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Section title This presentation is designed to help you talk to key stakeholders about Drive. It is not designed to be used with young people or their.

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Presentation on theme: "Section title This presentation is designed to help you talk to key stakeholders about Drive. It is not designed to be used with young people or their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section title This presentation is designed to help you talk to key stakeholders about Drive. It is not designed to be used with young people or their coaches. The notes included aren’t intended to be read out, they are for your information and to help you present Drive in your own words.

2 Section title This links to a video hosted on YouTube which shows the some of the “Good Kiwi Driver” video from the Drive Interactive Video. If you won’t have access to the internet while doing your presentation, download the video from YouTube first then play it from your laptop/device that you’re running the presentation on.

3 Introducing Drive A new and innovative website for young people
Section title Introducing Drive A new and innovative website for young people Created by the NZ Transport Agency and ACC Drive helps young people become confident and capable drivers. Its not just about having a licence, it is about being a good driver ACC and the Transport Agency worked together for 18 months to create Drive. They’ll continue to work together to continually improve and enhance Drive based on user feedback. Drive is designed to help young people be confident and capable on our roads. Our aim is to reduce the number of young people involved in and injured in crashes. “Safety” is woven into all the content on Drive but you won’t find it overtly talked about. This is because ‘safety” isn’t a great motivator of young people in this context.

4 How is Drive different? It’s all about young people
Section title How is Drive different? It’s all about young people Drive is designed to be engaging for young people It works best on mobiles and tablets. Drive is packed full of helpful tools that makes learning easy and fun. An interactive road code Games and quizzes Practical driving skills videos You can track your progress through the modules Drive approaches young driver education differently – it’s focussed on providing information in a way that’s relevant and engaging for young people. Young people tend to use mobiles and tablets more than any other technology so Drive has been designed with this in mind. It works best on mobile devices. The content is structured to make learning feel easy and fun. This approach has been used for learning the road code, and learning the practical driving skills needed to get a restricted licence.

5 Who is Drive for? Drive is designed for three groups
Section title Who is Drive for? Drive is designed for three groups Primary focus to 19 year old young males This group are the highest risk of crashing Secondary focus – all other young people Drive is designed to be inclusive of all young people Tertiary focus - supporters and stakeholders This includes parents, coaches, teachers, educators, instructors, people and groups working with young people Drive’s target audience can be broken down into three key groups: At risk young males 18-19 year old at risk males (driving risk not general risk) are the most important audience for Drive. Our site and communications are designed to primarily appeal to them. Young people Although the primary audience is most important, Drive is intended to be inclusive and available to all young people. We don’t alienate or forget our secondary audience including females and other drivers between 16 and 24 years. Supporters and stakeholders Our third audience includes groups like parents/coaches, instructors/teachers and local/central government. These groups may be channels or influencers of our young people. What do we want them to think and feel? Young people (including at risk) We want Drive to be the place to go to learn how to become a good driver. We want them to understand that being a good driver will help you to pass the test. Compared to having the mindset that “passing the test means you are a good driver”. Parents and coaches Drive is seen and known to be the programme that is going to help their young person become a safe driver. Not only that, but it is going to help them become a better teacher so they can help their young person become a better driver. Instructors, Educators and Community Groups Drive is seen and known as New Zealand’s government endorsed New Driver Education Programme. When they’re teaching anything driving related to young people, Drive is the source of truth.

6 A quick tour of the website
Section title A quick tour of the website If you don’t have access to the internet while doing your presentation then remove this slide. If you’d still like to demonstrate Drive, suggest that audience members use their phones and go to…then you can direct them to the key features. If you can demonstrate Drive, it helps to log in to Drive before you start your presentation so you can show the features that you can get once logged in e.g. the dashboard, tricky test questions and practice test.

7 Creating Drive Co-creation, testing and research have been key
Section title Creating Drive Co-creation, testing and research have been key A range of young people and coaches involved Helped us understand how to better deliver driver education A key design principle for Drive is to include our key users every step of the way. We’ve worked with young people, coaches and experts all across New Zealand to make sure what we develop will work and fulfil their needs.

8 Section title Scope of research We’ve worked closely with experts in education, behaviour change, driving instructors, digital technologies and game design. By the time Drive launched we’d talked to over 200 young people as well as many coaches. During development we interacted with young people in some way every two weeks. Drive worked with many experts specialising in: Education Numeracy Literacy Universal Design for Learning (making designs work for people with learning difficulties or on autism/aspergers spectrum) Behaviour change Driving instruction Digital technology Game design

9 About the shut down of Practice
Section title About the shut down of Practice Practice is shutting down on 30 June 2016. Thanks for your significant contribution to the success of Practice is being replaced because: Generally it appeals to compliant young drivers. It isn’t cost-effective to upgrade We’re contacting all active users of Practice and putting info up on the website encouraging users to visit and trial Drive. There will be a redirect in place so any users trying to visit Practice will be redirected to Drive. Please remove this slide if not relevant after 30 June 2016

10 Section title What else would you like to know about Drive?
Question time What else would you like to know about Drive? FAQs are available to help you answer common questions. If you get questions that you’re still not sure how to answer you can contact after the presentation to get an answer and then follow up with the group/individual.


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