi River is the Main Effort for Corps’ work within our own authorities. SAD provides DS to MVD LRD’s efforts to restore flood control and civil works infrastructure along the Ohio River is the Main Effort for Corps’ work within our own authorities. NAD provides DS to LRD. USACE coordinates with USCG Marine Transportation System Recovery Unit (MTSRU) is the coordinating lead for navigable waterways; priorities set by UCG Initial Focus: Opening Ports Navigation Restoration Debris clearance Hazardous Materials Bridging Ferrying Memphis Atlanta SWD XX Little Rock SAD Task: Lead Div ISO USACE and USCG efforts in AL, and provides DS to MVD Purpose: Restore USACE civil works and navigation along navigable waterways in AL and assist MVD response and recovery efforts MVD XX Lower Mississippi River Denton USCG Marine Transportation System Recovery Unit (MTSRU) (Joint Agency) USCG Riverine Recovery Unit (RRU) located at the State Joint Filed Office USCG Commands (Lower MS, Upper MS, OH River, and HQs, 8th District) Fort Worth Dallas HQ/8-D Vicksburg SWD Task: Lead Div ISO USACE and USCG response efforts in AR Purpose: Restore USACE civil works and navigation along navigable waterways in AR Mobile MVD Task: Lead Div ISO USACE and USCG response efforts in IL and MS, and along the Mississippi River Purpose: Restore USACE civil works and navigation along the Mississippi River and its tributaries New Orleans
USACE Force Laydown This chart really illustrates the “resource allocation” aspect of NM planning. This slide also factors in recent PRT Inactivations and the expected termination of USACE’s commodities mission. Phase 2B: Deployment PRT Inactivations: TN - LRE Commodities AR - No Change MO - NWP Debris, NWS Commodities KY - NAP Power IN - SPN Commodities AL - SAJ Roofing / IA 1 - Roofing teams will augment and support Infrastructure PRT and receive OJT 2 - Teams 1 and 2 represent PRTs with two state responsibilities: first priority is team 1, with lower priority team 2 3 - Assumes MVM Power PRT, MVS Roofing PRT, and LRN Roofing PRT are victim districts and PRTs not available 4 - Assumes USACE retains Commodities PRT mission
ECCV Specifics New approach: assuming risk in ESF 3 response with regard to allocation of assets (ECCVs) in order to support navigation / CWTF missions.
LRD Specified Tasks Coordinate planning efforts with FEMA Regions IV and V and the affected State Emergency Management Offices. Develop a prioritized list for restoration of critical navigation and civil works infrastructure for use by ERDC. Identify personnel and equipment available to deploy ISO communications requirements and prioritize communications needs by locations. (pending) Determine/coordinate NAD support requirements. Serve as lead division ISO FEMA in Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana and identify LNOs to work with FEMA Regions IV and V. Restore USACE civil works and navigation along the Ohio River and its tributaries. RSO&I - Receive and provide OPCON to ULA logistics planning and response team (LPRT) personnel, NAD response elements and those PRTs scheduled to deploy ISO LRD operations. Deploy a Program Manager /GS15 ISO HQUSACE’s SIRC. Pre-event: Coordinate planning efforts with FEMA Regions IV and V and the affected State Emergency Management Offices. Develop a prioritized list for restoration of critical navigation and civil works infrastructure for use by ERDC. Identify personnel and equipment available to deploy ISO communications requirements and prioritize communications needs by locations. (pending) Determine/coordinate NAD support requirements. Response Serve as lead division ISO FEMA in Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana and identify LNOs to work with FEMA Regions IV and V. Restore USACE civil works and navigation along the Ohio River and its tributaries. Coordinate with MVD to provide situational awareness of LRD operations along the Ohio River and its tributaries and maintain situational awareness of MVD operations along the Mississippi River and its tributaries. Conduct RSO&I Support to the Strategic Infrastructure Recovery Cell (SIRC)
HQUSACE Concerns Coordination with USCG & navigation priorities
USACE C2: Loss of Comms / Eastern Interconnect RSO&I: Deploy through MSC vs. Virtual at ISB FEMA Mobilization PSMA / “Battle Stations” Define O-6 TF to TN / KY JFO
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