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HAVE GOT aneb sloveso „mít“

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1 HAVE GOT aneb sloveso „mít“
Vypracovala Mgr. Jana Dvořáková

2 POSITIVE Full form Short form I have got you have got he/she/it has got we have got they have got I´ve got you´ve got he/she/it´s got we´ve got they´ve got já mám ty máš on/ona/ono má my máme vy máte oni mají

3 NEGATIVE Full form Short form I have not got you have not got he/she/it has not got we have not got they have not got I haven´t got you haven´t got he/she /it hasn´t got we haven´t got they haven´t got já nemám ty nemáš On/ona/ono nemá my nemáme vy nemáte oni nemají

4 QUESTIONS -tvoříme přehozením osoby a slovesa „have got“ You have got a car. She has got an apple. Have you got a car? Has she got an apple? Have I got? Have you got? Has he/she/it got? Have we got? Have they got? Mám? Máš? Má (on/ona/ono)? Máme? Máte? Mají?

5 SHORT ANSWERS Have you got a pen? Yes, I have. (Ano, mám.) (Máš pero?) No, I haven´t. (Ne, nemám.) Has he got a computer? Yes, he has. (Ano, má.) (Má počítač?) No, he hasn´t. (Ne, nemá.) Have they got oranges? Yes, they have. (Ano, mají.) (Mají pomeranče?) No, they haven´t. (Ne, nemají.)

6 TRANSLATE We have got three books. You haven´t got a pen.
Have they got a pet? She has got a long nose. Máme malé auto. Nemá (ona) velký dům. Máš pastelky? (on)Má pět sester.

7 ZDROJE HUTCHINSON, Tom. Project 1 Student´s Book. First edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1999, ISBN X. HUTCHINSON, Tom. Project 1 Workbook. Oxford, Oxford University Press, ISBN

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