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Oil and Non-Oil Monarchies in the MENA

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1 Oil and Non-Oil Monarchies in the MENA
Prof. M. Cammett POLS1270 Feb. 16, 2012

2 MENA Monarchies: Similarities & Differences
Commonalities? Royal families Relative inclusiveness, freedom of expression (esp. non-oil) Differences Oil wealth Role of royals in government Why does this matter? What’s at stake? Yet variation in inclusiveness of opposition And Variation in freedom of the press

3 World Development Indicators (2008)
Oil Wealth in the MENA Oil Rents/GDP World Development Indicators (2008)

4 BUT, the higher income Gulf oil countries score especially poorly on “voice and accountability.”
Voice and Accountability in the MENA (World Governance Indicators, World Bank 2009)

5 Recap: Political Rights and Civil Liberties in the MENA Source: Freedom House (2012)
Political Rights and Civil Liberties are measured on a one-to-seven scale, with one representing the highest degree of Freedom and seven the lowest. Democracies Republics Monarchies

6 Comparative Analysis of MENA Monarchies: Case Selection
Oil monarchies: Kuwait v. Saudi Arabia v. Non-oil monarchies: Jordan (& Morocco)  Why these cases? Axes of comparison: - Origins of state/nation - Political development (through 2010) - Methods of rule/control & nature of opposition

7 Political Origins: Kuwait & Saudi Arabia
1744: Alliance b/t al-Saud & al-Wahhab 1902+: Abdulaziz al-Saud led conquests of Arabian peninsula 1912: Took Hejaz from Hashemites 1932: Saudi Arabia established 1938: Discovery of oil  Effects on state-building (esp. post 1973) Kuwait: 18th cen.: Merchant elites  Al-Sabah Family 1930s: Discovery of oil  Effects on state-building 1938: Majlis established Struggles between al-Sabah & elite families

8 Political Origins: Jordan
Who is “Jordanian”? The “artificiality” of Jordan & the nation-building project: Mansaf, the “national” dish Jordan First Campaign Legacies of colonial boundary making: The East Bank/West Bank Cleavage Palestinian-Transjordanian relations: 1948 War  Control WB, refugees 1967 War  Refugees 1970: Black September 1988: Renunciation of claims to WB Implications for Palestinian citizenship? Throne Day 1999

9 Political Development: Kuwaiti Exceptionalism
Origins: Al-Sabah - elite relations External threats How is Kuwait an exception? In what ways, is it not?

10 Political Development: Who Rules in Saudi Arabia?
Family Council (2000) Allegiance Commission (2006)

11 Jordan: State Building and Political Development
State-building under King Hussein (1950s-1999) 1952 Constitution Structure of government? Where does power lie? 1989 political opening Why? What changed and what stayed the same? 1994 peace treaty with Israel  Tolerance for dissent declined

12 Methods of Rule How to maintain power? The menu of options: Coercion
Patronage Cooptation Ideology Civil society & opposition groups

13 Kuwait: Methods of Political Control & Societal Responses
Al-Sabah v. society Manipulation of electoral rules, etc. Suspensions of parliament Oil and political control Civil society: The diwaniyya Islamists in parliament

14 Saudi Arabia: Why and how the longevity of Saudi rule?
Major mechanisms: Patronage/distribution (Yet poverty and inequality in the world’s largest oil exporter!) Penetration of society Coercion Legitimating ideology Political liberalization? Why? What? (Early 1990s, 2005+) The Saudi public sphere Islamists and state-ulama relations

15 Jordan: A “liberal” MENA monarchy?
Major opposition groups Leftists Islamists  Islamic Action Front (IAF) Electoral dynamics in a “hybrid” regime 1989: IAF victory 1993: The regime wises up  electoral engineering 1997: IAF boycott  pro-regime parliament 2003: Return of IAF (sort of) 2007: Rigged? The Hamas effect? How much would IAF win in free elections? The image of the monarchy at home v. abroad

16 Conclusion Variation across oil monarchies: Kuwait v. Saudi Arabia
Why Kuwaiti “exceptionalism”? Variation across oil & non-oil monarchies Why comparative openness of non-oil monarchies?

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