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КАЗАГРО “KazAgro” National Management Holding” JSC

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Presentation on theme: "КАЗАГРО “KazAgro” National Management Holding” JSC"— Presentation transcript:

1 КАЗАГРО “KazAgro” National Management Holding” JSC
¥ЛТТЫК БАСКАРУШЫ ХОЛДИНП КАЗАГРО НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЙ УПРАВЛЯЮЩИЙ холдинг “KazAgro” National Management Holding” JSC “Fund for Financial Support of Agriculture” JSC


3 Supporting farming we strengthen the future

4 Information about the Company
By expanding the access to credit resources the Fund provides its clients with an opportunity to start theirs businesses with a zero, expand small farms, step forward in economical hierarchy Employees- 397 persons. Fund’s branches exist in all the regions of Kazakhstan . Besides, there are branches for residents of remote regions. Managers work in all rural regions securing 100% coverage of rural areas of the country. The loan portfolio of the Fund on January 1, 2016 was 69.2 bln. Tenge. For 2014 the amount of loan portfolio increased by 120%. 14 regional branches, 3 branches in cities Astana, Semey, Taldykorgan

5 Fund in figures Around 115 thousand loans were issued totaling bln. Tenge. Number of active borrowers reached 29 thousand. Within , the Fund had established 51 microcredit organizations in 94 regional centers to secure access of rural residents to financial services. Since the Fund has been issued 9.4 bln. Tenge to finance microcredit organizations, and also issued thousand of micro credits. Shares of the Fund were sold in 27 microcredit organizations in frames of privatization. The Fund executes joint projects with the Islamic Development Bank (Murabakha program) and UNDP (Tabigi Orta program) Within , over people have been employed. Including in 2015 – 11.5 thousand people.

6 Advantages of the Fund The Fund is stable institution demonstrating positive financial indexes. Fund’s assets are totaling 74 bln. Tenge as for the 1st of January 2016, own capital is 29.2 bln. Tenge. It allows guaranteeing of 100% payback of borrowed capital. The Fund’s activity is transparent and open. Annual audit and inspections of controlling bodies allow both shareholder and our partners to be assured in safety and targeted disposition of cash funds.

7 Dynamics of key indexes
Loan portfolio as for the 1st of January 2016 by the Branches , mln. Tenge Mangistau Branch Atyrau Branch Pavlodar Branch Aktyubinsk Branch Kyzylorda Branch Karaganda Branch North –Kazakhstan Branch Kostanay Branch Akmola Branch West-Kazakhstan Branch Dzhambul Branch East –Kazakhstan Branch Almaty Branch Central Office South-Kazakhstan Branch

8 Number of active borrowers
Dynamics of key indexes Number of active borrowers 33 349 ■ number of active clients including microcredit organizations Number of active clients

9 Dynamics of key indexes
Loan portfolio dynamics, mln. Tenge 2015 2014 69 204 57 133 38 118 15 473 7 479 4 265 20 000 40 000 60 000 80 000

10 Key crediting programs
Dynamics of key indexes Key crediting programs The Fund provides wide range of micro credits directed to the demands of micro and small business in rural areas. Such credit programs allow starting business in all fields of agricultural sector. And also there are no limitations for arrangement/expansion of non-agricultural businesses in rural areas. As for today, there are 13 crediting programs in Fund’s loan portfolio. 8% Employment Sybaga MO Kestker EPN Zhay Yrys Murabakha Lending of mini-greenhouses complexes Other programs 47% 13% 13%

11 Main events of 2015 KPI 2012 2013 2014 2015 ROA 1,16 2,07 1,89 1,6 ROE
* Cooperation with the Organization of Economical Cooperation and Development (OECD) in frames of the project “Regional competitiveness increasing in Kazakhstan” * Mudis Investors Services confirmed Company’s rating at the level Ba/Stable/NP, * For the first time, 87% bonds of the first issue and 25.5 of the second issue within the first bonding program were located at trading platform of “Kazakhstan Stock Exchange” * In frames of the second privatization the shares of Company were sold to the charter capitals of 15 microcredit organizations. * The first unsecured loan was granted under the program Assistance of Microcredit organizations * In 2015 the Company successfully passed recertification audit to comply with the Standard CT RK ISO (authorized body “KazCert” LLP). 82 % of Company’s assets were issued as the loans for rural residents, agricultural products manufacturers and microcredit organizations. Loan portfolio growth in 2015 became 20% in comparison with 2014, 47% of the portfolio is under the crediting program “Employment 2020”. KPI 2012 2013 2014 2015 ROA 1,16 2,07 1,89 1,6 ROE 1,31 2,74 3,25 3,6 Liquidity coefficient 8,74 30,43 10,35 87,64 Financial independence coefficient 0,88 0,68 0,51 0,40 Profit in reporting year

12 Dynamics of key indexes
Employment in , persons 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000

13 Results of the year The Fund provides wide range of micro credits directed to the demands of micro and small business in rural areas. Such credit programs allow starting business in all fields of agricultural sector. And also there are no limitations for arrangement/expansion of non-agricultural businesses in rural areas. As for today, there are 13 crediting programs in Fund’s loan portfolio.

14 Results of the year In 2015, by means of the loans issued by the Fund:
thousand persons had been employed; Ha of lands had been sown; commercial dairy farms had been opened with 1700 heads of cattle and projected capacity reaching 6.1 thousand liters of milk annually; diary reception stations had been opened (total capacity over tons of milk annually); mini-greenhouses had been constructed with total capacity over 700 tons of vegetables within off-season; - Drop irrigation systems had been mounted at the area of 500 Ha. Share capital As for the 1st of January 2016 the share capital of the Company totals thousand Tenge. Shares number is pcs, including paid by the shareholder – pcs.

