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By: Andrew Mack Norman & Kimber Anastassia Moonin

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Presentation on theme: "By: Andrew Mack Norman & Kimber Anastassia Moonin"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Andrew Mack Norman & Kimber Anastassia Moonin
Cleaning the Drainage Ditch Dump Site By: Andrew Mack Norman & Kimber Anastassia Moonin

2 The Native Village Of Port Graham is located on the South shore of Port Graham Bay, surrounded by mountains on the Kenai Peninsula in Alaska. Port Graham has a population of 150, this coastal Alutiiq community is dependent upon Subsistence resources.

3 Drainage Ditch Clean Up Project
The Tribal members are concerned about the former un-permitted dumpsite, more commonly known as the “Drainage Ditch Dump Site” and how it may be affecting their health and subsistence resources. The Tribe has assessed and identified the Drainage Ditch Dump Site as a priority for cleanup.

4 To talk about how bad the stream is
getting together To talk about how bad the stream is

5 Developing a cleaning plan
Developed a clean up plan. Identified were to start cleaning up the waste. The Youth (Jonathan, Justin, Kyle, William, Lawrence and Ricky) and Elders assisted with beach clean up. We collaborated with removal of inert waste.

6 Starting to clean (From left to right) Bert, Ephim and Travis

7 The stream before the clean up

8 They really can clean up good!


10 The steam after they cleaned it

11 The Results Stream clean
Community Members Relieved That the stream is clean. No more contaminates impacting our traditional recourses. Closer spawning areas for hatchery fish.

12 Cleaning Big Metal off of the Beach!


14 Pile of Metal from the Beach


16 Before

17 After

18 Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium
Project Funded By: Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium

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