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LAND RESOURCES On a separate sheet of paper…make a list of as many “uses” as we have for LAND. (in other words…why is land important to the environment?)…TURN.

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Presentation on theme: "LAND RESOURCES On a separate sheet of paper…make a list of as many “uses” as we have for LAND. (in other words…why is land important to the environment?)…TURN."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAND RESOURCES On a separate sheet of paper…make a list of as many “uses” as we have for LAND. (in other words…why is land important to the environment?)…TURN IN

2 LAND RESOURCES Agriculture/food production Forestry Mining
Living space/infrastructure

3 PLANT AG… What is needed to produce crops?
LAND/FERTILE SOIL Plowing cropland WATER IRRIGATION FERTILIZER Organic (manure, compost) Inorganic (miracle grow) PEST CONTROL Pesticide use

In an assigned group…prepare a visual on an assigned topic related to food production in the US The poster should contain the following information: DESCRIPTION STATISTICS How much food is produced by this method? How efficient is this method of food production? Economic/cost involved…input/output?) PROS VS CONS (of the food production method) PICTURE/DIAGRAM

5 MEAT CONSUMPTION beef/poultry/pork 1950-2010…increased 6X
Average consumption per person doubled ~1/2 world’s meat comes from livestock (unfenced rangelands & enclosed pastures)…grass fed ~1/2 from industrialized factory farming CAFO…concentrated animal feeding operation Eggs/milk (dairy) 2nd largest food production system

6 PROS vs. CONS?

3RD LARGEST FOOD PRODUCTION SYSTEM AQUACULTURE Raising fish in isolated water bodies/contained “ponds” or “cages” Aquatic plants & animals THE BLUE REVOLUTION FISHERIES Concentration of particular fish species suitable for commercial harvesting in a given ocean area or inland water body Fish, shellfish Catching/processing/selling 57% species fished at capacity 30% species “overfished” ~60% fish/shellfish caught by fishing fleets; 42% by aquaculture

8 Industrialized food Production Requires Huge Inputs of Energy…
Non-renewable oil/natural gas Run farm machinery/fishing vessels Pump irrigation water fro crops Make synthetic pesticides & fertilizers Food processing & distribution Accounts for 20% of US energy use 10 units of energy to put 1 unit of food on a plate Food travels an average of 1300 miles from farm to plate

9 Read CASE STUDY: Industrialized Food Production in the US: The First Green Revolution
What is “agribusiness? Compare average # of ppl each farmer feeds today compared to the 1940s Summarize how agriculture haschanged since 1950s? Compare % US income spent on food compared to % ppl in less developed countries spend on their food What are some hidden costs (related to our food costs) in the US?

10 What Environmental Problems Arise from Industrialized Food Production?
PROS…less land; more food; protects biodiversity Use Section 3 of Ch. 12 to find: 5 problems that result from AGRICULTURE 3 problems that result from MEAT PRODUCTION 3 problems that arise from AQUACULTURE Be sure to explain how each problem occurs/impacts environment

Water consumption Open ranges Air pollution Use of antibiotics Water pollution AQUACULTURE problems Depletion of wild fish species Insufficient process Heavy metal contamination Large waste output Disrupts gene pool AGRICULTURE problems: Soil erosion Desertification Soil salinization Waterlogging Air pollution Climate change biodiversity

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