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Monday, 2 May :30 pm – 7:30 pm 1329 SW 16th Street, Room 4150

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, 2 May :30 pm – 7:30 pm 1329 SW 16th Street, Room 4150"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, 2 May 2016 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm 1329 SW 16th Street, Room 4150
Provider Meeting UF North Central Early Steps FY Contract Period Review SHARON Monday, 2 May 2016 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm 1329 SW 16th Street, Room 4150

2 Agenda Welcome State and Contract Updates MOA FY 16-17 Fiscal Updates
NCES Fiscal Team Claims Filing Process FY Close Out Service Code Updates Q & A and Comments SHARON

Florida House Bill 7053 Requires DOH to create clearinghouse Establish performance standards Expands eligibility NICU Level II and III DEI SHARON

4 Fiscal Year 2016-2017 MOA Changes

5 FY16-17 MOA Changes Section __: Section __ :
In Relation to Billing Requirements & Provider Enrollment, Service Provider Agrees: Section __: Section __ : SHARON Covering Policy – Carla to Cover Procedures Section ___: Page __ – Remember to: remind them to complete each form fully prior to handing in (e.g. progress note must have SC, Date range of authorization and they have to sign at the bottom) BDI-2 forms – are not on a 30 day cycle and must be turned in when completed

Introduction of NCES Fiscal Team Emily Hurlston, Clinical Coder I Meayki Batie, Program Assistant Adilene Hernandez, Program Assistant

7 JUNE 15 Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Close Out
TRANSITION SLIDE FROM SHARON TO CARLA Reminder: Time is of the essence… June 15th claims must be received then entered into workflow by June 17th UF Accounting Deadline is June 22nd to Approve invoices already in workflow Next claims / billing / accounts payables period will occur in the new fiscal year

8 FY 16-17 Close Out Processes
Time is of the essence… P PROVIDER CLAIMS FILING Submit within 30 days or less from DOS A ANY EOB DENIALS rec’d, send to NCES Fiscal Team via fax or Move It (NOT REGULAR !!!) I INCLUDE Claim Form and EOB Denial for request for payment via CONT D DENIALS eligible for payment will be paid via UF Accounts Payable (AP) system CARLA

9 P A I D FY 16-17 Close Out Timeline JUNE 30 - FYE
Time is of the essence… JUNE 30 - FYE P JULY 15 - CONT CLAIMS for May 1 - June 30 should be received no later than July 15 (60 day claim filing period per FY contract) A JULY 15 - CONT DENIALS eligible for payment for DOS up to June 30th should be submitted no later than July 15 I JULY 30 - EOB DENIALS eligible for payment should be submitted D CARLA Expedite claims submissions per FY15-16 contract For both CONT and EOB Denial requests to pay via CONT Only back 60 days with few exceptions Example: Today, we would be honoring claims payments from March 1st to May 1st

10 Section VI. 1h: Vendor application with UF (PAGE 7)
Forms (Exhibits N1, N2, N3, O, and P) Vendor Application UF Tax Information Form Electronic Payment Authorization AND Voided Check IRS Form W9 MMA Enrollment Summary Form*** Deadline May 31st CARLA All forms may be found on the Early Steps Website under “Resources for Providers”

11 New Claims Process Overview

12 Claims Process Overview
Reference SOPs Provider Manual, Fourth Edition Billing, Contracted Therapy Providers Billing, EI & ITDS Reference Rates Billing Legend (See Exhibit G, First Tab) CARLA

13 Claims Process Overview
PROVIDER Verify Coverage Obtain Auths (Including on IFSP) Provide Service Submit Claim Reference IFSP SOPs Billing Legend Provider Manual NESF & Claims Sheet Template CARLA -

14 Claims Process Overview
PROVIDER Verify Coverage IMPORTANT: You should be a credentialed provider with MMA or TPI Verify Coverage – Beginning of each month for: Medicaid Coverage and MMA Plans TPI (Third Party Insurance) NOTE: TPI EOBs for Denials, Due Once Per Calendar Year (So long as coverage remains unchanged) CARLA -

15 Claims Process Overview
PROVIDER Obtain Authorizations Obtain Authorizations From: IFSP Health Insurance Plan CARLA If uncertain about specific codes and/or dates authorized on IFSP, contact the Service Coordinator responsible for the case

16 Claims Process Overview
PROVIDER Provide Service Submit Claim Provide Service Submit Claim by 15th of month following month DOS took place Ex: DOS , Claim Deadline or If EOB Denial, by Process Defers for: CONT Claims (Services Covered Under Contract) Denials with EOBs (Explanation of Benefit) AT (Assistive Technologies) CARLA -Actual Claims Process Overview for CONT, EOB Denials, and AT up next

17 Claims Process Exercise
Hands On and Step-By-Step Complete Form Service & Natural Environment Support Fee Invoice Prep INV A - CONT INV B – EOBs INV C – AT Submit Claims CARLA Training Exercise, Reference and Download Exhibit G from the website at: Carla Now to Open Exhibit G for Walk Through with Providers *NOTE: PROCESS FOR AGENCIES MAY DIFFER AND MAY BE DISCUSSED

