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The landscape of social work

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1 The landscape of social work
BASW England

2 Social Work is a Global Profession
International Context IFSW Definition Social Work is universal BASW Code of Ethics Human Rights and relationship based social work

3 International Definition of the Social Work Profession
“Social work is a practice-based profession and an academic discipline that promotes social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people. Principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities are central to social work.  Underpinned by theories of social work, social sciences, humanities and indigenous knowledge, social work engages people and structures to address life challenges and enhance wellbeing. The above definition may be amplified at national and/or regional levels”. (IFSW 2014)

4 National Drivers Children and Social Work Act 2017 Social Work England
Regulation Setting standards and improvement standards We want social workers to set and inform the standards

5 National Drivers National Assessment and Accreditation
Continuous Professional Development Specialism Professional Capabilities Framework Knowledge and Skills Statements Teaching Partnerships

6 National Drivers Diverse Social Work education routes
Social Work training funding Mobility of social workers Retention, recruitment of social workers Return to social work initiatives

7 National Drivers Market segmentation Delivery of services
National/ regional commissioning National Assessment and Accreditation System The future of Practice Educator Professional Standards and Practice Education Professional Identity

8 Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF)

9 The Past PCF was developed by social workers in England for social workers – SWTF 2010 It was designed to be (and still is) a generic framework, applicable to social work practice in all settings and specialisms and at all levels. TCSW review ‘There was a unanimous message that the PCF brings many benefits to social work and there was no doubt that it should remain in the future’ Very brief history but stressing social workers and TCSW have always wanted PCF to stay

10 TCSW PCF review recommendations
PCF level descriptors should be enhanced Domain 9 - Professional Leadership needs updating Joint statements to be developed to explain relationships between the PCF and other guidance – KSS, HCPC. Visual presentation of the PCF to be improved Quick overview of TCSW recommendations building historic picture/context of present PCF refresh

11 BASW & the PCF The PCF transferred to BASW from TCSW
Visual presentation of framework modified Intelligence gathered through small surveys Multi-agency national steering group set up BASW members PCF and development Group Refresh statement released by BASW Research in Practice. Research in Practice for Adults (RIP/RIPA) commissioned to undertake refresh of the PCF List of work completed by BASW to date

12 PCF refresh RiP/RiPfA will be working closely with BASW staff, members, educationalists, service users and carers, and the wider social work sector, to bring the PCF up to date, to ensure it remains a beneficial tool for our profession. The refresh will retain the integrity of the PCF while showing how it can link with other models of social work development and assessment (e.g. Knowledge & Skills Statements.)

13 Is the PCF still relevant?
BASW believes the PCF is the foundation of social work professional development Initial surveys with social workers last year indicated PCF important tool and used regularly (July 2016) 56% either daily/weekly 3% never 46% using both PCF & KS These statistics mirrored in more recent survey (Jan 2017) We did surveys last year, audience may have been involved in one we did at SfC event last year. These are main points. Recent survey completed by interested people who want to help with refresh, similar quantatiatve stats.

14 Knowledge and Skills Statements (KSS)
Growth of specific KSS KSS for Social Workers in Adults Services KSS for Children and Family Social Workers KSS for Practice Leaders and Practice Supervisors KSS for Achieving Permanence More KSS being developed e.g KSS for Principal Social Workers Capabilities statement and professional development pathway for Social Workers in England working with older people Capabilities framework for forensic mental health social work (Nov 2016) We have specific job related PCF capablilities such as fostering and adoption and then we have proposal of KSS for achieving permanence. This was a consultation we responded to which closed in September and although we have tried to find out what is happening with it we are unsure – maybe DfE rep will know?

15 ….the future… The PCF will be the central professional framework for all social workers BASW will offer a refreshed interactive framework, essential to all social workers, easy to use with clear links to KSSs. Products will be developed to assist social workers to use refreshed framework With PCF refresh – BASW through the PCF steering group, working with member groups and other social workers and by commissioning detailed work will complete refresh – hopefully by summer It should be seen as a fluid document which will be reviewed and modified accordingly. Will aim to produce a PCF app.

16 A time of change Hung Parliament
Conservative and Democratic Unionist Party Implications of Manifesto - Social Care Social Work Reform agenda Brexit Social Work England

17 Get involved! Team meetings, supervision, staff development days
Join BASW Practice, Policy, Education Groups (PPEGs) Responding to consultations Regulation, assessment and accreditation, social work education Share your views/comments with your employer and professional association. Encourage involvement – don’t have to be a member but good if you are. SfC should distribute presentation so this info will be available to them.

18 Your feedback How would you like specific skills for specific jobs to be standardised eg detailed KSS or additional PCF capabilities? How do you see the future of practice education and the PEPS? Should this sit with PCF or elsewhere?  What are the key messages you would like BASW to take to any new regulator?  These are the questions for the small group work rather than printing papers out for tables etc which may have got confusing. PLEASE ensure you bring back the notes from each group.

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