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1st Mandatory Post-Call for Your Success

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Presentation on theme: "1st Mandatory Post-Call for Your Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 1st Mandatory Post-Call for Your Success
Inner Circle Make the Offer Targeted Lists Follow Up More Inner Circle Follow Up Direct Mail Dial For Dollars 1st Mandatory Post-Call for Your Success

2 My Expectations of You Be Open to Change (even if it’s uncomfortable)
Be Action-Minded Listen More Than You Talk Be Ready and Willing to Change Your Opinion Based On the New Information You’ll Receive Readily Admit When You’re Wrong Ask Questions Absorb, Absorb, Absorb


4 Question For You? Have You Kept It Up?

5 What Have You Done Since April 23-25th?
25 Letters Mailed Each Week (1300 Per Year) 25 Calls Made Each Week (1300 Per Year) 2 REI Meetings or Seminars (110 Per Year) 2 Offers Written Each Week (110 Per Year) Questions: How many letters have you mailed this month? How many calls have you made this month? How many meetings or seminars have you been to this month? How many offers have you written this month?

6 Recent Email From Jeanne Severe
This is What I Like to See and Hear! Congrats! From: Jeanne Severe Date: May 4, 2014 at 1:09:20 PM PDT To: Lee Arnold Subject: RE I submitted 2 offers this week Hi Lee The 3 days was full with great info for taking my business to the next level. I have been working very hard here. I put 2 properties under contract today. I am doing everything you told me to do. Ca­­­­­­­­­­n you recommend a realtor in Tampa Fl, and Allentown Philadelphia. Thank you so much for everything. Thanks Jeanne

7 Let’s Review What You Should Be Doing… Week of May 3rd in the 12 Week Plan
Sales require 6 touches in order to attain a successful transaction. We identified several strategies and targets that you can easily focus on immediately: Non-owner Occupied Properties Pre-Foreclosure/Pre NOD/Lis Pendens Notice of Default/Lis Pendens Out of State Owners Continued Networking) The leads and their sources are endless.

8 Use these 3 Easy & Cheap Follow Up Systems
Free or low-cost contact management system: Using a contact management system is one of the most effective ways to make follow up simple. Depending on the volume of offers you’re making on a monthly basis, it may be your best solution. Excel or Google Docs: You can schedule standard follow up dates, for example on the 1st and 15th of each month and assign follow up dates as appropriate on each offer that was rejected for whatever reason.  Sort on “Follow Up Date” column and just pick up your phone on your scheduled follow up dates. Old-Fashioned Lead Sheet: There’s nothing wrong with simply having a binder with all of your seller lead sheets and dividers with a section that is dedicated to leads who require a follow up call. IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure you take notes ALWAYS! 

9 Let’s Review What You Should Be Doing… Week of May 3rd in the 12 Week Plan
One of your crucial issues to address is implementing a strategy to knock on doors within 2-3 days after mailing, and continue until contact is made and you either have an appointment or you are told not to call/visit again. Remember the rule of "A-B-C," Always Be Closing. Use closing phrases to close the deal and move them forward such as: Can we come inside and talk? Let's set a follow up appointment to meet again on (specific date)? You need to move forward in working with us because... Remember, while it is key to make them feel comfortable in order to gain trust, you are not there to tip toe around the subject. Go for the close, then close again, then close again, until either you are moving forward or they have flat out told you no.

10 Let’s Review What You Should Be Doing… Week of May 3rd in the 12 Week Plan
Address the needs of vacancies in your team. Your power team of partners and professionals should continue to be nurtured and added to. Keep establishing contacts with networking groups and other professionals, but also keep close contact with the good relationships you already have and that you formed in Coeur d’ Alene as a group. Remember to ask in every networking opportunity, "How can we make money together?" or "How can I bless your business?" Follow up with a thank-you gift. Make it about them and it will soon become reciprocal--Givers gain mentally, and you will ultimately get back what you give.

11 May 3rd Homework Schedule your first official weekly executive meeting. In this meeting you need to clearly define roles, tasks, and goals – individually, as well as jointly. You must hold yourself accountable and be held accountable. Get a white board or poster board to hang in your office and be able to track your tasks, goals, and assignments. Make sure you have a weekly opportunity to report and discuss these things - hold yourself accountable as the CEO or your business. Implement the Rule of 56.

12 What You Should Be Doing Next Week… May 10th in the 12 Week Plan
Between the leads you created, as well as subsequent networking and marketing, you should have one new deal under contract, but are you going to close? Do your own research and thoroughly analyze all of the necessary factors. Don’t rely on outside values or estimates - receive and evaluate their professional input. Get comps and bids in order to determine value yourself.

13 What You Should Be Doing Next Week… May 10th in the 12 Week Plan
Don't neglect the Rule of 56. Brand yourself within your network of existing and newly created contacts. Keep in contact with these people through regular s. Let them know that you want to buy their deals. Again one meeting isn't going to cut it here, and you need to have repeated contact to nurture relationships. Schedule a meeting with a title expert and offer your services to their clients. Explain your goals with numbers of deals, and let them know you want to bring them business too. Ask them if they can help you by referring you to additional contacts, partners, wholesalers and buyers for deals. This is a key part of the weekly networking you are doing.

14 May 10th Homework Rule of 56 MUST BE IMPLEMENTED
Door knocking – how many have you done since you left?

15 How to Write A Tiered Contract
Design the contract to contain three different styles of financing offers: Cash New Financing Seller Financing Or you can do some combination of all three…

16 Next Post Call Dates (Mark Your Calendar):
May 29th 9 a.m. June 12th 9 a.m. Broker Certification is on May 15-18th in Atlanta, GA. Funding Tour is on June 5-8th in Dallas, TX. If you’re coming to either of these, make sure your reservation is booked today:

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