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Good morning! I am glad to see you!.

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Presentation on theme: "Good morning! I am glad to see you!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good morning! I am glad to see you!

2 Animals are our best friends

3 Phonetic drill member, puppy, hunter, best friend, rescue home, zoo
Labrador, Mongrel hippopotamus, rhinoceros, lama, giraffe useful, beautiful, independent,homeless, domestic, wild

4 Domestic animals Wild animals A cow A sheep A pig A tiger A horse
A duck A cock A hen A rabbit A goose A dog A cat A tiger A lion A wolf A hare A fox An elephant A giraffe A lama A hippo

5 Do you want to find a f _ _ _ _ _?
An advertisement Do you want to find a f _ _ _ _ _? Rex is a L_ _ _ _ _ _r. He is only a puppy, but he is already (уже) ho_ _ _ _ _s. Rex is kind, be_ _ _ _ _ _l and very clever. He is friendly with d_ _s and c_ _s and he loves ch_ _ _ _ _n. Come to our r_ _ _ _ _ h_ _ _ and you’ll find a new m_ _ _ _r of the family. (Use the words: member, friend, Labrador, beautiful, children, kind, puppy, dogs, cats, rescue home, homeless)

6 Revision of the grammar material
Future Simple Make up sentences with these words: have lunch to Russia Kate travel We make Mum will buy a present for our mother a nice cake with me He

7 some physical exercises
Let’s do some physical exercises with me! Up and down, up and down, Which is the way to London town? Where? Where? Up in the air? Close your eyes and you are there!

8 Do you have a pet? Do you have a pet? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.
Is it a cat or a dog? It is a cat./ It is a dog. / It is a …. What is its name? Its name is … What colour is it? It is black (white, grey, black and white, …) How old is it? It is 2 years old ( 3 months old, …) What does it like to eat? It likes milk (meat, bread, sausage, …) Who walks your pet? I do. / My brother does. / My sister does. Do you love your pet? Yes, I do.

9 Our pets Presentations Andrey Kuznetsov Natasha Shakova
Olesya Novikova

10 OUR EXCURSION The most famous ZOOS in the world

11 Thank you! The lesson is over! Good bye! Homework:
draw a picture of a wild animal Thank you! The lesson is over! Good bye!

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