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Welcome! Women’s Fellowship

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1 Welcome! Women’s Fellowship
Book Study Today (Nov. 1st), 12:30 PM, Koinania Rm Please bring your own lunch Prayer Guide continued Our Church Family (individual needs) Pray that we understand God’s calling for us concerning our jobs, family, and church family. Pray for God’s faithful provision for those who are unemployed; may God use this to draw them close to Him. Pray for those who are sick. Pray for parents to raise their children to follow Jesus. Outreach Pray that we are witnesses of Jesus Christ in daily living, and have a thirst to declare the goodness and greatness of God. Pray for God to raise up workers and create outreach opportunities. Pray for our missionaries on the field to be encouraged and be fruitful in sharing Christ. Pray that we serve one another whole-heartedly. May God use the shoe boxes we gave through Operation Christmas Child to bring children and parents to Christ. Welcome! We are glad that you have chosen to worship the Lord with us. If you are a first time guest, we want to especially welcome you. May you be blessed as we worship the Lord together! FOCUS ON MISSIONS Reaching near and far for God’s kingdom October Update from Rev. Lu Dear mission partners, This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival was extra special because it was a rare time when a Supermoon coincided with a Total Lunar Eclipse creating the effect of a “blood moon” mentioned in the Bible. And since this traditional Chinese festival also fell on a Sunday, many Chinese churches and fellowships organised celebration events during and after their worship services. I went to Bristol to serve the local Chinese church on this Mid-Autumn Festival Sunday and it was late evening when I started driving back to the COCM mission centre in Milton Keynes. Usually I would find it quite tiring to drive a couple of hours on the M4 motorway, but this time it was a treat to have the brightly lit full moon in front of me the entire time. As I was driving along the motorway, I remembered my fellow workers spreading out in different parts of the UK and Europe to serve our kinsmen. Around the world, the Mid-Autumn Festival is an occasion for Chinese family members and friends to gather for a special meal and moon cakes. But for our ministry workers, it is one of the busiest times during the year to reach out to the overseas Chinese. Most of our workers are away from home and unable to have family reunion on holidays, one of the many simple pleasures they have given up so others might be blessed and brought back to the family of God. It is not easy for them to do it year after year without any fanfare. Sometimes the loneliness is compounded by the diverse challenges in the mission field. Lately we have been facing much opposition both physically and spiritually when we labour to spread the gospel. Earlier in the month, members of the COCM Gospel Team came down with the flu right before they began their intensive trips to France and Holland. Along the way they had encountered unexpected difficulties and the enemy seemed to be attacking on all fronts. Yet by faith in God and with prayer support from near and far, they had overcome all obstacles and finished the work they set out to do. Their experiences testify that “in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). With a heart of thanksgiving, I prayed for all the workers one by one. As I was praying, the tear of joy welled up in my eyes. What a privilege it is to be serving the Lord with them in the European mission field. “Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58) May these words of the Apostle Paul bring comfort and encouragement to them and to all of us who serve Him. Serving together in Christ, Rev. Henry Lu General Director CALL TO WORSHIP SCRIPTURE READING PASTORAL PRAYER SONGS OF WORSHIP MESSAGE “The Person Matters More” Nehemiah 5:1-13 Pastor Nathan Willems RESPONSE AND OFFERING HOLY COMMUNION Announcements BENEDICTION & DOXOLOGY Serving Co-workers Date 11/1/2015 11/8/2015 MC Sean Lee Nathan Willems Media Team Bob Chen Slide Operator Julia Deng Jesse Gan Usher 1&2 Liz Cheung Peter Barmettler Pat Fung Sabine Barmettler Communion Ushers Paul Fleming Praise Leader Eric Hsu Dan Yuan Notes: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please join us for the 1st Sunday Prayer and Praise 11:45-12:30 PM at the Sanctuary

