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Math Leadership Network

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1 Math Leadership Network
March 17th, 2016 NWESD

2 Label the Axis How You See Fit!
Swap out with someone in the room you haven’t met, yet. Come back and share your new graph with an elbow partner.

3 An Understanding for Math Students

4 Learning Goals Attendees will deepen their existing knowledge of one or more of the following: Research-Based Instructional Practices Productive Struggle, Three Shifts Equity (Instructional Practices for Diverse Student Populations) Number Talks Professional Collaboration (Sharing with Colleagues) Student Work from Grade Band Tasks

5 What strategies did you use?
Doing the Math… Petals Around the Rose Padlet Question What strategies did you use?

6 Looking At Student Work
In Grade Bands: Review student work samples using the Student Task Reflection Protocol This afternoon: Choose new task to try with students Bring back student work samples on May 24th

7 The Three Shifts in Mathematics
Focus: strongly where the standards focus Coherence: Think across grades and link to major topics within grades Rigor: Require conceptual understanding, fluency, and application

8 Thinking About the Shifts…
Take some time to reflect about the last lesson you planned. What was the Focus Were you cognizant of Coherence? (within your grade level and/or across grade levels) What components of rigor did you address?

9 Jo Boalar: A Tour of Mathematical Connections

10 An Overview of Coherence (with a review of Focus)
Your grade band team will be assigned a grade level and a piece of chart paper. Using your standards, summarize the math content of each grade by domain Draw a green box around the content that is major work for the grade level Assign a spokesperson for your group

11 An Overview of Coherence (with a review of Focus)
How do you see the Focus and Coherence playing out on the posters? How can the Focus and Coherence in the standards be leveraged to support students across the learning spectrum? How will this broader perspective influence your work moving forward?

12 Use of the Coherence Map
Choose an upcoming standard Go to the Coherence Map Find your standard Plan for instruction including how to: Access students’ prior knowledge Provide meaningful tasks Scaffold Extend

13 Why Do We Do Math Together?
“Teaching mathematics required specialized expertise and professional knowledge that includes not only knowing mathematics but knowing it in ways that make it useful for the work of teaching” (Ball & Forzani 2010; Ball, Thames, and Phelps 2008). -Principles to Action NCTM (p.11)

14 Jo Boaler – Professor Stanford University
Begin video at 1:15 and PAUSE once she gives the problem (18 x 5). Give participants an opportunity to solve the problem and model a number talk – don’t take as long as the first one – record 3-4 solutions. Then continue to show video from 1:36 to 7:02. Number Talks Video

15 Number Talks

16 Number Talks 8:00-8:30-Jon/Jamie Dot Tasks

17 Number Talks for High School
WHICH IS GREATER? 86 X 38 Or 88 X 36 Fawn

18 Number Talks for High School
(2006 x 2008) – (2007 x 2007)

19 Tips for Getting Started with Number Talks…
Just took the plunge after talking with our interventionist and seeing Ruth Parker’s book at a training. Hoped it would make students less intimidated by mental math (put away those calculators!). I started with single digit numbers multiplied by double digits, and worked into a problem like 19 x 18.

20 Change over Time I saw immediate improvement on participation levels.
Endurance for the rest of the lesson improved dramatically. Unexpected result of great scaffolding for what we were trying to accomplish in Algebra II: factoring polynomials. Led to connections for synthetic division.

21 Successes and Challenges with Implementing Number Talks
Getting the talks down to about 10 minutes Both the math Coach and Principal commenting on the math conversations observed among my students Challenges Ensuring time in my weekly class routines Figuring out worthwhile problems to discuss Collaborating with peers to share the load for planning for Algebra classes

22 Wrap Up AESD Math Professional Development Reflection
6 hours-Goals B,C and E only! Principles to Actions Read pages : Elicit and Use Evidence of Student Thinking Administer Task and/or Try a Number Talk

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