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ORBIS International.

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Presentation on theme: "ORBIS International."— Presentation transcript:

1 ORBIS International

2 Ocular Trauma Alice Lee RN Canada

3 Corneal abrasions Foreign bodies Radiation damage Chemical damage
Injuries to the Eye Corneal abrasions Foreign bodies Radiation damage Chemical damage Blunt Injuries Penetrating injuries

4 History High velocity injury? suspect a penetrating injury
Forceful blunt injury? look for signs of a blow out fracture

5 History Visual History History: Symptoms Is one or both eyes affected?
Vision at the time of the examination? Vision before trauma? History: Symptoms Symptoms besides decreased vision? Duration of symptoms? Any surgery prior to trauma?

6 Examination Visual Acuity Fluorescein Distorted Pupil
Range of Extraocular Motion Depth of Anterior Chamber Lacerations? Presence of hemorrhage Presence of Cataract

7 Corneal Abrasion Common result of a blunt injury
May be missed if Fluorescein is not used Common result of a blunt injury May be missed if Fluorescein is not used

8 Aims of Treatment Corneal Abrasion Relieve pain: - Topical anesthesia
- Cycloplegic drops Prevent infection: antibiotic ointment Protect the eye: - Pressure patch

9 Foreign Bodies Conjunctival Corneal Intraocular Examination: fluorescein, anaesthetic drops, evert lids to check conjunctiva and cornea Irritation/Pain Tearing Red eye History of Foreign Body entry Photophobia if on or rubbing on cornea

10 Treatment Foreign Bodies
Conjunctival lift out with moist cotton sterile applicator Corneal dislodge with irrigation or using needle Antibiotic ointment With larger foreign bodies may treat as for a corneal abrasion: patch the eye

11 Intraocular Foreign Bodies
May penetrate the globe without causing severe pain, obvious physical signs, or early visual disturbances Require immediate treatment Dilate pupil for examination of lens, vitreous, retina Systemic & topical antibiotics Shield eye - no pressure

12 Treatment: same as for corneal abrasion
Radiation Damage Welding with inadequate protection hours after: painful, tearing eyes Exposure to large amounts of reflected sunlight Treatment: same as for corneal abrasion

13 Chemical Damage Chemical burns of the cornea & conjunctiva can be serious Immediately wash eye out with water Remove loose particles Chemical iritis: instill a long-acting cycloplegic (atropine 1%) Corneal epithelial defects: antibiotic ointment, patch Analgesia Prompt referral to ophthalmologist

14 Acid Burns minutes later 3 months later

15 Alkali Burn Acute Stage conjunctival chemosis
mild corneal opacification Chronic Stage total corneal opacification corneal vascularization

16 Small object Blunt Trauma Injuries
Impact may be taken by the eye and orbit

17 Blunt Trauma Injuries - Small object
Complications Damaged Pupil react poorly to light Damaged/Dislocated Lens Damage to the Drainage Angle Ruptured Globe Hemorrhage in A/C (Hyphema) in vitreous or retina

18 Blunt Trauma Injuries Large object Impact is taken by the orbital rim

19 Upward and downward gaze limited by tethered muscle
Blunt Trauma Injuries Complications Upward and downward gaze limited by tethered muscle Blow – out Fracture usually occurs in orbital floor Prolapse into the orbital floor fracture

20 Signs of an Orbital Blowout Fracture

21 Globe Laceration One of the most serious injuries of blunt trauma

22 Ruptured Globe - Treatment
Alleviate pain Dilate pupil Protective shield Local (drops) & systemic antibiotics Refer for ophthalmic surgery

23 Signs Penetrating Injuries
Should be suspected with any high velocity injury Can be missed as the wound may seal itself Signs Distorted pupil Cataract Vitreous hemorrhage

24 Penetrating Injuries Treatment No pressure on globe

25 Refer if Lid Lacerations lid margins have been torn
lacrimal ducts have been damaged suspect a penetrating eyelid injury

26 Prevention of Injuries
Patient Education Protective eye wear: contact, ball or raquet sports, when working at occupations in which eye trauma is likely Goggles: when working with chemical sprays, cleaning fluids, power tools, fireworks, etc Sunglasses: 100% UV blockage when in bright sunlight Never look directly at the sun, an eclipse, or an arc welding lamp

27 Thank you

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