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CPU12 Instruction Set Overview

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1 CPU12 Instruction Set Overview
Reading Assignment: Huang Ch 4 CPU12 Manual 4/17/2018

2 Load from memory into CPU regs

3 LEAX – Load Effective Address into X

4 Examples of “Load Effective Address” Instructions
ORG $4020 Datalist: FCB $12, $34, $44, $46, $78 ORG $4675 FCB $90, $89, $67, $56, $34, #23 ORG $4000 LDY #Datalist LDX 3,Y ;Load $4678 into register X LDX [3,Y] ;Load $5634 into register X LEAX 3,Y ;Load $4023 into register X ;LEAX loads the effective addr ;of the data, not the data itself. LEAS 4,S ;SP + 4 -> SP ;Used to remove 4 bytes from stack! 4/17/2018

5 Storing from CPU registers to Memory

6 Transfer and Exchange data between CPU Registers

7 4/17/2018

8 SEX (Sign Extend) Example
SEX B,X ;Sign extend 8-bit nr in B into ;16-bit nr in X B->XLow and $FF -> XHigh if MSB(B) = 1 B->XLow and $00 -> XHigh if MSB(B) = 0 4/17/2018

9 4/17/2018

10 TFR Examples TFR B,X ;SEX B -> X TFR B,D ;SEX B ->A:B
TFR A,B ;A -> B TFR B,X ;SEX B -> X TFR B,D ;SEX B ->A:B TFR X,B ;XLow -> B TFR D,SP ;D -> SP 4/17/2018

11 4/17/2018

12 Examples XCHG EXG A,B ;A-> B and B-> A
EXG B,A ;B-> A and A -> B (no difference) EXG X,Y ;X -> Y and Y -> X EXG Y,X ;Y -> X and X -> Y (no difference) EXG A,X ;A -> XL and XL -> A, but $00 -> XH EXG X,A ;XL -> A and A -> XL, but $FF -> XH 4/17/2018

13 MOVE Instructions 4/17/2018

14 4/17/2018

15 Addition and Subtraction Instructions

16 For multiple-precision addition, use ADDx to add the least significant byte position, and then use ADCx to add the rest of the byte positions, as you work your way up from leas significant byte position to most significant byte position. ORG $0400 RESULT: DS.B 5 ORG $4000 ADDEND: DC.B $12, $34, $56, $78, $98 AUGEND: DC.B $08, $AB, $CD, $EF, $AD Entry: CLRA LDAA ADDEND+4 ADDA AUGEND+4 ;Use “ADDA” when adding least sig. bytes STAA RESULT+4 LDAA ADDEND+3 ADCA AUGEND+3 ;Use “ADCA” (add with carry) STAA RESULT+3 ;when adding all remaining bytes. …. ETC…. 4/17/2018

17 ABA, ABX example LDX #$CDEF ABA ;D = $4634 ABX ;D = $CDEF + $0034
LDD #$1234 ;D = A:B LDX #$CDEF ABA ;D = $4634 ABX ;D = $CDEF + $0034 ;Thus D = $CE23 4/17/2018

18 Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) Addition Instructions
Ex: LDAA #$ ADDA #$27 A = $8F ;Normal Binary Addition Result DAA A = $95 ;Adjusted BCD Result ($8F+$06=$95) ;Note: DAA adds “6” to least sig 4 bits if H=1 or result > ; and it adds “6” to most sig 4 bits if C = 1 or result > 9 4/17/2018

19 Increment and Decrement Instructions: Note: they affect N, Z, V flags, but not C Flag so they can be used for looping in multiple precision calculations. 4/17/2018

20 4/17/2018

21 Compare and Test Instructions
They subtract, set the condition code flags ZNVC. The “difference” result is not stored. These instructions are typically followed by a conditional branch instruction that branches off of the way the resulting flag setting 4/17/2018

22 4/17/2018

23 Compare Example LDAA PTT CMPA #45
BGT OVER_45 ;Branch to “OVER_45” if Port T ;contains a binary value that ;is greater than 45 in a signed ;two’s complement sense. . UNDER_46: NOP …… OVER_45: NOP 4/17/2018

24 Boolean Logic (Bit-by-bit) AND, EOR and OR
ANDA #% ; Force (mask) all bits in A to 0 except Bits 2 and 4 unchanged. EORA #% ; Invert bits 2 and 4, leaving rest of bits unchanged ORAA #% ; Force all bits in A to 1 except Bits 2 and 4 unchanged ORCC #% ; CCR=SXHINZVC. Force N, V, and C to 1. Rest unchanged. 4/17/2018

