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The Golden Shovel Play and Practice.

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1 The Golden Shovel Play and Practice

2 What is The Golden Shovel?
This is a form of tribute poetry invented by award-winning poet Terrance Hayes. Take a line (or lines) of poetry from a poem you admire. Then, use each word in the line (or lines), in the correct order, as an end word in your pome. Be sure to credit the original poet who wrote the original line(s)!

3 Example

4 Another Example A Golden Shovel Poem After Emily Dickinson I’m here to tell you all that the only truth I know is mine but if I tell you, it will be slant.

5 A few things to consider…
The new poem does not have to be about the same subject as the poem that offers the end words. If you pull a line with six words, your poem would be six lines long. If you pull a stanza with 24 words, your poem would be 24 lines long. And so on. The shorter the original line(s) of poem, the easier the new poem is to write.

6 Some Short Poems to Get You Started (or choose any favorite line you know)

7 Samples The Dentist’s Chair - after Charles Simic by Period 1 I was feeling stressed and scared, so I spit. My saliva came out. It hit the Dentist; he punched me in the teeth! Yogi - after Charles Simic by Period 5 The mat below is green, I am surrounded by Buddhas. Namaste!

8 Samples Rita’s – after Charles Simic by Period 7 The water ice we Decide to eat Melts off the Cup as we smile. Hell – after Charles Simic by Daniel Kane and Period 8 Come with me as we Go to the great abyss and eat Popsicles from the Devil’s smile.

9 Sample Death and Totino’s– after Edna St. Vincent Millay by Period 9 My Life is like a candle. My pizza roll burns In the oven at Dawn. Both Bitter ends.

10 Childhood – after One Republic by Ms. Azeff
The rusty swing Abandoned in my Backyard is my heart Beat flutter as it floats across My memory and the State line. The games of hide-and-seek, The lawn, it Shudders in the breeze, out Back with the neighbors, and I, Ye, The fireflies shall We find.

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