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Anti Bullying Week Worship

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1 Anti Bullying Week Worship
Medlar with Wesham School Council 2016

2 What does the word ‘bullying’ mean to you?

3 Number 1: Bullying is on purpose, not an accident.

4 Number 2: Bullying is repetitive. This means that the bully hurts someone over and over again; it isn’t an incident that happens only once or every now and again

5 Number 3: Bullying is where one person acts like they have more power than another, and does whatever they can to hurt that person – this could even be online on the internet.

6 Quiz Time!!

7 If a person is being bullied, is it?...
Question 1: If a person is being bullied, is it?... A - Their own fault, B - their parent’s fault, C - their friend’s fault, D - the person doing the bullying’s fault.

8 Question 2 Being bulllied makes you feel….
A: Scared and upset and you don’t want to come to school. B: Happy, C: Excited, D: Just the same as normal.

9 Question 3 What can an adult in school do to help stop bullying?
A - Shout at the bully until they promise to stop. B – Ignore the problem and eat another bacon butty. C - Tell the person who is being bullied to stop moaning and get on with it. D - Talk to the bully and take some action and use their … Power for Good.

10 Question 4 What is the theme for this year’s Anti-Bullying Week?
A: - Power for good, B: Power for good , C: Power for good or D: Power for good!

11 Bullying Behaviour This is when someone tries to hurt someone else by the way they act.

12 A Victim This is somebody who is bullied and feels hurt, upset and scared because of the actions of another person.

13 A Bystander This is a person who sees bullying taking place and is a very important person involved in stopping the bullying and not just standing by and watching it.

14 Physical Bullying When someone is repeatedly kicked, hit or someone damages their belongings.

15 Verbal Bullying When someone is repeatedly called is names or being teased or threatened.

16 Indirect Bullying When someone is repeatedly talked about behind their back by spreading nasty stories or gossiped about or left out of games.

17 Cyber Bullying When someone is repeatedly sending nasty s, or texts or name calling on social media or online.

18 Use Your Power for Good In the Bible there are many examples of Jesus using his power for good….

19 Let us sing ‘Be Bold’ Be bold, be strong
For the Lord your God is with you I am not afraid (No, No, No) I am not dismayed (Not Me!) Because I'm walking in faith and victory Come on and walk in faith and victory For the Lord your God is with you.

20 Let us pray… Dear Lord, Thank you for providing us with so many people that will listen to our problems. We are grateful for all the help we are given if we feel we are being bullied. Thank you for helping those who have difficulty in understanding the feelings of others. Please help us all to use your power inside us and use this power for good.  Amen

21 Use your Power for Good

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