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The Neurological Examination and Methods of Assessment

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1 The Neurological Examination and Methods of Assessment
Alvin V. Terry Jr., Ph.D. Associate Professor UGA College of Pharmacy and MCG Alzheimer’s Research Center Lecture 1

2 Domains History of Present Illness Mental Status Cranial Nerves
Motor Function Reflexes

3 Domains Continued Sensory Function Gait

4 History Chief Complaint Time Course Distribution of Symptoms
Additional Questions

5 Mental Status Speech Alertness Memory Abstract Reasoning
Ability to Follow Commands

6 Source: Web Path®: The Internet Pathology Laboratory
Cranial Nerves Source: Web Path®: The Internet Pathology Laboratory for Medical Education

7 I: Olfactory Nerve Odors tested through one Nostril oil of cloves
methyl salicylate vanilla

8 acuity, visual fields and internal eye structure
II: Optic Nerve Tests of visual acuity, visual fields and internal eye structure

9 Papilledema Normal Severe
Source: Lingsley, Robert E (2000). Conscience text of neuroscience (2nd ed.)

10 * Usually Tested Together
III: Oculomotor Pupil size, shape and equality Pupillary reflex ability to follow moving objects IV: Trochlear VI: Abducens ability to move each eye laterally * Usually Tested Together

11 V: Trigeminal Nerve Testing the corneal reflex Testing the jaw jerk

12 Testing for weakness of the face
VII: Facial Nerve Testing for weakness of the face

13 Tests of hearing, bone conduction
VIII: Acoustic Nerve Tests of hearing, bone conduction and equilibrium

14 * Usually Tested Together
IX: Glossopharyngeal X: Vagus Gag reflex Patient asked to speak and cough Posterior 1/3 of tongue tested for taste * Usually Tested Together

15 XI: Accessory Nerve Examination of the Testing the sternocleido-
mastoid muscle Testing the trapezius muscle

16 XII: Hypoglossal Nerve Testing for deviation of the tongue

17 Motor Function Strength Coordination Tremors Atrophy Fasiculations

18 Strength

19 Finger to nose test Coordination

20 Coordination and Balance

21 Reflexes Biceps Triceps Tendon Reflexes Plantar Response
Cutaneous Reflexes

22 Source: Lingsley, Robert E (2000)
Source: Lingsley, Robert E (2000). Conscience text of neuroscience (2nd ed.)

23 Sensory Function Asymmetry to Pin Prick Vibration Temperature

24 Gait Walking Standing

25 Imaging Planes Axial Coronal Sagittal

26 Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT)
Source: Mosby Clinical Neurology CD Atlas

27 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Coronal Axial Sagittal Source: Mosby Clinical Neurology CD Atlas

28 Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Source: Mosby Clinical Neurology CD Atlas

29 Digital Subtraction Angiography
Intracranial Vertebrobasilar Source: Mosby Clinical Neurology CD Atlas

30 Duplex Scan of the Carotid Bifurcation
Doppler Duplex Scan of the Carotid Bifurcation

31 Transcranial Doppler

32 Electroencephalography
Source: Mosby Clinical Neurology CD Atlas


34 Lumbar Puncture CSF Pressure Measurement (with manometer)
Source: Mosby Clinical Neurology CD Atlas

35 Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
Axial Sagittal Source: NIH/NIA

36 Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Source: NIH/NIA

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