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Presentation on theme: "BASIC PRINCIPLES OF AIR CONDITIONING"— Presentation transcript:


2 PRINCIPLES OF COOLING Heat is a form of energy. Every object on earth has some heat energy. The less heat an object has, the colder we say it is. Cooling is the process of transferring heat from one object to another. When an air-conditioning system cools, it is actually removing heat and transferring it somewhere else.

There are two forms of heat energy: sensible heat and latent heat. Sensible heat is the form of heat energy which is most commonly understood because it is sensed by touch or measured directly with a thermometer. When weather reporters say it will be 90 degrees, they are referring to sensible heat. Latent heat cannot be sensed by touch or measured with a thermometer. Latent heat causes an object to change its properties. For example, when enough latent heat is removed from water vapor (steam or humidity), it condenses into water (liquid). If enough latent heat is removed from water (liquid), it will eventually freeze. This process is reversed when latent heat is added.

4 CHANGE OF STATE An object that changes from a solid to a liquid or liquid to vapor is referred to as a change of state. When an object changes state, it transfers heat rapidly.

5 HUMIDITY Moisture in the air is called humidity. The ability of air to hold moisture directly relates to its temperature. The warmer air is, the more moisture it is capable of holding. When the humidity is low, sweat evaporates from your body more quickly. This allows you to cool off faster. High humidity conditions do not allow sweat to evaporate as well because the air is at its maximum capacity. Humidity is also a form of latent heat. When air contains more humidity, it has more latent heat.

6 REFRIGERANT Refrigerants are substances used by air conditioners to transfer heat and create a cooling effect. Air-conditioning systems use specially formulated refrigerants designed to change state at specific temperatures providing optimum cooling.

7 Indoor air quality (IAQ)
Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a term which refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants. . IAQ can be affected by gases, particulates, microbial contaminants (mold, bacteria), or any mass or energy stressor that can induce adverse health conditions. Source control, filtration and the use of ventilation to dilute contaminants are the primary methods for improving indoor air quality in most buildings. Residential units can further improve indoor air quality by routine cleaning of carpets and area rugs.

8 GAS LAWS 1 Boyle's law 2 Charles's law 3 Gay-Lussac's law 4 Avogadro's law

9 Boyle's law Boyle's law shows that, at constant temperature, the product of an ideal gas's pressure and volume is always constant. It was published in 1662. As a mathematical equation, Boyle's law is: P1V1=P2V2 where P is the pressure (Pa), V the volume (m3) of a gas, and k1 (measured in joules) is the constant

10 Charles's law: Charles's Law, or the law of volumes, was found in 1787 by Jacques Charles. It says that, for an ideal gas at constant pressure, the volume is directly proportional to its absolute temperature temperature.

11 Gay-Lussac's law Gay-Lussac's law, or the pressure law, was found by Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac in It states that the pressure exerted on the sides of a container by an ideal gas of fixed volume is proportional to its temperature.

12 Avogadro's law Avogadro's law states that the volume occupied by an ideal gas is proportional to the number of moles present in the container. This gives rise to the molar volume of a gas. The relation is given by where n is equal to the number of moles of gas (the number of molecules divided by Avogadro's Number).

13 Basic Refrigeration Cycle

14 1. Compressor Refrigerant is drawn from the evaporator and pumped to the condenser by the compressor. The compressor also pressurizes the refrigerant vapor so that it will change state (condense) readily

15 2. Condenser The high-pressure refrigerant vapor releases heat through the condenser coils as it condenses into liquid refrigerant. making it easier to vaporize.

16 3. Evaporator The low-pressure liquid refrigerant absorbs heat as it vaporizes in the evaporator coils. The process described above is the Refrigerant System or Refrigerant Cycle. It is the system on which virtually all modern Air-Conditioning and refrigeration is based.

17 Ac EQUIPMENT 1.Cooling coil 2.Heating coil 3. Air cleaning devices(Filters/Cleaners) 4. Humidifiers 5. Fan

18 1.Cooling coil

19 2.Heating coil Steam coils Hot water coil Electric heaters
Duct furnaces


21 3. Air cleaning devices(Filters/Cleaners)
Viscous impingement filters

22 Dry type filters

23 Stationary and Renewable air filters

24 Electronic Air Cleaners

25 4. Humidifiers Pan Humidifier Wetted pack humidifier Air washer or spray chamber Steam type humidifier

26 Air washer or spray chamber type humidifier

27 5. Fan Centrifugal Fans

28 Axial Fans



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