15 Key crediting programs of the Fund
Micro credits issued under the program “Employment 2020” Purpose of the program: Stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives and increase economical activity by means of own business creation or enlargement, comprehensive development of villages. Maximum loan amount: • up to 3 mln Tenge; • 5 mln Tenge for the Program participants early re-paid the loans; • for repatriated Kazakhs and emigrants to arrange small manufactures up to 6 mln Tenge. Interest rate: 6 % annually Annual effective interest: up to 6.7% annually. Loan term: months.

16 Key crediting programs of the Fund
Program for mono-cities development Purpose of the program: Organization and enlargement of own business, and working capital replenishment without industry limitations. Maximum loan amount: up to 10 mln Tenge. Interest rate: 6 % annually. Annual effective interest: up to 6.7% annually. Loan term: up to 54 months. .

17 Key crediting programs of the Fund
Financing program “Yrys” Purpose of the Program:  creation and expansion of dairy farms from 50 to 100 heads of cattle. Maximum loan amount: up to 85 mln Tenge Interest rate: 7% per annum under the sponsorship of interest rates; The effective interest rate: - Not more than 7.9% per annum based on subsidizing interest rates; 14% per annum if the interest rate is not subsidized, no more than 16.3 % per annum without subsidizing the interest rate. Loan term: up to 120 months.

18 Key crediting programs of the Fund
Program for dairy-reception stations development Purpose of the Program: Establishment and enlarging of diary- reception stations. Maximum loan amount : fold amount of monthly calculation index. Interest rate: 7% per annum under the sponsorship of interest rates; The effective interest rate: - Not more than 7.9% per annum based on subsidizing interest rates; 14% per annum if the interest rate is not subsidized, no more than 16.3 % per annum without subsidizing the interest rate. . Loan term: Up to 60 months for equipment purchase; up to 24 months for working capital replenishment.

19 Key crediting programs of the Fund
Program for drip irrigating systems integration Purpose of the Program: Acquisition of drip irrigation equipment Maximum loan amount : fold amount of monthly calculation index Interest rate: loan - 14% annually. Loan/Lease: up to 16,3% annually. Loan term: up to 60 months.

20 Key crediting programs of the Fund
Program for creation and development of intensive (family) apple orchards. Purpose of the Program: Creation and development of intensive (family) apple orchards in Southern regions. Maximum loan amount: up to 72 mln. Tenge Interest rate: 7% per annum under the sponsorship of interest rates; The effective interest rate: - Not more than 7.9% per annum based on subsidizing interest rates; 14% per annum if the interest rate is not subsidized, no more than 16.3 % per annum without subsidizing the interest rate. Loan term: up to 120 months; - up to 72 months for working capital replenishment.

21 Key crediting programs of the Fund
Program for crediting organizations financing for further micro crediting in rural areas, mono and small towns. Purpose of the Program: To access provision of credit resources for individuals and legal entities that organize or expand their own businesses in rural areas, in mono- and small towns Maximum loan amount: • per one borrower – 350 mln Tenge; • per one end borrower (an individual) – 3 mln Tenge; • per one end borrower (legal entities, peasant farms, private entrepreneurs) - no more than fold amount of monthly calculation index Minimum loan amount per one borrower: 10 mln Tenge. Interest rate: For loans without collateral: • for the Borrower – 12.0% annually, annual effective rate of interest is up to 13.9%; For loans with collateral: • for the Borrower – 9.5% annually, annual effective rate of interest is up to 10.1%.

22 Contacts Akmola Branch , Kokshetau, 96 Abay street, 6 floor, 8 (7162) 010000, Astana, 19/1 Turan street, 3 floor, 8 (7172) Almaty Branch , Almaty, 111-а Zheltoksan street, 4 floor, office 31, 8 (727) , , 040000, Taldykorgan, 114/116 Kazakhstanskaya street, 8 (7282) , Aktuybinsk Branch , Aktobe,, 51/1 Abulkhair Khan street, office 16, 8 (7132) Atyrau Branch , Atyrau, 13-а Satpayev street, 2 floor, 8 (7122) East-Kazakhstan Branch , Ust-Kamenogorsk, 64 Satpayev street, office 401, 402, 8 (7232) , 071400, Semey, 9 Lenin street, office 401, 410, 8 (7222) , Dzhambyl Branch , Taraz, 17 Suleymanova street, 8 (7262) , West –Kazakhstan Branch 90000, Uralsk, 38 Iksanova Street, 8 (7112) , Karaganda Branch , Karaganda, 51/1 Bukhar Zhiray Street, 8 (7212) Kostanay Branch110000, Kostanay, 140 Baitursynova street, 8 (7142) Kyzylorda Branch , г. Kyzylorda, 46 and 48 Zheltoksan street, 8 (7242) , Mangistau Branch, ,Aktau, 16 micro district, Kaysar Business Center, 8 (7292) Pavlodar Branch, , Pavlodar, 71-b Krupskaya street, 8(7182) North- Kazakhstan Branch , Petropavlovsk, 31-а Buketova street (2nd floor), e- mail: 8 (7152) , South-Kazakhstan Branch , Shymkent, Madeli Kozha street, ESKO Business center, 4rd floor, 8 (7252) ,


24 Hotline: 8-8000-80-35-05 (calls within Kazakhstan are free).
010000, Astana 19/1 Turan (Sary-Arka) street, Edem Business Center Phone: 8 (7172) Hotline: (calls within Kazakhstan are free).

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