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Seat Time Waivers MPAAA Fall Conference

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1 Seat Time Waivers MPAAA Fall Conference
09/2010 Seat Time Waivers MPAAA Fall Conference September 2010 Debra Hartman Genesee Intermediate School District Business Services Administrator Pupil Accounting Auditor

2 Invitation to Michigan Schools
“In an effort to expand opportunities for Michigan high school students, Superintendent Flanagan has invited schools and school districts to seek waivers from the Administrative Rules and Pupil Accounting Rules that cause barriers to innovation and student academic success.” Michigan Department of Education, 2007 Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 2

3 Superintendent Flanagan’s Vision
It’s not about seat time Student-centered instruction Using all available tools Rules can be waived Michigan Department of Education, 2007 Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 3

4 SEPTEMBER 2009 Superintendent Flanagan extended the Seat Time Waiver to all Michigan School Districts through their Intermediate School District in partnership with GISD Follow rules/regs established by GenNET Follow GISD processes for STW Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 4

5 PROJECT RE-IMAGINE 14 projects selected
Specific Administrative Rules waived Many include a Seat Time Waiver component Genesee ISD

6 Purpose of the Waiver Expand opportunities for students
Dropout prevention More curricular offerings Increase student enrollment Improve student outcomes Create flexibility for all students Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 6

7 Students to be served but not limited to…
Expelled/suspended Attendance issues Social/emotional issues Accelerated learning Medical situations Pregnant/parenting teens Students on the move Working students Home schooled students Drop outs or at risk of dropping out Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 7

8 Administrative Rules Pupil Accounting Manual
Rules Waived Administrative Rules Pupil Accounting Manual Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 8

9 Virtual Learning Courses
Administrative Rules/Pupil Accounting Manual Reference Section R –Administrative Rules Section 5O-2(3) of the MDE Pupil Accounting Manual “The pupil must be concurrently enrolled and attending at least one course offered by the district in which credit is earned and regular daily attendance is required.” “The pupil must be in attendance on the count day or during the 10/30 day rule period during the class time designated for the course on the pupil’s class schedule.” “This type of virtual learning course is limited to two per semester per pupil.” Waiver A waiver of these rules will allow selected pupils to access classes without the in-school seat time requirement. Self- scheduled classes are not limited to two per semester. The pupil does not need to be present in the school on count day. Weekly contact by a mentor teacher will provide assistance and monitor progress. Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 9

10 Expelled/Suspended Students LOCAL DISTRICT POLICY
Administrative Rules/Pupil Accounting Manual Reference Section 5N-5 of the MDE Pupil Accounting Manual “A pupil provided a minimum of two nonconsecutive hours per week of individualized instruction, who was suspended or expelled under local school board policy, is a pro–rated FTE with the pro-ration based on the number of hours of instruction…” Waiver A waiver of this rule will allow this population access to curriculum and offer districts opportunity to continue the education of the student by keeping on track for graduation. Weekly contact with a mentor teacher will provide assistance and monitor progress. The 2 hours contact per week is waived. STW students will only be considered for a full time FTE if they take the same number of courses as that which is considered full time in their local district high school. Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 10

11 Post Secondary Option Administrative Rules/Pupil Accounting Manual Reference School Aid Act – Section R –Administrative Rules Section 5GA-3 of the MDE Pupil Accounting Manual “The pupil is enrolled and attending at least one high school course.” Waiver A waiver of this rule will allow increased flexibility in scheduling for selected pupils who wish to enroll exclusively in post-secondary classes, or combine with virtual, or work-based experiences. An online course or a work-based experience may count as the “one high school course” as long as the student has not completed graduation requirements. Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 11

12 Work-Based Learning Experience
Administrative Rules/Pupil Accounting Manual Reference Section R –Administrative Rules Section 5P-7(1) of the MDE Pupil Accounting Manual “The work-based learning experience shall not generate more than one-half of the pupil’s FTE, not to exceed .5.” Waiver A waiver of this rule will allow a more flexible scheduling of selected pupils to enroll in individualized work-based learning experiences or a combination of work-based learning, post-secondary classes, and virtual learning experiences. Students may combine a variety of off-site learning experiences such as online, non-CTE work-based, and postsecondary to equal a full time schedule of courses. All other work-based rules are still in effect. Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 12

13 Definition of 100% Seat Time Waiver Student
A pupil is considered a full-time student if the combined number of classes that the pupil is enrolled in equals the number of classes scheduled for a full-time pupil at the local district high school.  This could be a combination of traditional, virtual, or dual-enrolled classes.  Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 13

14 100% Self-scheduled Online Courses: Requires a Waiver
Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 14

15 4 Virtual Self-scheduled Classes: Requires a Waiver
Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 15

16 3 Self – Scheduled Virtual Classes: Requires a Waiver
Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 16

17 2 Self-Scheduled Virtual Classes - Does Not Need A Waiver
Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 17

