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Color: variety of coat colors

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1 Color: variety of coat colors
Breed Description Weight: pounds Color: variety of coat colors Body: compact muscular body, dense, coarse coat, and of course, ears folded over to slightly below the jaw American Fuzzy Lop

2 Color: variety of colors
Breed Description Weight: pounds Color: variety of colors Body: very fine wool Angora

3 Californian Breed Description Weight: 8-12 pounds
Color: white, with black nose, ears, feet and tail Body: rounded body, medium build, and short smooth coat

4 Color: white with back, blue or brown, chocolate, steel or tortoise
Breed Description Weight: pounds Color: white with back, blue or brown, chocolate, steel or tortoise Body: The front of the face, body and the back feet are white, the rest is colored Dutch

5 Color: white with black eye rings
Breed Description Weight: Under 3 pounds Color: white with black eye rings Body: rounded body Dwarf Hotot

6 Body: Long arched body (like a hare)
English Spot Breed Description Weight: 5-8 pounds Color: white with black, blue, chocolate, gold, grey, lilac or tortoise. Markings include butterfly mark on nose, colored ears, eye rings, spine marking (which is herringboned) and a spot on the cheek and a chain of spots along the body Body: Long arched body (like a hare)

7 Flemish Giant (Patagonian)
Breed Description Weight: 13 pounds and over Color: black, blue, fawn, light gray, sandy, steel gray, white Body: long rabbit, heavy build (but shouldn’t be fat) Flemish Giant (Patagonian)

8 Color: Wide variety of colors
Jersey Wooly Breed Description Weight: Under 3.5 pounds Color: Wide variety of colors Body: long, wooly coat

9 Holland Lop

10 Body: Ears seem too short for head
Breed Description Weight: Under 2.5 pounds Color:self group, shaded group, agouti group, tan pattern group, fawn, himilayan, orange, steel, tortoiseshell Body: Ears seem too short for head Netherlands Dwarf

11 Body: long muscular body
Breed Description Weight: 9-12 pounds Color: black, red, white Body: long muscular body New Zealand

12 Polish Breed Description Weight: Under 3.5 pounds
Color: black, blue. Chocolate, blue-eyed white, ruby-eyed white. Also has very short ears

13 Mini-Rex Breed Description Weight: 3-4.5 pounds
Color: black, blue, broken group, castor, chinchilla, chocolate, Himalayan, lilac, lynx, opal, red, seal tortoise. white Mini-Rex

14 Satin Breed Description Weight: 8.5-11 pounds
Color: black, blue, broken group, californian, chinchilla, chocolate, cooper, red, siamese, white

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