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WIS ET-CTS Components ET-CTS Toulouse ET-CTS Toulouse

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1 WIS ET-CTS Components ET-CTS Toulouse 2008-05-28 ET-CTS Toulouse
May 2008

2 WIS Vision ET-CTS Toulouse May 2008

3 WIS DATA-COMMUNICATIONS FUNCTIONS AND SERVICES (for weather, water, climate and related data and products) DAR Data pull Data push WIS IGDDS GTS WIS/GTS: for time and operation-critical data & products WIS/IGDDS: for space-based data & products WIS/DAR: data discovery, access and retrieval Data push: routine distribution of data & products Data pull: access to and retrieval of data & products ET-CTS Toulouse May 2008

4 Brings new challenges to ET-CTS
Paradigm Shift Focus moves from “communications centric” to “information management centric” Brings new challenges to ET-CTS Information management is in other ET ET-CTS recognizes need for closer relationship for development of future material ET-CTS Toulouse May 2008

5 Definitions as per ET-CTS
Telecommunication Networks GTS Network IMTN Internet Satellite dissemination (and IGDDS) Time Critical and Operational Critical Globally Bilaterally ET-CTS Toulouse May 2008

6 Exchanges between functional elements
Obvious requirements at this time ET-CTS Toulouse May 2008

7 GISC Synchronization Telecommunication Network
Data Communication Technique MPLS Speed Presumed high Need clarification of traffic volumes and latency requirements High availability Security One of several protocols (needs further investigation) SIMDAT Peer to peer protocol Other Need GISC sync only picture ET-CTS Toulouse May 2008

8 TCOC Routine Collection
Telecommunication Network Data Communication Technique GTS Network Speed Presumed low to medium Assumed to be current GTS traffic Network priority mechanism CoS Separate network Use existing GTS techniques Build priority mechanism for new 2 mins delivery requirement of priority traffic Clarify which traffic is priority Define recommendation (specification) for switches Need TCOC only picture ET-CTS Toulouse May 2008

9 Adhoc DAR Telecommunication Network Data Communication Technique
Internet Speed Presumed medium to high Uneven usage Specify considered protocols What are they? HTTP based DCPC holder of information GISC can answer as well, but needs to redirect to DCPC for actual data delivery Can they be used for queries on TCOC 24h archives? Need Adhoc DAR only picture ET-CTS Toulouse May 2008

10 GISC to DCPC Catalog Harvesting
Telecommunication Network Data Communication Technique MPLS Speed Presumed medium Need clarification of traffic volumes and latency requirements High availability Specify considered protocols What are they? ET-WISC responsibility? Need Adhoc DAR only picture ET-CTS Toulouse May 2008

11 Procedures to be defined
User Registration Required at all levels Although data access often open to anonymous users, registration required for bandwidth management (especially in full mesh networks such as MPLS) Procedures to be defined Registration may be required for network management and data management Requires an application Consider SIMDAT authentication method Anonymous service would be offered only if no service level guarantees What can ET-CTS do to advance: Procedures for managing of access rights identification of users Or do we state that this is application level responsibility? ET-CTS Toulouse May 2008

12 Other General considerations
Short time frame in WIS plan In order to realize technical standards in short time, needs resources to be more focused 12-15 people 1 week/2 years not enough Compounded by parallel work issues Parallel development such as “Development of new standards and guidelines” versus “Pilot projects (e.g. RA VI VGISC ITT)” Need for more collaboration Sharing of specifications Defining essential specifications Defining core standards Wherever there is a choice of techniques or protocols, establish criteria for selecting technique ET-CTS Toulouse May 2008

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