2 Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell
Prayer Guide Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6 Praises & Thanksgiving to God Praise God for giving us his Son and leaving us his Spirit until Jesus comes again. Thanks be to God for the college students returning home for Summer break. Continue to pray that their faith would be strengthened and that the break would be a time of renewal and fellowship. Thank God for His bountiful provision of jobs for our recent college graduates; continue to pray for those who are still searching. Thank God for speaking to us through the preaching of His Word. The World Pray for God granted strength for us to bear witness to His will, even when we are pressured not to. Pray for the salvation of our national and regional leaders, and wisdom for our leaders to act and live in a God pleasing manner. Strengthen His church world-wide as she is increasingly under persecution of the world. Provide protection to those churches in regions currently under crisis. Our Church Pray for our church congregation to have deeper understanding of God’s word and live by His grace. Pray that the church builds its trust in Christ alone. Pray that we seek His will daily; pray that God makes His house a house of prayer Pray for the revival of our church and church leaders That God may grant wisdom and growing maturity to our leaders to lead us. Pray for healing and growth for those in broken relationships with the Lord Grant wisdom to our leaders so they lead the congregation according to His will Continued on back Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell Growing and Rejoicing in the Lord CBCGL FAMILY NEWS: Beginning on Nov. 1st, through the month of November, pledge forms for the Building Renovation project will be available. Please take time to prayerfully consider what you can pledge to give. Children Dedication Ceremony will take place during the joint Family Sunday Service on Nov. 22. Parents will have the chance to dedicate their children who are six and under to our Lord with the Congregation. Please fill out the application form and return it to Pastor Wu by Nov. 1st.  The youth ministry committee has started planning for next year's Costa Rica short term mission trip. We are looking for the team leader. If you have the burden and are interested in participating, please contact us (Tony Ge, Nathan Willems, Sophia Wong, Vivian Gillis, or Grace Ren). CBCGL is participating the world mission of Operation Christmas Child this year. Please remember those in need in your prayers, and give generous with thankful heart. Please contact Cynthia Huang if you are willing to help. The Fall church cleanup is scheduled on 11/08 (the backup date: 11/15). Please mark your calendar, BYOYT, and partake this church-wide service activity. ENGLISH MINISTRY CONNECTIONS: Prayer Meetings: Wednesday: 7:45 PM; Thursday (TC): 9 PM “He that lives without prayer, lives as if there were no God.” – A. Burgess Adults: Rm 218, contact Marina Lam at Young adults: English Sanctuary, contact Christina Feng at Youth: Pastor Willems’ office Thursday TC, contact Bob Chen: Fellowships: Empower: for college students - Meetings are seasonal (when students are home).  Contact Liz Cheung at for details Young Adults Fellowship - Contact Eric Hsu at:   or Homebuilders - for singles and couples of the older variety – Friday 7:45-9:30PM at church Rm A-203.  Contact Peter , Homebuilders Too - for singles and younger couples - Every second and fourth Saturday, 5:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Contact Eddie Chew at:   or Women’s Fellowship and Prayer: 1st Sunday of the month, 12-1:00 PM, Koinonia Rm, contact Pat , or LYF: Lowell Youth Fellowship (LYF):   for more details Friday Night LYF: 7:45 PM, LYF Room – For all 7th-12th Grade Students November 1st, 2015 Chinese Bible Church of Greater Lowell Pastor Peter Wu – Senior Pastor of CBCGL, Acting English Pastor Pastor Nathan Willems – Youth Pastor James Chung – Mandarin Pastor Chen - Cantonese 197 Littleton Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Tel: or Website: Mail list: Attendance & Offering: week of 10/25/2015 Attendance Offerings General $ 9,458.00 Ex. Transfer Mandarin 217 Mission $ CCRA Cantonese 47 Building  $ NETC English 95 Youth STM Mission (YTD) $ ,861.00 Children 66 Samaritan Mission Target $ 100,000.00 Infants 4 S. Income $ 2,224.85 Offering (YTD) $ 446,593.82 Special Fund Total 429 Weekly Total $ 12,452.95

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