25 Clear, Complement, Negate Instructions

26 Multiplication and Division Instructions

27 Multiply & Divide Examples
LDAA #4 LDAB #6 MUL ;D = A*B = 24 LDX #10 IDIV ;D = Rmdr(D/X) = 4 ;X = D/X = 2 ; ;Note dividing by 10 breaks an 8-bit binary ;number up into its two decimal digits! LDD #24 FDIV ;X extracts first 16 bits of FRACTIONAL part of D/X ; (D must be < X) ;Note 24/10 = % ;(0.4 = 1/4+1/8+1/64+1/128 = ) ;Result of FDIV is X = LDD #$FFFF LDY #4 EMUL ;Y*D-> Y:D (unsigned numbers) ;65535*4 = =>Y = $3, D = $FFFC EMULS ;Y*D -> Y:D (signed numbers) ;-1 * 4 = -4 => Y = $FFFF, D = $FFFC 4/17/2018

28 Shift and Rotate Instructions

29 Arithmetic vs. Logical Shift
Logical shift used for simulating a shift register to serially shift parallel data one bit at a time into, our out of, an I/O pin, or for multiplying or dividing UNSIGNED binary numbers by two. Arithmetic shift used for multiplying or dividing SIGNED (2’s complement) binary numbers by two. There are THREE forms of of shifts: shift memory, shift A, shift B Example: (LSL $1000, LSLA, LSLB) LSL (logical shift left) and ASL (arithmetic shift left) instructions are exactly the SAME: They both shift a zero into the LSB and shift the rest of the bits to the left to multiply a signed number by two. The MSB goes into the carry flag “C”. Examples: if A = % = 5, LSLA => A = % = 10 if A = % = -2, LSLA => A = % = -4 if A = % = 5, ASLA => A = % = 10 if A = % = -2, ASLA => A = % = -4 4/17/2018

30 If A = %00010101 = 21, then LSRA => A = %00001010 = 10
LSR (and ASR) are used to divide unsigned (and signed) numbers by two. To DIVIDE an unsigned number by two, LSR must shift a zero into the MSB, and the rest of the bits are shifted to the right. If A = % = 21, then LSRA => A = % = 10 If A = % = 254, then LSRA => A=% = 127 BUT to DIVIDE a signed (2’s complement) number by two, ASR must shift the MSB of the number to be shifted, and shift the rest of the bits are shifted to the right. If A = % = 21, then ASRA => A = % = 10 If A = % = -2, then ASRA => A=% = -1 If A = % = -8, then ASRA => A =% = -4 Therefore LSL and ASL are exactly the same instruction (same OP CODE!), but LSR and ASR are different instructions, and hence have different OP CODEs. 4/17/2018

31 Example: 24-bit Shift Left
C <- LOC2 <- LOC1 <- LOC0 <- 0 ORG $400 ;Start of RAM LOC2: RMB 1 ;High byte of 24-bit number LOC1: RMB 1 ;Middle byte of 24-bit number LOC0: RMB 1 ;Low byte of 24-bit number ORG $ ;Start of Flash ROM …… LSL LOC C <- LOC0 <- 0 ROL LOC C <- LOC1 <- C ROL LOC C <- LOC2 <- C 4/17/2018

32 Fuzzy Logic Instructions
HC12 includes high-level instructions tailor made for implementing fuzzy logic controllers 4/17/2018

33 Brief of Overview of Fuzzy Logic Instructions
MEM – Membership Function classifies an input value into a membership class REV and REVW - Unweighted and weighted min-max rule evaluation WAV and WAVR – Weighted Average and Resume Weighted Average (after an interrupt) 4/17/2018

34 Min-Max instructions (8 and 16-bit)
MINA $3800 ; puts contents of A or contents of $3800 into A, whichever is smallest in an unsigned sense EMAXM $3800 ; puts contents of D or contents of $3800:$3801 into $3800:$3801, whichever is larger in an unsigned sense. EMACS – 16X16 multiply and accumulate instruction, accumulates 32-bit result (useful in digital filter routine or defuzzification routine). If X = $3900 and Y = $3A00 EMACS $3800 ; ($3900:$3901) X ($3A00:$3A01) + ($3800:$3803) -> ; $3800:$3803 4/17/2018

