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Sindhu G. & Dr. A. Helen Department of Biochemistry

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1 Anti-inflammatory Effect of Cynodon dactylon Linn on Adjuvant Induced Arthritis
Sindhu G. & Dr. A. Helen Department of Biochemistry University of Kerala Kariavattom Campus Copyright © CorpoZone

2 Introduction Non-specific response to tissue injury Chemical agents
Cold, heat Trauma Invasion of microbes Serves to destroy, dilute or wall off the injurious agent Induces repair Protective response Can be potentially harmful Inflammation

3 Inflammation Inflammation Acute Chronic
Acute versus chronic inflammation are distinguished by the duration and the type of infiltrating inflammatory cells

4 Cardinal Signs of Inflammation
Rubor = Redness Tumor = Swelling Calor = Heat Dolor = Pain Functio laesa = Loss of function

5 Process of Inflammation
Chemical such as histamine, kinins, prostaglandins, and leukotrienes (represented as blue dots) are released by damaged cell Blood clot forms Abscess starts to form (yellow area) Tissue damage Vasodilation and increased permeability of blood vessels Phagocyte migration and phagocytosis Tissue repair 1 2 3 4 Margination-phagocytes stick to endothelium Emigration–phagocytes squeeze between endothelial cells Phagocytosis of invading bacteria Bacteria entering on knife Eppiders Subcutaneous tissue Demis a b c Neutrophil Macrophage Bacterium Blood vessels endothelium Neutrophil Monocyte Erythrocyte

6 Inflammation – More information
Atherosclerosis, Reumatoid arthritis, Diabetes, Ulcertive colitis etc. Steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for the management of inflammatory diseases. Due to side effects associated with the long-term use of these agents, many patients tend to use alternative therapeutic approaches including herbal therapies that have been considered safe and effective in alleviating chronic pain associated with arthritis.

7 Cynodon Dactylon Linn. Kingdom : Plantae Division : Magnoliophyta
Family : Poaceae Genus : Cynodon Species : dactylon Malayalam : Karuka Parts used : Whole plant

8 Cynodon Dactylon Linn Ctd…
Cynodon dactylon is commonly known as Bermuda grass. It is hardy, perennial grass, very variable, with long rapid-growing on the surface of the soil. Traditionally it used to cure various inflammatory disease.

9 Objective of the Study To evaluate the anti-inflammatory effect of methanolic extract of Cynodon dactylon on adjuvant induced arthritis.


11 Collection of Plant Material
The plant was collected freshly from Trivandrum. They were cleaned, dried under shade, and powdered. Preparation of different extracts of plant. The powdered plant material was soaked in 80% methanol and stand for 3 days. Extract was concentrated to dryness. This is used as Cynodon dactylon Methanolic Extract (CME).

12 Effect of CME on chronic inflammation model
Freund’s complete adjuvant will be injected into the sub plantar surface of the rat paw. Duration of the experiment will be 21 days. For the study, rats are divided in to 4 groups. Group I - Normal Group II - 0.1ml Freund’s complete adjuvant Group III - 0.1ml FCA + CME (20mg/Kg body Wt) Group IV - 0.1ml FCA + indomethacin (3mg/Kg body Wt)

13 Biochemical Estimations
Percentage inhibition of paw edema 5-LOX 15-LOX COX MPO NOS Concentration of Ceruloplasmin


15 Paw Edema Inhibition on Adjuvant Induced Arthritis Model
Percentage of Paw Edema Inhibition III - CME IV - Indomethacin III IV Inhibition, % 7th day 11th day 21st day Groups

16 ODshift/min/mg protein
0.25 Activity of 5-LOX I - Normal II - Adjuvant III - CME IV - Indomethacin Values expressed as mean ± SEM six animals aP<0.05 between group I and experimental groups bp<0.05 between group II and group III & group IV PBMC a ODshift/min/mg protein a, b a, b I II III IV Groups

17 ODshift/min/mg/protein
0.04 Activity of 15-LOX I - Normal II - Adjuvant III - CME IV - Indomethacin Values expressed as mean ± SEM six animals aP<0.05 between group I and experimental groups bp<0.05 between group II and group III & group IV PBMC a a, b a, b ODshift/min/mg/protein I II III IV Groups

18 ODshift/min/mg protein
0.16 Assay of COX I - Normal II - Adjuvant III - CME IV - Indomethacin Values expressed as mean ± SEM six animals aP<0.05 between group I and experimental groups bp<0.05 between group II and group III & group IV PBMC a a, b a, b ODshift/min/mg protein I II III IV Groups

19 Activity of MPO 20.0 I - Normal II - Adjuvant III - CME
IV - Indomethacin Values expressed as mean ± SEM six animals aP<0.05 between group I and experimental groups bp<0.05 between group II and group III & group IV a SERUM Units/mg protein a, b a, b I II III IV Groups

20 Activity of NOS 3.0 I - Normal II - Adjuvant III - CME
IV - Indomethacin Values expressed as mean ± SEM six animals aP<0.05 between group I and experimental groups bp<0.05 between group II and group III & group IV SERUM a a, b a, b Units/mg protein I II III IV Groups

21 Concentration of Ceruloplasmin
0.40 Concentration of Ceruloplasmin I - Normal II - Adjuvant III - CME IV - Indomethacin Values expressed as mean ± SEM six animals aP<0.05 between group I and experimental groups bp<0.05 between group II and group III & group IV a SERUM a, b µg/ml b I II III IV Groups

22 Concentration of CRP I - Normal II - Adjuvant III - CME
IV - Indomethacin Values expressed as mean ± SEM six animals aP<0.05 between group I and experimental groups bp<0.05 between group II and group III & group IV a SERUM a, b a, b µg/ml I II III IV Groups

23 WBC Count I - Normal II - Adjuvant III - CME IV - Indomethacin
Values expressed as mean ± SEM six animals aP<0.05 between group I and experimental groups bp<0.05 between group II and group III & group IV a WBC Count a, b a, b c/mn I II III IV Groups

24 Conclusion CME exhibits protection against adjuvant induced arthritis by anti-inflammatory effect.


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