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Green in Eugene Introduction Options Recommendation Conclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "Green in Eugene Introduction Options Recommendation Conclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green in Eugene Introduction Options Recommendation Conclusion

2 Introduction Problem:
1500 acres of wetlands were discovered west of Eugene, Oregon. A third of which is located on the planned site for industrial development …Spectra-Physics

3 Options Move back to California Fight the EPA
Donate to Eugene’s Preservation fund Build on east side of Eugene

4 Options #1 Move back to California
Pros Could sale Property Avoid Mitigation and legal fees Closer to Central Offices Cons Cost of Moving =$5,000,000 Sunk cost =$10,000,000 Cost of Real estate

5 Options #2 Fight the E.P.A. Pros Could finish Phase-III as planned
Avoid cost of moving Avoid punishment for illegal fills Competitive Edge Cons Court Fees =$6,000,000 Could lose costly legal battle Cost of mitigation and permitting =$500,000 Time Lost.

6 Options #3 Donate to Eugene’s Preservation fund
Pros Tax advantages Good reputation Flexibility to expand Cons Time loss Cost of Acreage Total cost =$360,000

7 Options #4 Build on east side of Eugene
Pros Avoid confrontation on wetlands issue Cost less than moving back to California Con Purchase new land Provide transportation for employees Cost of New building plans

8 Recommendation : Option #3 Donate to Eugene’s Preservation fund

9 Option #3 Cost, Time, and Benefits
12 acres * $30,000 = $360,000 Time Waiting period will be 45 days Benefits Completion of Phase III Avoid cost of moving and legal fees Tax advantage Positive Environmental Reputation

10 Conclusion Problem Options Recommendation Questions?

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