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Unit 3 Festivals.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Festivals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Festivals

2 Festivals What do you see and think?

3 Festivals Brain Storm--Listen and choose. B. A. D. C.
Mid-Autumn Festival Thanksgiving D. C. What do you know about the festivals?

4 Let’s enjoy the festivals.and tell me what can you share(分享) with us?
When…? How…?

5 Let’s enjoy the festivals.and tell me what can you share(分享) with us?
How…? When…?

6 Read and find. P20 Tips:根据提示词细读文本,在关键信息处做记号。 Mid-Autumn Festival
Thanksgiving moon cakes turkey sweet potatoes When? Eat? Families? People do? get together other vegetables September (ChineseLunar August) 8th (15th) Look up at the moon and think about their families meet in the streets


8 P20 P20 Talk about the festivals. Mid-Autumn Festival Thanksgiving
The 15th day of the Chinese lunar August full and bright get together moon cakes look up at the moon think about the families Thanksgiving The fourth Thursday in November get together turkey sweet potatoes other vegetables meet in the streets enjoy the holiday P20

9 Chinese lunar August Mid-Autumn Festival

10 举头望明月,低头思故乡 每逢佳节倍思亲

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