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Star Students 5/1-5/5 Birthdays Elizabeth – June 15th Math 5/1 Emma

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1 Star Students 5/1-5/5 Birthdays Elizabeth – June 15th Math 5/1 Emma
Literacy This week we will continue daily practice of our sight words. Please continue to support this at home. Our book of the week is “Jumprope” and our two new sight words are: “do” and “out”. We will continue working on our special Mother’s Day surprises . We will also continue begin studying the human body. In Reading Workshop students will continue the next Unit of Study on Poetry. They will listen to poems and how authors can use rhyming words and descriptive language to tell a story. The children really enjoy the rhythm and rhyme of poems. In Writing Workshop students will continue learning about Personal Narratives. We have read several books that model this type of writing. This week the students will write about a keepsake they have. It could be special stuffed animal or blanket. This activity will be used to help them narrow down their choices for when they choose their own personal narrative topic. Calendar 5/12 – Kindergarten Mother’s Day Tea 5/17 - IF PTO 7:00-8:30 Library 5/18 – Animal Show 5/19 – Early Release/ 10:30 Dismissal 5/24 – Open House & PTO Book Fair 5/26 - Early Release/ 10:30 5/29 – Memorial Day/ No School Birthdays Elizabeth – June 15th Math This week we will continue work in Module 11. In addition to working with teen numbers, students will practice addition and subtraction with the many games they play during centers and free choice. Simply using a deck of cards or dice at home, you can practice these same skills. You and your child can each turn over 2 cards, add them and who ever has the highest sum wins all the cards. Your child can also roll 2 dice and practice writing an addition or subtraction equation. If this is easy for your child, try 3 dice. They will love the challenge! Star Students 5/ Emma 5/2 Alex 5/3 Demetri 5/4 Elizabeth Birthday 5/5 Joshua *Star student will read a book to the class.

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