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What work you owe me for 5 weekly checks

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1 What work you owe me for 5 weekly checks

2 1.2 questions 1.) Explain the difference between parliament, government and cabinet. 2.) List and explain the respective roles of the House of Representatives and the Senate. 3.) Explain the terms ‘house of review’ and ‘states' house’. 4.) What type of Bills cannot be introduced in the Senate? 5.) What is the royal assent? Why is it important? 6.) To what extent does the Senate actually operate as a states' house and/or a house of review?

3 1.3 – questions 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 1.) What is the name of the upper house in the Victorian Parliament, how many members does it have, and what is the process for their election? 2.) What is the name of the lower house in the Victorian Parliament, how many members does it have, and what is the process for their election? 4.) What is an important limitation on the powers of the Victorian upper house that does not apply in the Commonwealth upper house? 5.) Explain the significance of the length of parliamentary terms in Victoria, when compared with the Commonwealth Parliament. 7.) Identify and explain three similarities and three differences between the operation and role of the Commonwealth Parliament and that of the Victorian Parliament.

4 1.4 1.) In your own words explain the key principles of representative government. 2.) How do the principles of responsible government serve to ensure that government is accountable to the electors for its actions? 4.) What are the key advantages of the separation of powers? 5.) Identify and explain four examples of the operation of the separation of powers that illustrate the checks and balances that ensure that abuses of power are less likely to occur. 6.) With reference to information contained in this chapter, explain why the following actions may be illegal. The Premier of Victoria seeks the assistance of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court in having a particular judge hear a criminal trial over anti-terrorism laws. A High Court judge asks the Governor-General for an opinion on evidence being given in a case involving the Constitution. The Governor-General suggests to the Prime Minister that a judge of the High Court should be removed for making decisions that are unfavourable to a particular interest group.

5 1.5 1.) In your own words, identify and explain four reasons why laws may need to change. 2.) Outline one example of legislative change that has occurred for each of the four reasons discussed in question 1. 5.) Why is it so important that the law keeps pace with international events? What might occur if our parliaments were not responsive? 6.) ‘Parliament is well placed to address concerns as they arise. The community relies on our law-makers to act quickly to ensure social cohesion.’ Discuss this statement in relation to the following: anti-terrorism laws environment protection laws relating to the dumping of hazardous waste such as toxic chemicals into rivers and streams laws relating to underage purchasing and consumption of alcohol.

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