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Personal and Public Health HSERV 100

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1 Personal and Public Health HSERV 100
Sara Mackenzie, MD, MPH Clinical Instructor Health Services Director Undergraduate Public Health Major Clinician – Hall Health

2 Teaching Assistants: Sophia Teshome Albert Farias Web site:

3 Course objectives: Recognize and describe key components of health and wellness Explain relationships between lifestyle behaviors and health Analyze personal behaviors and describe potential ways to improve personal health Identify and describe relationships between individual behavior change and public health/social determinants of health Identify key health challenges in the United States Recognize ways to incorporate health into future careers Critique media messages and identify sources of health information

4 Your goals? Take out a piece of paper Turn to your neighbor
Write down neighbors name (first and last) Discuss why you registered for course and what you hope to get out of it Jot down key points

5 Class design Lectures: Office hours: 10:30-11:20 Monday Wednesday
Friday Office hours: Monday 9:30-10:20 (Sara – F167) Wednesday 9:30-10:20 (Albert) Friday 11:30-12:20 (Sophia)

6 Course design Lectures and readings Personal Health Portfolio:
Do readings prior to day of lecture Class participation – questions and answers during lecture Personal Health Portfolio: Multiple short self-assessments or assignments Grade show links to class and reading Connect (on-line system) 40 percent of grade

7 Exams 3 exams Cover book readings, lecture material, and other assigned readings No make ups – must notify in advance if unable to take at scheduled time

8 Exams Exam 1 and 2: 15 % grade Exam 3 (final): 20% grade
On-line; open book; 1 hour; only log in ONCE; TAs will hold a review during class time that day - optional Exam 3 (final): 20% grade Finals week; cummulative, bring scantron; closed book

9 Today’s lecture: Introduction to course
Overview of health and wellness Define health, personal health and public health

10 What is health? state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being “not just the absence of disease and infirmity” World Health Organization 

11 Absence of disease? World health organization

12 Not a new concept: “A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses.” Hippocrates 460 BC-377BC

13 What is wellness? Process of adopting patterns of behavior that can lead to improved health and heightened life satisfaction Generally determined by decisions you make about how to live your life Influenced by social determinants

14 GENEROSITY is compassion, empathy, and altruism, the truest form of caring for others.
BELONGING encompasses our relationships and human interdependence. MASTERY is success, achievement, and motivation. INDEPENDENCE is the power to make decisions, to problem solve, to be responsible and to grow. George Blue Bird: Circle of courage


16 Consider the following:
I am healthier this year because …. I am less healthy this year because….

17 Personal health “personal” – concerning or affecting a particular person Health related beliefs, practices or behaviors Prevention or promotion Treatment for illness or injury

18 How do you achieve good health and strive toward wellness?
Personal beliefs, practices and behaviors Ecological model of health and wellness Interrelationship between you and your environment Encompasses social determinants of health

19 Health related beliefs or practices
Family of origin Country of origin Where you live now, in past, (in future??) Education Money Health insurance plan and health care Medical conditions Friends/peers/colleague Media…

20 Social determinants of health

21 What is public health? “Public” – people in general, a body of people sharing a common interest “The study and practice of health promotion and disease prevention at the population level” Many definitions, could start with…

22 Disease prevention Cholera epidemic in London- 1854
John Snow noted 500 deaths in 10 days in area of Cambridge and Broad street

23 Linked to a water pump Intervention? Remove the handle from The pump

24 Disease prevention Actions designed to ward off or protect against specific disease Vaccination Food regulations (USDA, FDA) Seat belts Work site regulations (OSHA)

25 Health promotion Actions designed to maintain a current health state or advance to a more desirable state

26 How to measure? Personal Public Height Weight Blood pressure
Blood tests Diagnostic tests Fitness level Self assessments Public Life expectancy Morbidity Mortality Incidence Prevalence Disability adjusted life years Group assessments

27 Define the measurement?
Prevalence= number of cases population at risk Incidence = number of incident cases number of persons x time (typically number/100,000 per year Morbidity rate – incidence of particular disease Mortality rate – incidence of death

28 Life expectancy in the U.S.…
Males 47.8 years Females 50.7 years 2009 life expectancy Males 75.6 years Females 80.7 years

29 What accounts for nearly 30 year improvement in life expectancy?
25 years attributed to public health achievements 5 years attributed to other Ten Great Public Health Achievements -- United States, MMWR weekly April 2, 1999;

30 Ten great public health improvements 1900-1999
Vaccination Motor-vehicle safety Safer workplaces Control of infectious diseases Decline from coronary deaths Safer and healthier foods Healthier mothers and babies Family planning Fluoridation of drinking water Recognition of tobacco as health hazard 10 great public health achievements U.S ; MMWR April 2, (12)



33 How does this relate to us?
Explore areas of health by looking at individual behaviors and factors Consider social determinants that influence you – as an individual Perhaps influence your individual behaviors AND help you extrapolate the concepts to broader public health populations

34 Video: Unnatural causes
PBS 4 hour series overview clip UNNATURAL CAUSES | About the series . Video clips |  CALIFORNIA NEWSREEL

35 For Wednesday: Read Chapter 1
Complete Chapter 1 Personal Health Portfolio

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