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PSAT Training.

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1 PSAT Training

2 Administered by high schools annually in October, the PSAT/NMSQT
What is the PSAT/NMSQT®? Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) A comprehensive assessment program that measures college readiness and provides valuable tools to help students start planning for the future Administered by high schools annually in October, the PSAT/NMSQT Measures skills in critical reading, mathematics and writing Helps put students on the path to college

3 What is the PSAT 8/9®? The PSAT 8/9 is a test that will assist students and teachers understand what students need to work on most so that they are ready for college upon graduation from high school. The PSAT 8/9 establishes a baseline measurement of college and career readiness as students enter high school. It also gives you a chance to preview the SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and PSAT 10 and connect to AP courses. GCISD is utilizing the PSAT 8/9 as a benchmarking tool for students starting in the 8th grade.

4 Reminders There is no make up – Oct 19 is only day!
PSAT Math scores (47 or higher) can substitute for the Algebra I EOC ** Prior to the Spring 2017 administration of STAAR EOC assessments, TEA intends to update the allowable substitute assessments and cut scores that can be used in place of the STAAR EOCs to meet graduation requirements. This will include the PSAT. More information will be shared when it is available.

5 PSAT 8/9 and PSAT Test Date
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 All 8th graders All 9th, 10th, 11th graders *free of charge

6 Pre-Administration The week before the test, schools have the option to have students fill in boxes 1-23 & 28 on their answer sheets under supervision. You can do this through English or other class. Remove only answer sheets and flyers listing religion and college major codes, do not open test books until test day. Proctors MUST FOLLOW THE SCRIPT PROVIDED!

7 Pre-Administration 45-50 minutes
Post 6 digit code, address and optional codes (these are highly recommended). Distribute flyer of religion and college major codes and answer sheet to each student. Follow the script in green boxes to instruct students to fill in personal information in boxes 1-23 & 28. Organize answer sheets to ensure students receive their own on test day.

8 CANNOT break for lunch and then resume testing
Testing Time Total test: 2 hours and 45 minutes Administrative Duties& Breaks: minutes UNLESS YOU ARE PRECODING THE DAY OF THE TEST – this can take up to 45 additional minutes! Plan accordingly! CANNOT break for lunch and then resume testing

9 CANNOT break for lunch and then resume testing
NO LATE START! Test must begin by 9:00 AM & Conclude by 12:00 Noon CANNOT break for lunch and then resume testing

10 Administration Basics
PSAT 8/9 BULK Before Testing – pages 1-14 During Testing – pages 15-44 After Testing – pages 48-55 PSAT Bulk Before Testing – pages 1-17 During Testing – pages 18-47 After Testing – pages 53-61 PSAT Before Testing – pages 1-12 During Testing – pages 13-41 After Testing – pages 47-54

11 Before the Test Know your school’s six-digit School Code
You will need to post this code where the students can see it GHS – CHHS – Bridges – Collegiate CMS – CTMS – GMS – HMS –

12 Before the Test Schedule the test
All students must test at the same time in the morning. You will not be able to take a lunch break and resume testing. Allow three and 1/2 hours for testing and related activities.

13 Before the Test Plan for Students with Disabilities (SSD)
The College Board must approve all accommodations prior to testing with the PSAT/NMSQT®, SAT® or AP®. PSAT 8/9 students are the exception. All students requesting accommodations must submit a request to SSD. Visit for detailed information about the eligibility process. Submit requests for accommodations in the spring, as requests for accommodations must be received by August 30 to ensure a decision prior to the test date. Approved nonstandard test formats can be ordered with standard formats at THE DEADLINE IS 9/23!

14 Before the Test Select and Train Staff
Select Test Administrators to read instructions to students and monitor test rooms on test day. Adult-to-student ratio in any test room may not exceed 34:1. All staff in these roles may not be a member of the household or immediate family of a student testing that day, even in another school. Ensure that staff review the Supervisor’s Manual prior to test day. Notify student and parents about PSAT/NMSQT and the benefits

15 Before the Test Distribution of Materials To Students: To Staff:
The Student Guide with full practice test and test-taking tips To Staff: Copies of The Supervisor’s Manual The Associate Supervisor/Proctor Checklist found in the Educator Guide

16 Before the Test Visit
Obtain helpful advice, forms and information to help you manage test day. Check your materials. Make sure you’ve received the correct number of tests and verify that all answer sheets are for the correct test date. Store the tests securely. Prevent any student from gaining an unfair advantage.

17 Before the Test Choose test rooms.
Administer tests in areas with adequate lighting, good writing surfaces, a visible clock, and away from noise and distraction Maintain distance of 4 feet between students (center of desk to center of desk). All students must face the same direction. No round tables Students with pre-coded labels should not be with students without labels.

18 Use a seating chart and keep on campus for at least six months
Use a seating chart and keep on campus for at least six months. THIS IS REQUIRED! Back of manual

19 Before the Test Create a plan for distributing:
Calculators for the Math Test –Calculator (permissible calculators – page 20 of PSAT 8/9 BULK manual; page 26 of PSAT manual; page 31 of PSAT BULK manual) Pencils – 2 per student – NO MECHANICAL PENCILS

20 On Test Day Home Schooled Students
If you have any students who are Home-Schooled, they bubble the homeschooled bubble. They do not bubble a code. THIS IS NEW.

21 On Test Day Irregularities Know what students should bring.
Know testing protocol. Turn off classroom bells, and remove visual aids from testing rooms. Actively monitor test rooms, halls and restrooms to ensure policies are being followed. Know what materials are allowed and prohibited while students are testing. Keep control of test materials before and after student use.

22 On Test Day Review pages 10-25 of Supervisor Manual
Irregularities Review pages of Supervisor Manual Submit the Supervisor’s Irregularity Report as instructed on the Irregularity Chart Immediately inform the PSAT/NMSQT if an irregularity occurs after answer sheets have been returned.

23 On Test Day Read bold directions in the boxes aloud to students.
Administering the Test Read bold directions in the boxes aloud to students. Do not deviate form the directions in the manual Do not answer questions that have to do with content Adhere to the time limits for each section

24 After the Test Collect and count answer documents and test booklets - Collect answer sheets from each student individually. Do not have them passed to you. Make sure students do not put their answer sheets inside the test books. Count answer sheets, and verify that you have one for each student. Check student gridding After accounting for the answer sheets, collect the test books from students individually in the same order in which you distributed them. Count used test books and verify that you have one for each student.

25 Questions?

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