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Innovation through Research and Development

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation through Research and Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation through Research and Development
Kristin McNary Product Team Manager IT | Programming | Web Development | MIS Cengage Learning Dr. Kyla A. McMullen Assistant Professor Computer & Information Science & Engineering University of Florida

2 Synergistic Interests
Intro to Programming course at UF (500 Students) Scalable Interactive Usable Adaptable

3 The CS Education Landscape is Changing
Undergraduate CS enrollment is soaring Technology-based instruction is increasingly commonplace CS education pedagogy is evolving active learning paired-programming [1] CRA Taulbee Survey (2015)

4 Overarching Question: What drives learning efficacy?
“How can new educational technology can facilitate active learning and paired- programming methodologies in the classroom?” Best practices What works What doesn’t User studies with members of the target population

5 Specific Questions How usable is this educational technology interface? System Suability Scale (SUS) [2] What features are desirable in an educational technology interface? What features are undesirable in an educational technology interface? How did performance compare to the traditional means?

6 Experiment Design (Method)
3 Leading Educational Technology Suppliers Balanced, within-subject design 3 Sessions 28 Participants from Introduction to Programming Course A to E students Paired by ability [3] $50 or Extra Course Credit Compensation Unexplored Topics Exception Handling, Recursion, Generic Methods

7 Experiment Design (Procedure)
Students were paired during session 1 Participated in active learning using the given interface 20 minutes of learning the content Followed by paired-programming Driver and navigator Switching every 15 minutes Students submitted solutions Completed the SUS Evaluation

8 Experiment Design (Data Collection & Evaluation Metrics)
Video, voice, solution, survey Collected – Facial sentiment, Speech Sentiment, code analysis, impressions of the syste Really, the solution and survey turned out to be the most informative measures

9 Best Practices – Usability
Students agreed that the educational technology interface was: was easier to use was well integrated had more useful built-in features could be learned quickly gave students more confidence was a better choice for first-time programmers had more support for active learning was more “attention-grabbing” during tasks did not require students to have exceptional programming abilities in order to use the interface. As compared to the traditional means

10 Best Practices – Desirable Features
Integrated textbook and coding environment Error identification Active feedback A simple, and easy to use interface Good coding examples in the book

11 Best Practices – Undesirable Features
Uninformative error messages Confusing interface design choices Buttons, Submitting work Slow compile time Lack of informative figures and examples Correct/Conventional auto-indentation Compiler errors separated from code Difficult-to-navigate

12 Best Practices / Recommendations
Closely follow IDE conventions Ctrl-F for finding content Auto indentation Syntax highlighting Auto complete Brackets, parentheses, method names, variable names Improved error explanation Results console before submitting Button explanation Ability to adjust difficulty level Better examples Hints Largely in line with dislikes

13 Future Work Replication with more students Direct platform comparison
Longer/more extensive coding problems to solve

14 References [1] Stuart Zweben. Computing degree and enrollment trends (from the taulbee survey). Computing Degree and Enrollment. Accessed September, 15, 2016. [2] Brooke, J. (1996). SUS: A “Quick and Dirty” Usability Scale. In P. W. Jordan, B. Thomas, B. A. Weerdmeester, & I. L. McClelland (Eds.), Usability Evaluation in Industry, 189–194. Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis. [3] Bevan, Jennifer, Linda Werner, and Charlie McDowell. "Guidelines for the use of pair programming in a freshman programming class." Software Engineering Education and Training, 2002.(CSEE&T 2002). Proceedings. 15th Conference on. IEEE, 2002.

15 Kristin McNary Product Team Manager
IT | Programming | Web Development | MIS Cengage Learning Dr. Kyla A. McMullen Assistant Professor Computer & Information Science & Engineering University of Florida


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