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South Warwickshire Foundation Trust

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1 South Warwickshire Foundation Trust
MECC South Warwickshire Foundation Trust

2 Our ambition Background SWFT Board sign up
Communications team engagement Training Plan Secondment of lead facilitator Identify Staff groups Staff engagement - recognising not one ‘blanket’ approach There are approx 2500 staff (including clinical and non clinical) the trust would consider as frontline. Trust includes acute hospital facilities at Warwick hospital, community hospitals, RLSRH and community teams virtual wards, intermediate care, community nurses Important that the Board were also committed to this project including the Chief executive. Training plan identified 400 staff to be trained with aim to meet 3-5 year plan. In order to do this lead facilitor seconded to helprole out the training. The diversity of the staff groups involved meant that the training should also be diverse.

3 How this is being achieved
MECC e-learning package available on NLMS Face to face training sessions offered to staff groups. Questionnaire sent to Midwives and Health Visitors Attendance at Health Visitor conference. Discussion with Trust health and well- being group. Generating interest within the Trust. E-learning on NLMS so that this could be more easily monitored and recorded. Became evident that not all staff had access or were confident with e-learning root so face to face sessions offered. Learning process as a programme of sessions were planned but staff found difficulty to book time to attend, more interest was generated by going out to teams. Midwives and health visiors MECC in their development and practice and were reluctant to engage in furthur training. Questionnaire was to measure and top up knowledge where appropiate. Attendance at their 50 year anniversary conference was also an ideal way to introduce MECC and the resources avaialble and this has also led to a request to attend the county wide school nurses meeting. It became evident that when discussing brief opportunistic advice with patients this also generating much interest in staff who alos wished to improve general health and well being nd lifestyle. This led then to presentation at the trust health and well being group (including occupational health) Above all we needed to generate interest.

4 Communication Key approach was to generate interest and enthusiasm
Lead Facilitator Regular communication to staff via on line ‘e-pulse, screen savers, Pulse magazine article, Twitter, local news paper. Engaging key group e.g. Dietitans Examples. The ‘New year Resolution What we found that when starting to deliver some MECC advice staff leads approached us for training ans as facilitior it was easier to have one person as point of contact. Engagement with comms team was very important and this led to the message being circulated throughout the Trust by our screen savers epulse magazine and hard copy. It was also engaging key groups within the trust ie Dieticians which led to the NEW Year resolution In all of this anthing being put out is linkedto the MECC message to be used with patients.



7 Ongoing plans Out – Patients Department.
Staff engagement within the department Road show to engage general public Ward ,Community clinic ,community nurses – MECC resource toolkits. Department champion Engage Catering department Royal Leamington Spa Rehabilitation Hospital Staff and patient dining room

8 Learning Year on year development plan Communication is key
Not presented as a dictate Benefits to all

9 Conclusion Approach has appeared to generate interest and commitment as opposed to another ‘task’ Benefit both to patient and staff– opportunity for all to evaluate lifestyle Implementing MECC will increase the numbers of people who are motivated and supported to make positive lifestyle changes, saving lives and reducing costs.

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