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FA14 e-Text Initiative: Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Salisbury and Concord, NC Jenny Beaver, Chair of ACA, DRE and ENG (Cengage TPU) Betty Stack,

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Presentation on theme: "FA14 e-Text Initiative: Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Salisbury and Concord, NC Jenny Beaver, Chair of ACA, DRE and ENG (Cengage TPU) Betty Stack,"— Presentation transcript:

1 FA14 e-Text Initiative: Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Salisbury and Concord, NC Jenny Beaver, Chair of ACA, DRE and ENG (Cengage TPU) Betty Stack, Associate Dean of Liberal Arts and Dean of Early College Programs

2 What is an e-Text? Per RCCC’s initiative, an e-Text or ‘electronic textbook’ is defined as a completely digital text that is loaded and accessed directly through and in Blackboard (per a hyperlink). No access code is needed. No outside sites are required. All courses requiring e-Texts also offer optional loose-leaf versions in addition; loose-leafs can be purchased at the College’s bookstore for $ $20.00 (approximately and depending on course). The combined price of the e-Text and loose-leaf textbook is STILL less than the cost of a traditional, printed textbook. Students were asked to view, read and familiarize themselves with the e-Text before opting to purchase a loose-leaf version.

3 How do Students Access the e-Text?
When students log into a Blackboard course using an e-Text, the text and additional digital resources are preloaded, linked and ready to use. Blackboard recommends certain browsers for the best functionality and compatibility for Blackboard features (and in turn, e-Texts as well): Safari, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Internet Explorer (IE) is NOT recommended (any version). If students can disable their “pop-up” blocker within their browser, they will have access to the e-Text. The e-Text is platform independent so as long as the device can access the internet and Blackboard, the device can successfully view and use the e-Text.

4 e-Text Fun Facts 4,212 students are currently enrolled in an e-Text course this fall. 11 Courses have required e-Texts: ACA 122, COM 110, COM 120, COM 231, DRE 096, DRE 097, DRE 098, ENG 111, PSY 150, POL 120 and SOC 210. Cengage e-Texts and digital resources are 100% ADA compliant. There have been 21 documented technology issues; 6 of these were due to outdated software, 14 due to pop-up blockers. Only 1 had to be addressed differently. There are 1,098 students currently in ENG-111; only 197 have purchased loose-leafs (only 17.94% of students; we projected and prepared for 30% - 40%). Every faculty member teaching an e-Text course was trained over the summer in preparation. We also hosted “drop-in” sessions in the case that students/faculty had issues or questions. Our tutoring/writing centers also offer FREE training on an appointment or walk-in basis. There is also a website and a toll-free number to call for help: or This website provides live chat support and answers to commonly asked questions. Also, 24/7 assistance if/when needed.

5 e-Text Hyperlinks and Images


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