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People Churches Innovation

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1 People Churches Innovation
PATHWAYS People Churches Innovation

Asbury Theological Seminary Gina Tyler John Lewis Saint Paul School of Theology Marsha Haney Alex Rossow Mary Webster Richard Webster Suzanne Werthmann United Theological Seminary Dorothy Ellsworth Stacy Ellsworth Iliff School of Theology Marcee Binder Julie King Wesley Theological Seminary Mary Courtney People

3 People 2016 Dollars for Scholars Recipients
Chelsea R. Bearrick, Chanute First UMC Morgan K. Beougher, Stockton UMC Bryant C. Belden, Mulvane UMC Chase F. Branstetter, Derby Woodlawn UMC Brookelyn E. Brown, Arkansas City First UMC Krissa D. Dearden, Scott City First UMC Charlene R. Dick, Zenda UMC Frankie S. Farrant, Meriden UMC Kaitlyn G. Holler, Protection UMC Shayla A.R. Jordan, Wichita Aldersgate UMC Bethany R. Manny, Hutchinson Trinity UMC Brian L. Peck, Wellington First UMC Brian A. Vancuren, Conway Springs UMC Madison R. Wendt, Chanute First UMC Rebecca H. Wendt, Chanute First UMC People

4 Rev. Paul F. Holmes Memorial Scholarship Fund
Continuing Education Recipients Rev. Ashlee Alley Process Communication Rev. Russell Brown Spiritual Formation Renewal Rev. Nicole Conard Appreciative Inquiry Facilitator Rev. Amy Lippoldt Advancing Pastoral Leadership Rev. Dr. Connie Wilson Spiritual Formation Renewal Rev. Dr. Shelly Petz The Academy for Spiritual Formation People

5 People Love and . . . Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Gift Annuities provide income for the life of the annuitant and the remainder of the charitable gift benefits a United Methodist Church or ministry designated by the donor. Ruth Ann Pile Crestview UMC, Topeka People Rev. Tom and Mrs. Phyllis Schneider Trinity Heights UMC, Newton

6 Pathways To Impact Ministry Churches

7 Annual Commitment Program Year-Round Stewardship Education
Services and Programs Capital Campaigns Arkansas City, First UMC Hiawatha, First UMC McPherson UMC Annual Commitment Program Generosity Seminars Year-Round Stewardship Education Legacy Giving Marketing Program Churches

8 Churches 2016 Total Distributions - $4,942,469
Church, Conference & Other Managed Funds - $3,185,186 Split Interest Trusts - $226,885 Gift Annuities - $150,238 Charitable Trusts- $550,622 Unrestricted Funds - $829,536 Churches

9 Churches 2016 Total Assets - $48,821,137

“It is a way for United Methodists to invest their money in a way that helps other United Methodists fulfill their mission.” – Bruce Schwyhart Foundation Board Chairperson Winfield, KS Innovation

11 Innovation CHURCH DEVELOPMENT LOAN FUND St. James UMC, Bellevue, NE
“FIRST” Nebraska UM Church Loan Innovation Church Loans Allow Ministry In Ways Never Dreamed Possible

First United Methodist Church, El Dorado Renovation Project Innovation Church Loans Allow Ministry In Ways Never Dreamed Possible

1. Leadership Education Fund support for seminary education and continuing education 2. Children/Youth Program Fund support programming for children, youth and young adult ministries 3. Ministry and Outreach Grant Fund provides ministry grants for local churches 4. Foundation Sustaining the Witness Fund support efforts of the Foundation Innovation Connecting United Methodists with Causes that Matter

14 People Churches Innovation
People Churches Innovation

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