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Computer Architecture & Operations I

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1 Computer Architecture & Operations I
Instructor: Yaohang Li

2 Review Last Class This Class Next Class Integrated Circuits Decoder
Multiplexor PLA ROM Don’t Care Bus This Class Representation of Integer Addition Subtraction Next Class Design of ALU Assignment 2

3 Bit, Byte, and Word 1 Bit – 0 or 1 1 Byte – 8 bits
1 Word – N bytes (in general) 4 bytes in a word (in our book)

4 Most Significant Bit and Least Significant Bit
Most Significant Bit (High-Order Bit) The bit position having the greatest value Usually the left-most bit Least Significant Bit (Low-Order Bit) The bit position having the smallest value Usually the right-most bit

5 Binary Representation of Decimal Number
Using a binary number to represent a decimal number Example What is the maximum number a byte can represent? Binary  1 Decimal  1×210 + 0×29 + 0×28 + 1×27 + 0×26 + 1×25 + 0×24 + 1×23 + 1×22 + 0×21 + 1×20 = 1197

6 Binary Representation of Integers
Unsigned Integers 0 and positive integers only Signed Integers 0, negative, and positive integers Three ways Sign-Magnitude 1’s Complement 2’s Complement

7 Unsigned Integers Unsigned Integers Example Consider a word = 4 bytes
Can represent numbers from 0 to Decimal: 0 to 232-1 Binary: 0 to Example =

8 Signed Integer – Sign Magnitude
Use the most significant bit of the word to represent the sign 0 – Positive 1 – Negative Rest of the number is encoded in magnitude part Example = = Two representations of 0 0 = -0 = Cumbersome in Arithmetic

9 1’s Complement 1’s Complement
Negative number is stored as bit-wise complement of corresponding positive number Use the most significant bit of the word to represent the sign 0 – Positive 1 – Negative Example = = Still two representations of zero 0 = -0 =

10 2’s Complement 2’s Complement
Positive number represented in the same way as sign-magnitude and 1’s complement Negative number obtained by taking 1’s complement of positive number and adding 1 = 1’s comp: = 2’s comp: = One version of 0 Convenient in arithmetic

11 Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
17 April, 2018 Integer Addition Example: 7 + 6 §3.2 Addition and Subtraction Chapter 3 — Arithmetic for Computers

12 Integer Subtraction Subtraction is actually an addition
Example: 7 – 6 = 7 + (-6) 2’s complement

13 Overflow Overflow if result out of range
Adding +value and –value operands, no overflow Adding two +value operands Overflow if result sign is 1 Adding two –value operands Overflow if result sign is 0

14 Summary Bit, Byte, Word Binary Representation of Integer Addition
Subtraction Overflow

15 What I want you to do Review Appendix B

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