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In depth analysis.

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1 In depth analysis

2 Refugees fleeing war in Syria
Chelsea Jeanette Kubek Group MV 4 2015/2016

3 US perspective- dilemma
Should the US cooperate with Germany to create Safe Zone?

4 Introduce the subject Mr President, .......
One of the most important, debated, analysed, discussed, commented issues of today´s political scene is.... Angela Merkel calls for "safe zones" in Syria

5 establish the context German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged warring parties to set up safe zones in Syria where refugees would be protected within the country. These areas needed to be created so people could feel safe, receive food and humanitarian supplies without worrying about war. She expressed hope that such a plan might eventually be agreed at peace talks taking place in Geneva.

6 indicate a problem, controversy
Establishing safe zones in Syria would be difficult without the United States The UN has warned against the safe-zone plan. Aid workers have also opposed it.

7 Is the main issue EU-Turkey refugee deal?
1. Should Turkey take the necessary steps? 1.1 Are there any viable options for..

8 Who will take the necessary steps ?
There are several ways of looking at the problem......and Turkey believe the EU should take the necessary steps. There is more than one way of looking at this problem, issue.... and ..... There is a wide variety of opinions on/about the discussed issue..... and...

9 (Turkey- EU) ? and the whole issue could be devided into three ... areas and the key arguments made by both-respective sides. Supposedly, the whole issue could be devided into three ... areas and the key arguments made by both sides. By way of introduction, it is inevitable to point out, stress that ... the whole issue could be devided into three ... areas

10 So Mr. President, the first area to be discussed whether Better Safe Zones than Sorry ? is the US willing could take over a chunk of that country.

11 To start with/ First all/ To begin with/ Firstly/ As a start / In the first place/ Initially/ First of all, let us consider…safe zones -real durable solution. The first point I would like to make is that/ The first thing that should be noted is that/ It is worth stating from the outset that .... safe zones is a political solution that moves Syria towards an inclusive government that represents all Syrians, etc.

12 Opinion Adverbs It should also be noted/ stressed .../ And another thing ..../ And besides .... /What is more .../ Plus/ Besides/ What is more/ …the US' free trade pact with the EU, referred to as the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Industrial Pact (TTIP) would remove unnecessary bureaucratic and regulatory hurdles and make business between the two partners easier

13 Introducing an alternative viewpoint
However/ Nevertheless/ Alternatively/ In contrast/On the contrary/ On the other hands/ On the other side of the coin/... If safe zone, the US and Germany had committed to stronger counterterrorism and intelligence cooperation

14 Obviously/ Basically/ Generally / Specificly/ Naturally/ Personally/ Admittedly/ ... safe zones in Syria would be difficult without the US Accordingly/ Consequently/ Hence/ So/ Therefore/ Thus/ As such/ ... the creation of "safe zones" to shelter refugees inside Syria, is criticised by the UN and rights groups. Opinion adverbs Cause-Effect

15 Quoting As Angela Merkel points to the fact / points out that/holds/ puts/ her goal is not only to stop illegal migration, but to have for refugees more opportunities near their home.

16 Changing the subject within topic
(the first area to be discussed whether Better Safe Zones than Sorry ) The second area/ issue to be discussed/ Turning to the problem/ Wuth reference to the question / is the question if there are viable options for Safe zone?

17 of viable options for Safe Zone
As for the question ... Why is support from US necessary ? As far as, insofar concerned? Speaking of the question of ... Turning to the problem, question of... With reference to the question... On the issue of .... When it comes to ... .

18 Has opportunity for peace been lost ?
Above all/ Besides/ Furthermore/ Also/ In addition/ Likewise/ After all... IS had been pushed out of some strongholds in northern and eastern Syria. Adding information

19 A case in point can be found in US Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes speech... "We believe the commitment of additional US special forces can play a critical role." 

20 Contrast On the one hand/ On the other hand/ Despite the fact/ By contrast/ Another way of viewing this is/ On the other side of the coin... Amnesty International is useful in pointing out Syrians are being shot at trying to enter Turkey while others are being deported to Syria against their will.

21 Next/ Finally/ Third/ Thirdly/ Then
Next/ Finally/ Third/ Thirdly/ Then... Keeping refugees on the Syrian side.... Who helps them ? Actually/ Of course/ Naturally/ In fact/ Strictly speaking ... Brussel and Ankara would help on the Syrian side of the border, which hosts 2.7 million Syrian refugees.

22 Summarising To summarise/ To sum up briefly/ In brief/ Altogether/ Overall/ In short/ In brief/ In conclusion : Trans-Atlantic free trade deal The dark side of the EU-Turkey refugee deal Syrian refugees mass at Turkish border

23 Concluding All in all/ On the whole/ In conclusion/ To sum up/ My conclusion is / In short; In conclusion/ To conclude/ In all/ On the whole... Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to be a "trusted partner" and her handling of the refugee crisis is "courageous." She will find the way how to solve the issue with Safe Zones.

24 Better Safe Zones than Sorry?
Merkel, who was in Turkey to visit Syrian refugees, defended her statement on creating "safe zones" in Syria, saying that these areas needed to be created so people could feel safe, receive food and humanitarian supplies without worrying about war.

25 Safe Zones However/ On the other hand/ Still/ Nevertheless/ ... needed to be part of the Geneva peace talks on Syria, she added. It might work... inasmuch as... Obama went on to say that the establishing safe zones in Syria would be difficult without the US "essentially being willing to take over a chunk of that country."

26 Thank you for your attention

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