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Class Notes for Monday, Feb 20th

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1 Class Notes for Monday, Feb 20th
When you get to slide #


3 Terms to know Solar System
Our star (Sun) and everything that orbits around it (planets, asteroids, comets, etc.) Galaxy Huge collection of stars bound together by gravity (the Sun is 1 star among billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy) Universe Everything (~100 billion galaxies)

4 The Sun Surface Temperature: 5,500 °C Core Temperature: 15,500,000 °C
The Sun is a star. It is 4,500 million years old It takes 8 minutes for its light to reach the Earth. 98.6% mass of the Solar System Consists of Hydrogen (74%) and Helium (24%) Surface Temperature: 5,500 °C Core Temperature: 15,500,000 °C

5 Solar System

6 My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

7 Planets Inner Planets Terrestrial Mercury Venus Earth Mars Outer Planets Gaseous giants Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune These planets are grouped into two categories, the inner planets and the outer planets. The Solar System

8 Inner planets are mostly solid, made of minerals similar to those found on Earth. These planets are smaller and hotter than the outer planets.

9 Inner Planets “Terrestrial Planets” Rocky Dense Metal cores (iron)

10 Outer planets are all huge balls of gas, called gas giants, except for Pluto. Each might have a solid core, but none has a solid surface. These gas giants are known to have lots of moons and rings of dust and ice.

11 Outer Planets Large! Gases and liquids No solid surface
May have a small solid core Tumultuous atmospheres - rapid winds, large storms Rotate relatively quickly

12 For the Next Slides Make the Following Table in Your Notebook:
Planets Distance From the Sun Diameter Temp in ° Length of Day (Earth Days) Length of Year (Earth Years)

13 Mercury Distance From The Sun 57,900,000 km Diameter 4879 km
Temperature 450oC Length of Day 59 Earth days Length of Year 88 Earth days

14 The next slide should be written below your table you made and look like this:
Mercury Scans indicate that craters at the poles contain water ice. Temperatures reach 450° C during the day. **You will do this for every planet after you put the other information into the table.

15 Mercury Scans indicate that craters at the poles contain water ice.
Temperatures reach 450°C during the day. The floors of the craters are permanently shielded from sunlight, so the temperature never gets hot enough to melt the ice. Radius: 2400 km Mass: 3.30 x 1023 kg Distance from Sun: 58 million km (0.38 AU)

16 Venus Distance From The Sun 108,000,000 km Diameter 12,104 km
Temperature 464oC Length of Day 116 Earth days Length of Year 224.7 Earth days

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