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Reducing pesticide risk with Win-PST and 595

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1 Reducing pesticide risk with Win-PST and 595
Dean P. Moberg Resource Conservationist USDA-NRCS Hillsboro, OR

2 Risk assessment Labels not sufficient Monitoring expensive
Process models time consuming Windows pesticide screening tool (Win-PST) and 595.

3 Risk assessment Labels not sufficient Monitoring expensive
Process models time consuming Windows pesticide screening tool (Win-PST) and 595.

4 Win-PST NRCS risk screening tool. Available free (search “win pst”).
Also need to download soils data.

5 Risks Win-PST does NOT address
Worker safety Risk to birds Effect of soil pH

6 Risks Win-PST DOES address
Risk to humans, fish. Groundwater leaching. Surface water runoff adsorbed dissolved

7 Win-PST: soils Erodibility Slope Organic matter Leaching Surface depth
Cracking Water table Hydrologic group Leaching Dissolved runoff Adsorbed runoff

8 Leaching potential Woodburn: low (Hydro C, 4% OM) Laurelwood: interm.
Woodburn is hydrologic group C, 4% OM, 0.37 K, 16 inch surface depth, no cracks, no high water table Laurelwood is hydrologic group B, 3% OM, 0.37 K, 11 inch surface, no cracks, no high water table Woodburn: low (Hydro C, 4% OM) Laurelwood: interm. (Hydro B, 3% OM)

9 Dissolved runoff potential
Willamette: interm. (Hydro B) Wapato: high (Hydro D)

10 Adsorbed runoff potential
If slope > 15%, adsorbed runoff potential is greater. Jory B: interm. (Hydro C, K = 0.20) Delena C: high (Hydro D, K = 0.37)

11 Win-PST: pesticides Koc Solubility Half life Leaching Toxicity
Application method Foliar vs soil Rate Leaching Dissolved runoff Adsorbed runoff Koc is the soil organic C partitioning coefficient. It equals the ratio of sorbed pesticide to the ratio of pesticide in solution: (g pesticide/g C) / (g pesticide/ml water) Thus units cancel out to a ratio with units of ml water / g C Higher Koc means more pesticide is partitioned to the soil C.

12 Leaching potential Garlon 3A = high Garlon 4 = intermediate
Half life rating 46 days Solubility high Koc = 20 ml/g Garlon 4 = intermediate Solubility low Koc is 780 ml/g

13 Leaching potential Garlon 3A = high Garlon 4 = intermediate
Half life rating 46 days Solubility high Koc = 20 ml/g Garlon 4 = intermediate Solubility low Koc is 780 ml/g Koc is the soil organic C partitioning coefficient. It equals the ratio of sorbed pesticide to the ratio of pesticide in solution: (g pesticide/g C) / (g pesticide/ml water) Thus units cancel out to a ratio with units of ml water / g C Higher Koc means more pesticide is partitioned to the soil C.

14 Dissolved runoff potential
Transline = high Half life rating 40 days Solubility high Koc = 6 ml/g Milestone = intermediate Half life rating 35 days Koc = 13 ml/g Transline is clopyralid Milestone is aminopyralid

15 Dissolved runoff potential
Transline = high Half life rating 40 days Solubility high Koc = 6 ml/g Milestone = intermediate Half life rating 35 days Koc = 13 ml/g Transline is clopyralid Milestone is aminopyralid

16 Adsorbed runoff potential
Accord = high Half life rating 47 days Solubility high Koc = 24,000 ml/g Habitat = intermediate Half life rating is 90 days Koc = 100 ml/g

17 Adsorbed runoff potential
Accord = high Half life rating 47 days Solubility high Koc = 24,000 ml/g Habitat = intermediate Half life rating is 90 days Koc = 100 ml/g

18 Toxicity Accord (glyphosate) Habitat (imazapyr)
Human: very low (700 ppb) Fish: low via water (MATC 168 ppb) Fish: very low via sediment (STV > 4 x 106 ppb) Habitat (imazapyr) Human: very low (17,500 ppb) Fish: very low via water (MATC 22,602 ppb) Fish: very low via sediment (STV > 2 x 106 ppb) Human toxicity is based on exposure adjusted toxicity classes, which is similar to EPA’s toxicity classes (for example, using LD50 concentrations for longterm ingestion, the 1 in 100,000 probability of contracting cancer for long-term ingestion). MATC* is the maximum acceptable toxicant concentration, representing long-term toxicity of pesticides dissolved in water to fish. STV is Koc * MATC (i.e. the max. acceptable toxicant conc in sediment for fish).

19 Toxicity Accord (glyphosate) Habitat (imazapyr)
Human: very low (700 ppb) Fish: low via water (MATC 168 ppb) Fish: very low via sediment (STV > 4 x 106 ppb) Habitat (imazapyr) Human: very low (17,500 ppb) Fish: very low via water (MATC 22,602 ppb) Fish: very low via sediment (STV > 2 x 106 ppb) Human toxicity is based on exposure adjusted toxicity classes, which is similar to EPA’s toxicity classes (for example, using LD50 concentrations for longterm ingestion, the 1 in 100,000 probability of contracting cancer for long-term ingestion). MATC* is the maximum acceptable toxicant concentration, representing long-term toxicity of pesticides dissolved in water to fish. STV is Koc * MATC (i.e. the max. acceptable toxicant conc in sediment for fish).

20 soil rating + pesticide rating + rainfall risk
Win-PST: risk ratings soil rating + pesticide rating + rainfall risk Rain–Auvers (Van Gogh)


22 Soils: user adjustments
Organic matter Surface layer depth Slope (> 15%?) Cracks High water table


24 Pesticides: user adjustments
Broadcast, band, spot spray. Soil or foliar application. Standard, low, ultra low rate.






30 595: NRCS Pest management worksheet
“Play” with mitigation activities. Available free: search “efotg” and navigate to Section IV (specifications) or






36 Azadirachtin is neem, bifenthrin is Brigade, Carbaryl is Sevin

37 Azadirachtin is neem, bifenthrin is Brigade, Carbaryl is Sevin

38 Azadirachtin is neem, bifenthrin is Brigade, Carbaryl is Sevin



41 Table describes IPM techniques and required applicator records.

42 This is next page of 595. Needed if existing IPM techniques not sufficient. Uses MCPA as example. Solution runoff risk is still red.

43 Select planned mitigation until all cells turn green.

44 Conclusions: Win-PST benefits
Easy and quick. Consistent. Written documentation. Records for you. Communication with contractors.

45 Conclusions: Win-PST cautions
Pesticide database updates (once/year?). Few surfactants. Bird effects not supported. Pollinators, volatilization only partially supported. Mitigation techniques somewhat limited.

46 A word about pH pH can influence half life and Koc.
pH often a parameter in process models such as GeoPEARL1 and MACRO. E.g. sulfonylurea herbicides (acidic) sorb onto soil carbon more when pH low2. Practical applications? Van der Linden et al Influence of pH-dpendent sorption and transformation on simulated pesticide leaching. Science of the Total Environment, 407: Brown et al Exposure to sulfosulfuron in agricultural drainage ditches: field monitoring and scenario-based modelling. Pest Management Science, 60: 1 van der Linden et al 2 Brown et al

47 No pollinators were harmed in the making of this slide show.

48 USDA-NRCS The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or a part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA's TARGET Center at (202) (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C or call (800) (voice) or (202) (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

49 Questions

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