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The CRESST Dark Matter Search Status Report

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1 The CRESST Dark Matter Search Status Report
Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers CRESST is a collaboration of: Max-Planck-Institut für Physik Technische Universität München University of Oxford Universität Tübingen Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso

2 Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010
Outline The CRESST Detector Status of the experiment MPI activities Ongoing run Analysis Next run Light Detectors Holding of target crystals Alternative target crystals Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

3 CRESST Cryogenic Detectors
Scintillating target crystals Modular structure Multi-target possible CaWO4 h=40mm ∅=40mm m=300g W-SPT Light absorber CaWO4 target crystal reflecting scintillating housing Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

4 Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010
Outline The CRESST Detector Status of the experiment MPI activities Ongoing run Analysis Next run Light Detectors Holding of target crystals Alternative target crystals Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

5 Status of the experiment
CRESST running since spring 2009 9 fully functioning CaWO4 modules 1 fully functioning ZnWO4 module 6 modules with not operational light detector (Tc too low) 1 module with not operational crystal (?) ~750 kg/day of net exposure Gamma calibration Neutron calibration Various test of the shielding Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

6 Status of the experiment
CRESST running since spring 2009 (Preliminary) results presented Module 5 a O W MPI colloquium – Visit of the Fachbeirat – Publication in preparation Unexpected events in oxygen recoil band Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

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Outline The CRESST Detector Status of the experiment MPI activities Ongoing run Analysis Next run Light Detectors Holding of target crystals Alternative target crystals Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

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Analysis of Compound Target Materials The CRESST Dark Matter Search – New Analysis Methods and Recent Results J. Schmaler, PhD thesis, TUM (2010) WIMPs should mainly scatter off tungsten nuclei for light WIMPs: W recoils below energy threshold  O and Ca relevant! new analysis method: takes into account contributions of all nuclei simultaneously need to work in full 2-D parameter space (energy/light yield) includes new methods for calculating exclusion limits based on 2-D data density of expected signal for a 15 GeV WIMP Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010 8

9 Analysis of Compound Target Materials The CRESST Dark Matter Search – New Analysis Methods and Recent Results J. Schmaler, PhD thesis, TUM (2010) exclusion limits for elastic WIMP scattering benefits of new analysis method: strongly enhanced sensitivity for light WIMPs two-dimensional: exploits full information of CRESST data to obtain limits robust against unknown backgrounds Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

10 Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010
Analysis of Detectors’ Characteristics Optimization of CRESSTII detector modules M. Kiefer, PhD thesis, TUM (in preparation) Large number of running detector modules Study characteristics at low temperature Light emitted Light detected Model: distribution of energy in a module Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

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Analysis of Detectors’ Characteristics Optimization of CRESSTII detector modules M. Kiefer, PhD thesis, TUM (in preparation) CaWO4 better than ZnWO4 Composite better than conventional composite conventional No large variation in light detection efficiency within the modules Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

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Outline The CRESST Detector Status of the experiment MPI activities Ongoing run Analysis Next run Light Detectors Holding of target crystals Alternative target crystals Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

13 Light Detectors - Production
More detectors running Production of new LD Reproducibility of transition WII-146 WII-132 WII-106 Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

14 Light Detectors - Production
More detectors running Production of new LD Reproducibility of transition ESD problem Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

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Light Detectors – Optimization The detectors Parameters Determining the sensitivity of the CRESST-II Experiment P. Huff, PhD thesis, TUM (2010) Improve event-by-event discrimination Understanding of the factors determining the width of the bands  possibility for improvement Thermometer with separated heater Two implemented in run32 All newly produced heaters Black Silicon light absorber Tested in Munich Modified thermometer size Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

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Outline The CRESST Detector Status of the experiment MPI activities Ongoing run Analysis Next run Light Detectors Holding of target crystals Alternative target crystals Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

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Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

18 Holding of target crystals
most likely origin of no-light events: stress relaxation events at contact surface between clamps and crystal clamps mostly covered with plastic layer more no-light events than with pure metal clamps consequence of 2008 run: new clamps for all crystals no plastic coverage Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

19 Holding of target crystals
Module 5 non scintillating clamp a 210Po 206Pb a High 210Pb content in the clamp material Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

20 Holding of target crystals
Reduction of background Alternative spring material New reflecting coating (Al) New scintillating coating (Epo-tek +PPO) Need testing: Radiopurity Production and handling Low temperature performance Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

21 Holding of target crystals
Reduction of background Alternative spring material New reflecting coating (Al) New scintillating coating (Epo-tek +PPO) CaWO4 balls Improved holder design Test facility at GS for studying prototypes Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

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Outline The CRESST Detector Status of the experiment MPI activities Ongoing run Analysis Next run Light Detectors Holding of target crystals Alternative target crystals Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

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Al2O3:Ti Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

24 Alternative target crystals Light Yield Measurements of CdWO4 and Al2O3:Ti for the CRESST Dark Matter Search R. Kleindienst, Diploma Thesis, TUM (2010) Cryogenic measurement with small target crystal CdWO4 Light Yield ~ 2 CaWO4 comparable with LY CaWO4 for large crystals (measured in test cryostat at Gran Sasso)  Further improvement of crystal quality Al2O3:Ti (50 to 500 ppm) Light Yield ~1/2 CaWO4  Low light yield W-SPT Light absorber Target crystal 20mm x 10mm x 5mm reflecting housing Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

25 Alternative target crystals
Cryogenic measurement with small target crystal CsI Light Yield ~ 7 CaWO4 Aspects under investigation: performance as cryogenic calorimeter possible surface effects position dependence intrinsic radioactivity W-SPT Light absorber Target crystal 20mm x 10mm x 5mm reflecting housing  Needs to be measured in the test facility at Gran Sasso Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

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Future Study reproducibility of transitions in light detectors Investigation of new light absorbers Black Silicon Optimization of thermometer size Characterization of new scintillators CsI CdWO4 Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

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Future Detectors ready New holders in production Solution for target crystal holding to be finalized Conclusion of ongoing run early 2011 approaching 1T/day Installation of new detectors and maintenance Start of new run mid 2011 study excess of events in the oxygen band with lower background and higher mass We want to thank the MPI staff that is involved with the preparation of the new CRESST Run Federica Petricca - MPI Project Review 2010

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