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Digestion Biopardy! Final Biopardy Digestive Parts Accessory Organs

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Presentation on theme: "Digestion Biopardy! Final Biopardy Digestive Parts Accessory Organs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestion Biopardy! Final Biopardy Digestive Parts Accessory Organs
Enzymes & Hormones Connections If it is not working… $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Biopardy

2 Digestive Parts - $100 In which structure does no digestion occur? B
A) mouth B) esophagus C) small intestine D) large intestine B

3 Digestive Parts - $200 Absorption of food material begins at which structure? A) mouth B) stomach C) small intestine D) large intestine C

4 Digestive Parts - $300 Protein digestion occurs in which of the following structures? A) mouth B) stomach C) small intestine D) both B and C D

5 Digestive Parts - $400 Where is water primarily absorbed? D A) mouth
B) stomach C) small intestine D) large intestine D

6 Digestive Parts - $500 The function of the stomach is to D
A) store food B) mechanically digest food C) kill bacteria D) all of the above E) none of the above D

7 Accessory Organs - $100 Which of the following is not considered to be an accessory gland of the digestive system? A) appendix B) liver C) gallbladder D) pancreas A

8 Accessory Organs - $200 What is glucose stored in the liver as? D
A) glucagon B) sucrose C) starch D) glycogen D

9 Accessory Organs - $300 Type question to appear here
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

10 Accessory Organs - $400 Type question to appear here
Type answer to appear with a mouse-click here

11 Accessory Organs - $500 Which of the following is not produced by the liver? A) bile B) digestive enzymes C) blood lipoproteins D) blood proteins C

12 Enzymes & Hormones - $100 What is the main enzyme that is secreted by the mouth? A) maltase B) peptidase C) mouthase D) salivary amylase D

13 Enzymes & Hormones - $200 Maltase and peptidase are produced in the C
A) mouth B) stomach C) small intestine D) large intestine C

14 Enzymes & Hormones - $300 Secretin is a hormone that is released when
A) alkaline food enters the duodenum B) acidic food enters the duodenum C) bile enters the duodenum D) all of the above B

15 Enzymes & Hormones - $400 The stomach is acidic because of the presence of HCl (Hydrochloric acid). The role of HCl is to A) activate pepsin B) break down fats C) break down carbohydrates D) none of the above A

16 Enzymes & Hormones - $500 Secretin, Gastrin and CCK are all…
a) digestive enzymes b) digestive hormones c) digestive products d) all of the abover B

17 Connections - $100 Digestive products that are absorbed by the villi of the small intestine get absorbed into which system(s)? A) lymphatic system B) cardiovascular system C) urinary system D) both A and B D

18 Connections - $200 Which of the following represents how the digestive system is connected to the lymphatic system? A) nutrients absorbed into the blood capillaries B) fats absorbed into the stomach C) carbohydrates absorbed into the large intestine D) fats absorbed into the lacteals D

19 Connections - $300 When blood sugar is the pancreas secretes insulin, which causes which organ to store glucose as glycogen? A) small intestine B) gall bladder C) liver D) stomach C

20 Connections - $400 Pancreatic juices ( lipase, amylase and trypsin) are produced by the pancreas, but act on which organ? A) stomach B) small intestine C) large intestine D) colon B

21 Connections - $500 The hepatic portal vein is located between which two structures? A) pancreas and small intestine B) mouth and stomach C) gall bladder and small intestine D) small intestine and the liver D

22 If it is not working…. - $100 If you have heartburn, which of the following is not working correctly A) heart B) anal sphincter C) cardiac sphincter D) pyloric sphincter C

23 If it is not working…. - $200 If you have constipation, what is a probable explanation A) too much water is being absorbed in the large intestine B) not enough water is being absorbed in the large intestine C) not enough fiber in your diet D) both A and C D

24 If it is not working…. - $300 If you vomit and stomach contents move out through your nose, which of the following did not properly function? A) larynx to move up B) soft plate to move back to close off the nasopharynx C) trachea to move up under the epiglottis to cover the glottis D) pyloric sphincter to retain food B

25 If it is not working…. - $400 When food enters your trachea, causing you to cough really bad, which of the following failed to work properly? A) cardiac sphincter B) epiglottis C) glottis D) larynx B

26 If it is not working…. - $500 Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) causes the large intestine to become irritated, increasing peristalsis. This is likely to result in which of the following? A) constipation B) diarrhea C) ulcers D) hernias B

27 Final Jeopardy What are two functions of the liver?
Any of the following: detoxify blood store iron and fat-soluble vitamins make plasma proteins stores glucose as glycogen produce urea removes bilirubin from blood regulates blood cholesterol

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