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Statistical Concepts and Language

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1 Statistical Concepts and Language
l Chapter 2 l Statistical Concepts and Language 2.1 The Difference Between the Population and a Sample 2.2 The Difference Between the Parameter and a Statistics 2.3 Measurement Levels 2.4 Sampling Methods

2 2.0 Statistical Concepts and Language
Data Set: Measurements of items e.g., Yearly sales volume for your 23 salespeople e.g., Cost and number produced, daily, for the past month Elementary Units: The items being measured e.g., Salespeople, Days, Companies, Catalogs, … A Variable: The type of measurement being done e.g., Sales volume, Cost, Productivity, Number of defects, …

3 2.0 Statistical Concepts and Language How Many Variables?
Univariate data set: One variable measured for each elementary unit e.g., Sales for the top 30 computer companies. Can do: Typical summary, diversity, special features Bivariate data set: Two variables e.g., Sales and # Employees for top 30 computer firms Can also do: relationship, prediction Multivariate data set: Three or more variables e.g., Sales, # Employees, Inventories, Profits, … Can also do: predict one from all other variables

4 2.1 The Difference Between the Population and a Sample
Consist of all the items or individuals about which you want to reach conclusions Sample The portion of a population selected for analysis

5 2.2 The Difference Between the Parameter and a Statistics
Population parameter A measure that describes a characteristics of a population Sample statistics A measure that describes a characteristics of a sample

6 2.3 Measurement Levels Qualitative Variable: Categories
Nominal Variable: categories without meaningful ordering e.g., State, Type of business, Field of study Can count Ordinal Variable: Categories with meaningful ordering e.g., The ranking of favorite sports, the order of people's place in a line, the order of runners finishing a race Can rank, count

7 2.3 Measurement Levels Quantitative Variable: Interval and Ratio
Interval Variable: like ordinal except we can say the intervals between each value are equally split e.g., temperature Can add, rank, count, without true zero Ratio Variable: interval data with a natural zero point e.g., Time and weight Can add, rank, count, with true zero

8 2.4 Sampling Methods Type of Sampling Method Simple Random Sampling
Probability Sampling Simple Random Sampling Stratified Sampling Cluster Sampling Systematic Sampling Nonprobability Sampling Convenience Sampling

9 2.4 Sampling Methods Probability Sampling
Simple Random Sampling every item from a frame has the same chance of selection as every other item.

10 2.4 Sampling Methods Probability Sampling
Stratified Sampling Subdivide the N items in the frame into separate subpopulations (strata). A stratum is defined by some common characteristic, e.g.: gender or year in school. Conduct simple random sampling within each strata and combine the results

11 2.4 Sampling Methods Probability Sampling
Cluster Sampling Divide the N items in the frame into clusters that contain several items. Clusters are often naturally occurring designations, such as counties, election districts, city blocks, households, or sales territories. Then take a random sample of one or more clusters and study all items in each selected cluster.

12 2.4 Sampling Methods Probability Sampling
Systematic Sampling Partitioned the N items in the frame into n groups of k items, where and round k to the nearest integer. Then choose the first item to be selected at random from the first k items in the frame. Then, select the remaining items by taking every kth item thereafter.

13 2.4 Sampling Methods Nonprobability Sampling
Convenience/Accidental Sampling Items selected are easy, inexpensive, or convenient to sample. For example, if you were sampling tires stacked in a warehouse, it would be much more convenient to sample tires at the top of a stack than tires at the bottom of a stack.

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