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SC: Star Maps & Constellations

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1 SC: Star Maps & Constellations
Review Questions Jan 19, 2017

2 2 Question 1 Under ideal circumstance, the faintest magnitude the eye can see is? (a) (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) 5 (e) 6

3 3 Question 2 Who first came up with 60 seconds to the minute and 60 minutes to the hour? (a) Babylonians (b) Egyptians (c) Romans (d) Chinese (e) Greeks

4 4 Question 3 Which was not one of the first 4 constellations mapped by the ancients? (a) Taurus (b) Scorpio (c) Aquarius (d) Orion (e) Leo

5 They ALL are part of the story
5 Question 4 Which constellation is NOT a part of the Orion story? (a) Canis Major (b) Scorpio (c) Sagittarius (d) Lepus (e) Ophiuchus They ALL are part of the story

6 Question 5 How many constellations are there? (a) 12 (b) 48 (c) 52
6 Question 5 How many constellations are there? (a) 12 (b) 48 (c) 52 (d) 88 (e) 360

7 Question 6 The 3rd brightest star in Orion would be most likely called
7 Question 6 The 3rd brightest star in Orion would be most likely called (a) Orion C (b) 3-Orionis (c)  Orionis (d) ceti Orionis (e) none of these

8 Question 7 Who first came up with 360 degrees to a circle?
8 Question 7 Who first came up with 360 degrees to a circle? (a) Babylonians (b) Egyptians (c) Arabic Astronomers (d) Chinese (e) Greeks

9 Question 8 Celestial Latitude is called: (a) Right Ascension
9 Question 8 Celestial Latitude is called: (a) Right Ascension (b) Hour Angle (c) Equinoctial (d) Firmament (e) Declination

10 10 Question 9 One hour of right ascension is equivalent to how many degrees (at the equator)? (a) 1 (b) 4 (c) 12 (d) 15 (e) 60

11 Question 10 Which is the Right Ascension of the South Celestial Pole?
11 Question 10 Which is the Right Ascension of the South Celestial Pole? (a) -90° (b) 0 hours (c) -180° (d) 0° (e) none of these “undefined”

12 Question 11 Which constellation is NOT a part of the Ursa Major story?
12 Question 11 Which constellation is NOT a part of the Ursa Major story? (a) Ursa Minor (b) Draco (c) Bootes (d) Canes Venatici (e) All of them are part of the story

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