18 Natural Environment Support Fee
CARLA Reference Exhibit G, Tab labeled “Service and NESF Log”

19 NCES Claims Sheet CARLA

20 Claims Process Workflow INV A - CONT
Claims Form Received by NCES via Move It © AND Entered into ESDS* Invoice Created & Reviewed by NCES Fiscal Team via Claims Export from ESDS Invoice Reviewed, Sent to, and Approved via Corcentric for Payment** Invoice Paid via EFT (Near Due Date) CARLA If there is an issue with the claims, NCES will contact you regarding correction and will only process payment for eligible claims—check your invoice notes for issues Claims will be audited on a regular basis as part of the Quality Assurance (QA) process Payment date Example: Invoice dated , Provider with Net 30 showing due date of will be made on or before If setup for EFT, these typically are deposited on Wednesdays and Fridays If setup for checks, these typically are distributed on Tuesdays—please get setup for EFT!!! This allows you to track your payments. * Claims issues will be either returned or entered to ESDS as a denial **Provider must have NCES fully executed contract, UF Vendor Setup, and PO

21 Claims Process Workflow INV B – EOB Denials
Claims Form Received by NCES via Move It © AND Entered into ESDS* Invoice Created & Reviewed by NCES Fiscal Team via Claims Export from ESDS Invoice Reviewed, Sent to, and Approved via Corcentric for Payment** Invoice Paid via EFT (Near Due Date) CARLA As long as we receive EOB, claim will be entered to ESDS EOB may be sent to us at any time and does not need to accompany the actual invoice— once appropriate EOB received, we will update in ESDS to CONT All CONT and EOB claims entered to ESDS will show on same invoice during invoice export *Invoices without EOB copy for the year either on file or accompanying claims form will be either returned or short paid for eligible claims only *EOB should be for procedure code(s) invoiced to be accepted

22 New Claims Process Workflow INV C – AT Equipment
Approval via Service Coord; Provider supplies AT items to child & obtains signed Parent Receipt Approved Claim form Entered to ESDS, then Invoice Exported and Routed to Dept, then Division* Invoice Reviewed and Approved for Payment* Invoice Paid via EFT (Near Due Date) CARLA *Invoices without EOB copy for the year either on file or accompanying claims form will be either returned or processed and paid for eligible claims only

23 How to Reconcile Your Claims
Send claims forms with appropriate naming convention (Ex. STPH-MAY1, STPH-MAY2, STPH-JUN1, STPH-JUN2, etc.) Claims are entered using the line item # associated with invoice number (Ex. STPH-MAY1.01, STPH-MAY1.02, etc.) Invoices sent to UF Corcentric by the Fiscal Team are named using naming convention STPH-MAY-A, STPH-MAY-B, etc.) and provider is copied via ; totals and denials both show unless we were unable to enter into ESDS for some reason All UF vendors who receive payments via EFT may track invoices and payments at: disbursement-services/vouchers-expenditures-and-payment- processes/ CARLA If you do not see claims on the invoice sent to Corcentric that you know were submitted, please contact the NCES Fiscal Team immediately to inquire and back- track

24 How to Reconcile Your Claims
5. Open the appropriate Excel document at: services/vouchers-expenditures-and-payment-processes/ Filter the document by your UF vendor number (Highlight the row, select “Data” and “Filter” then from drop down menu under Vendor #, select arrow and unselect all, then select only your #) Filter the document by invoice number (STPH-MAY-A, etc.) (From the drop down menu under invoice #, select the arrow and unselect all, then select only your invoice number(s)) Look for the payment date, payment amount, and voucher # Next, take this payment info and apply to all the claims shown on the invoice sent to UF Corcentric that you were cc’d on CARLA

25 Where to Route Documents
EOBs When: As soon as received, no later than when claim filed Where: USPS or Fax Claims Forms When: 15th each month (Bulletin 11) Where: Move It© Progress Notes When: 15th and 30th of each month (Bulletin 9) Where: USPS or Fax (DO NOT SEND VIA MOVE IT©) CARLA

26 Fiscal 2016-2017 MOA Timeline CARLA
FY MOA due by COB June 15, 2016 Statement of Understanding of Part C Procedural Safeguard Must be signed by each individual provider Ex. If more than one Early Steps Provider, such as with an agency, each individual provider must sign Professional Liability Insurance Copy Exhibit P – Form, MMA Plan Enrollment Summary

27 Reminder: When Your Info Changes
CARLA Often providers may notify a SC, but forget to notify NCES Fiscal and Administration Please ensure to notify the NCES Fiscal Team when any of the following info changes: Name Address Phone Number Fax Number Address Bank Info for EFTs Changes To:


29 SHARON AND CARLA and-thank-you-cards-as-a-gift-for-their-teacher.html

30 For More Information Sharon Hennessy, NCES Program Director Emily Hurlston, Clinical Coder I Tamelia Malcolm, Service Coordinator Supervisor Contact Info Available at:

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