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Syria Early Recovery & Resilience

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1 Syria Early Recovery & Resilience
Syria Early Recovery Mainstreaming workshop Beirut September 2016

DEVELOPMENT RELIEF CRISIS HUMANITARIAN RECOVERY Breakdown Lost momentum Partial solution Rebuilding risk Dependency Forgotten Relapses ETC. Let's observe how the international community used to respond to a crisis: When a crisis occurred, only humanitarians were expected to immediately respond. The humanitarian needs decreased and the crisis progressively disappeared. The humanitarian actors moved to another crisis. It took some time before the development actors arrived to start recovery, reconstruction and development work, prolonging the dependency to handouts and decreasing humanitarian aid. The transition phase was identified as a phase between humanitarian and development phases. It was also called the development gap. As a consequence of this gap, we often lost momentum, and the gap rebuilt risks, sometimes creating a new – silent and forgotten - humanitarian crisis… TRANSITION PHASE

DEVELOPMENT Humanitarian phase CRISIS LINES OF ACTION: Relief Humanitarian response to chronic crisis Early recovery Peacebuilding - Development RELIEF EARLY HUMANITARIAN RECOVERY Breakdown Lost momentum Partial solution Rebuilding risk Dependency Forgotten Relapses ETC. Focused Resilience Self-reliance Reducing risks Comprehensive Smoother transition Continuity ETC To avoid this gap, the humanitarian reform proposed to start recovery as early as possible during the humanitarian phase, the transition phase being the overlap between the humanitarian phase and the development phase. Recovery is the process of transformation from relief to development during the transition period. “Early recovery” is recovery that begins in a humanitarian setting. It is not a separate phase within a relief-development continuum, but rather an effort to strengthen the effectiveness of the linkage, by engaging both the humanitarian and development communities. The earlier in the humanitarian phase the planning and work on recovery begins, the sooner national institutions can move forward in providing basic services and assuming governance functions to stabilize affected areas. Rather than a continuum, experience shows that simultaneous lines of action are required at the earliest stage of the crisis. Early recovery provides a unique opportunity for humanitarian and development actors to work together as early as possible in support of nationally-led recovery efforts. TRANSITION PHASE

4 What is Early Recovery? Relief and early recovery together make up the humanitarian response to a crisis A multi-dimensional approach to make the gains of humanitarian action gradually sustainable A coordinated approach to help humanitarian response contribute to sustainable recovery opportunities, support resilience building and to provide a platform to achieve longer-term development objectives.

5 Resilience A transformative process of strengthening the capacity of people, communities, institutions and countries to anticipate and prevent, absorb and adapt, recover and transform from shocks and stresses at and across human, community, institutional, and environmental levels. 


7 Funding Early Recovery
2015 full year : 47% of the projects are ER related ER-related funds received compared to ER-related funds requested 38% 2016 mid-year : 49% of the projects are ER related Proportion of ER funds requested : 39% Total ER related funds received compared to requested : 14% Total non ER related funds received compared to requested : 21%

8 Funding Requested for Early Recovery
Mainstreaming Early Recovery Clusters Funding Requested for Early Recovery % of ER projects funded CCCM 18% 28% Early Recovery 100% 42% Education 59% 29% Food Security 41% Health 34% 44% Multi-cluster 40% 22% Nutrition 33% Protection 37% 38% Shelter 43% WASH

9 Early Recovery funding: Syria
45% of the projects are ER related ER-related funds received compared to ER-related funds requested 28% Non-ER funds received compared to Non-ER funds requested 27% Proportion of funds received compare to funds requested 33% 2016 Syria 47% of the projects are ER related ER-related funds received compared to ER-related funds requested 10% Non-ER funds received compared to Non-ER funds requested 17% Proportion of funds received compare to funds requested 23%

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