35 (TBL & ETBL) Table Interpolation Instruction

36 Bxx – Short Branch Instructions with 8-bit PC Relative Offset

37 LBxx Long Branch Instructions with 16-bit PC-Relative Offset

38 ; BGE vs BHS example: Finding largest number
; Use BHS for finding largest UNSIGNED nr ($FE) ; Use BGE for finding largest SIGNED nr ($78) XDEF Entry ABSENTRY Entry ORG $ ;Start of RAM Greatest: DS.B 1 ORG $4000 ;Start of Flash ROM DataTable: DC.B $12,$AB,$FE,$78,$CD,$00,$10,$FC,$00,$34 LengthTable:EQU 10 Entry: LDX #DataTable LDAA 0,X ;"A" holds greatest value NextElement: CMPA 1,X ;Find greatest UNSIGNED element BHS NoChangeA ;Change to BGE to find greatest ChangeA: ;SIGNED element. Branch if LDAA 1,X ; A>=(1+X) in an UNSIGNED sense! NoChangeA: INX ;Check next element CPX #DataTable + LengthTable - 1 BNE NextElement STAA Greatest ;Should hold "$FE" for BHS above Done: BRA Done ;Should hold "$78" if BHS changed to BGE. ORG $FFFE DC.W Entry ;Or use FDB directive 4/17/2018

39 Bit Condition Branch Instructions
Tests selected bit(s) and branches if selected bit(s) are either 0 or 1 Syntax: BRSET REG,mm,TARGET (branches to location TARGET if selected bits in “REG” are 1 (for BRSET) or are 0 (for BRCLR). Bits in REG are selected by the position of the 1’s in the MASK constant “mm”. 4/17/2018

40 Ex: Wait while switch on PT3 is high
1E FB WtHr: BRSET PTT,$08,WtHr This single instruction is equivalent to B WtHr: LDAA PTT ANDA #$08 26 F BNE WtHr Also note BRSET does not alter “A” or “CCR” 4/17/2018

41 Loop Primitive Instructions

42 DBNE Example DBNE is used to loop back 8 times through the program, which in this case are simply two NOP instructions CE Entry: LDX #8 A LoopHr: NOP ;NOPs represent A NOP ;things to do 8 times….. 04 35 FB DBNE X,LoopHr “DBNE X,LoopHr” could be replaced by two instructions: DEX BNE LoopHr 4/17/2018

43 Jump and Subroutine Instructions

44 Interrupt Instructions

45 Software Interrupt Instruction (SWI) –causes interrupt using the $FFF6:$FFF7 interrupt vector

46 Unimplemented OP CODE Instruction

47 Index manipulation Instructions

48 Stacking Instructions

49 Pointer and Index Calculation Instructions

50 LEAS example: Transferring arguments into subroutine via the stack
Entry: ;Example of a subroutine that adds 3 words ;Whose values are pushed on the stack, ;and the resulting sum is returned in register X lds #$1000 ;RAM block from $ $0FFF ldx #$1234 pshx ;Push input argument #1 ($1234) ldx #$4321 pshx ;Push input argument #2 ($4321) ldx #$2345 pshx ;Push input argument #3 ($2345) jsr add3wordsub leas 6,sp ;clean the 3 input words ;(6 bytes) off of the stack! stx result_sum done: bra done ;*****Subroutine "add3wordsub" starts here (register D is preserved). add3wordsub: pshd ;save D register, since it is altered in this rtn ldd # ;Stack Map: addd 8,SP ;(after pshd) 0fff 34 (Arg1_Lo) addd 6,SP ; SP+8-> 0ffe 12 (Arg1_Hi) addd 4,SP ; ffd 21 (Arg2_Lo) ; SP+6-> 0ffc 43 (Arg2_Hi) ; ffb 45 (Arg3_Lo) ; SP+4-> 0ffa 23 (Arg3_Hi) ; ff9 PClow tfr d,x ; ff8 PChigh (Return Addr) puld ; ff7 Dlow (b) rts ; SP-> 0ff6 Dhigh (a) 4/17/2018

51 Condition Code Instructions

52 Stop and Wait Instructions
Both STOP and WAIT instructions wait for an interrupt to resume operation. STOP stops the clock oscillator, while WAIT does not. STOP puts processing in the lowest power consumption mode, but it takes longer to resume operation once interrupt occurs. 4/17/2018

53 Null Instructions 4/17/2018

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