18 Approval Conditions Approval for: 2010-11 school year
Expected very soon Up to 25% of enrolled high school students/district (9-12) Not to exceed 10% enrolled High School students in each ISD Region collectively Approved by school principal or designee Instructor led courses delivered through the GenNET portal Student contact must be documented by the teacher mentor on either the count dates or during the count week. The method used to confirm student contact must be documented. Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 18

19 MENTOR TEACHER Must be a certificated teacher employed by the district. Must provide a minimum of one interactive contact per week. May be considered the teacher- of -record. Must be assigned to each STW pupil. A mentor may be assigned to more than one pupil. Provides assistance and monitors the pupil’s progress in the virtual course(s). Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 19

Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 20

Report all STW students with a Program Participation Characteristic in alternative education (9220) in your student data system. (MSDS) Report the STW students in the building they receive their education. i.e. regular high school or an alternative high school Record all schools, or other entities in which these students are “housed” for reporting purposes as having an alternative education program in the EEM. Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 21

22 09/2010 NEW FOR 2010 – 2011 MSDS A new participation code added to identify Seat Time Waiver Students (9229). STW students will display on the alpha list with ** . Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 22

09/2010 EVERYONE MUST KNOW THE RULES ISD and LEA/PSA partners must communicate Special meetings with high school principals and counselors and pupil accounting coordinators Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 23 23

24 MDE Pupil Accounting Manual
Section 5-O-B SEAT TIME WAIVER Revised August 2010 Genesee ISD

25 A. Seat Time Waiver Guidance
Board Approval Method of Delivery Teacher –facilitated Instruction Class Schedules Genesee ISD

26 Seat Time Waiver Guidance
Academic Benchmarks Grade Appropriate Assessments MME – if 12 or more credits earned Evaluation Criteria – MDE will establish Genesee ISD

27 Seat Time Waiver Guidance
District Pays Tuition and Fees Computer Broadband Connectivity A district may adopt additional requirements and restrictions Genesee ISD

28 B. Requirements for Counting Membership
Must meet pupil membership eligibility requirements. (Section 3 of PAM) 2. Pupil shall be enrolled and attending on the count date: Class Schedule for entire year Pupil logging into at least 1 program-sponsored on-line course on each count day. Genesee ISD

29 B. Requirements for Counting Membership
3. Pupil FTE will be measured by pupil logging into at least one program- sponsored online course on each count day and for 19 additional calendar days during the 30-day calendar day count period. Log-in records must be maintained by the district. Genesee ISD

30 B. Requirements for Counting Membership
4. Each course shall count as one class on the pupil’s schedule and generate that portion of an FTE. 5. Teacher of record must be identified. 6. On-site mentor must be assigned. Genesee ISD

31 The LEA Will: Enroll STW pupils - Following STW Guidance
Complete enrollment forms Complete the Pupil Accounting Forms (2) List of Enrolled Pupils Mentor Instructional Time Form (one per pupil) Send to the appropriate STW contact at ISD Send to the P.A. auditor with pupil count documentation Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 31

32 Pupil Accounting Forms
List of Enrolled Pupils Mentor Instructional Time Form Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 32

33 The ISD Auditor Will: Complete a Desk Audit of STW students every count Complete a Field Audit of STW students during your high school rotations Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 33

34 DESK AUDIT All high schools every count Review List of Enrolled Pupils
Is the form signed & certified properly? Is the FTE calculated correctly? No more than 25% of high school enrollment No more than 10% of ISD high school enrollment Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 34

35 Desk Audit Mentor Instructional Time Form Weekly contact?
Contact during count week? Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 35

36 Include with regular high school rotation
On–Site Field Audit Include with regular high school rotation STW students are non-conventional Alternative Education Pupils (Pop III) Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 36

37 Pupil Accounting Documentation
Field Audit Buildings Pupil Membership eligibility Enrollment status Student schedules Residency Student log-in (20 days) Mentor Teacher of Record Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 37

38 On–Site Field Audit (cont)
From the List of Enrolled Pupils Form FTE must be calculated correctly 1.0 FTE - Do the number of classes taken equal the number needed at the high school for a full FTE? Prorated FTE - number of classes taken are equal to a less than full time student Student must log-in 20 days during the 30-day count period. Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 38

39 FTE ADJUSTMENTS ? Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 39

40 FTE ADJUSTMENTS Pupil does not meet membership eligibility.
Student not enrolled in classes by count day FTE is not calculated correctly No interactive contact by the mentor teacher Teacher-of-record not identified Student does not log-in for 20 days Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 40

Number of students taking GenNET classes Number of STW students Number of on-line classes taken Number of STW classes taken 57/ ISDs 514/531 LEAs 14 PSAs Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 41

42 STW Information Site
username: user.stw password: user.stw Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 42

43 Questions? Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 43

44 Questions? 09/2010 Lisa Hagel Superintendent (810) 591-4403
Beverly Knox-Pipes Assistant Superintendent (810) Debra Hartman Business Services Administrator Pupil Accounting Auditor ( ) 44 Genesee ISD Genesee ISD 44

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