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Advanced Differentiating Instruction Strategies

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1 Advanced Differentiating Instruction Strategies
Agenda: Most Difficult First Pre Assessment Curriculum Compacting Acceleration Enrichment Learning Contracts Independent Studies Self-Evaluation

2 Dice Introductions Hobby or Talent
Vehicle You Would Most Like to Drive Something Unique That Has Happened in Your Life Favorite Toy, Game, or Song Favorite Vacation Destination Person You Admire

3 1. Most Difficult First The teacher previews the student tasks and selects the most difficult examples. 2. The examples are marked (*) and students are given the opportunity to do these items first as a means of demonstrating mastery or understanding. 3. If students are able to demonstrate mastery, then they are given or are free to select alternate activities for that period of time.

4 8-1 Points, Lines, Segments, and Rays ___ 8-2 Angles ___
2. Pre Assessment Grade 6 - Chapter 8: Tools of Geometry by Anna DeForest You will learn how to: Identify points, lines and planes Find the measurements of angles and sides of figures Identify and classify figures Learn about congruency, similarity and symmetry Recognize and identify geometric figures in real-world situations 8-1 Points, Lines, Segments, and Rays ___ 8-2 Angles ___ 8-3 Special Pairs of Angles ___ 8-4 Classifying Triangles ___ 8-5 Exploring and Classifying Polygons ___ 8-6 Problem Solving: use Logical Reasoning ___ 8-7 Congruent and Similar Figures ___ 8-8 Line Symmetry ___ 8-9 Transformations ___

5 Grade 6, Chapter 8: Tools of Geometry Pretest Form 1
by Anna DeForest Period________ Pretest Problems 1,2,3 4 5,6,7,8 9,10,11,12 13,14,15,16, 17 18,19,20,21 22,23 24,25 Skill: Lesson 8*1 8*2 8*3 8*4 8*5 8*6 8*7 8*8 8*9 Student Names 1 2 3 5

6 3. Compacting Curriculum Compacting is an instructional
technique designed to make appropriate curricular adjustments for students in any curricular area and at any grade level to Create a challenging learning environment Guarantee proficiency in basic curriculum Buy time for enrichment and acceleration

7 Compacting: Eight Steps
Identify the objectives in a given subject area. Find appropriate pretests. Identify students who should be pretested. Pretest students to determine their mastery level of the chosen objectives. Eliminate instructional time for students who show mastery of the objectives. Streamline instruction of those objectives students have not yet mastered but are capable of mastering more quickly than classmates. Offer challenging alternatives for time provided by compacting Keep records of this process and the instructional options available to compacted students

8 Student Behaviors Which May Suggest Compacting
Consistently finishes tasks quickly Appears bored during instruction time Consistently daydreams Creates own puzzles, games or diversions Brings in outside reading material Has consistently high performance in one or more academic areas Test scores consistently excellent despite average or below average class work or home work Asks questions which indicate advanced familiarity with material Is sought after by others for assistance Uses advanced vocabulary and verbal expression Interested in pursing advanced topics Compacting – YES or NO? …yet maintains high academic achievement

9 Curriculum Compacting: A teaching strategy that “buys time”
for enrichment and/or acceleration The goal is to modify or “streamline” curriculum to allow students to vary the Pace Depth Pursue alternate topics

10 Two Kinds of Curriculum Compacting
Content Compacting Social Studies, Science, Math Applications and Problem-Solving, Literature Students may already know some material, may be able to read advanced material, or master objectives more quickly than classroom pace allows. Basic Skills Compacting Spelling, Math Computation, Language Arts Basic Skills Pre-test results are used to document mastery.

11 Student’s Name: ________________________________
Areas of Strength Documenting Mastery Alternate Activities

12 Student’s Name: Annette _______________________________
Areas of Strength Documenting Mastery Alternate Activities Math ---Decimal Fractions Score of 85 percent or higher on the pretest Will work with class on days they learn concepts she has not mastered Will work on alternate math enrichment activities on other days or a contract or independent study

13 Student’s Name: ____William____________________________
Areas of Strength Documenting Mastery Alternate Activities Achieved 87% on the pretest Will read to gather research for his book about castles Will find locations of specific castles in England, Scotland and a country on the European continent Will use real locations in his book. Map Skills

14 Student’s Name: Jose, Joanne, Sam, and Linda______________
Areas of Strength Documenting Mastery Alternate Activities Students will select a topic of interest from a list of alternate activities related to an aspect of colonial living and complete an independent study Social Studies--- Colonial Living Unit High Interest Strong Readers Will read and pick up concepts quickly Students will read chapters 5 & 6 in text at own pace Do chapter exercises 3, 7, & 9 by third week of unit

15 4. Enrichment Giving students the opportunity to learn in greater depth and breadth. Enrichment may include but is not limited to: (1) Complexity of Content (2) Creative and Original Products (3) Independent Studies

16 5. Acceleration Progress through the curriculum at rates faster or at ages younger than conventional. Provide instruction at a level and pace appropriate to a child’s achievement and readiness regardless of grade level.

17 YOU and Curriculum Compacting
Curriculum Areas to be Considered for Compacting Procedures for Compacting Basic Material Enrichment and/or Acceleration Activities

18 Grading: The Big Debate
You should grade on the regular curriculum which has been compacted. In our opinion, grades should reflect mastery of content and not time spent in a subject area. When you do substitute contracts or independent studies, it should not be graded. Some qualitative, holistic evaluation of the work done would be preferred. University of Connecticut

19 Written agreements between teachers and students that outline
6. Contracts Written agreements between teachers and students that outline what students will learn, how they will learn it, in what period of time, and how they will be evaluated.

20 Contracts in Subjects Where Pre-testing is Practical Student’s daily work alternates between the traditional instructional group and individual contracted extensions The contract might: 1. List the concepts or outcomes that the whole class will learn. 2. List a variety of alternative or extension activities from which students may choose. These activities may be developed by the teacher, the student, or both. Students work on alternative activities on the days when the class is learning concepts they have previously mastered. should be responsible for documenting their time. One option is to ask students to keep a log of their activities on the days they are not working with the rest of the class.

21 Contract based on Pretest
Chapter/Unit Pre-assessment Whole class instruction for skill instruction based on pretest Page/Skill ____ Enrichment Option Working Conditions Signatures

22 Contracts in subjects where pre-testing is not practical
Students will research and present information about an alternative topic related to the general theme or unit. A study guide will list the expected goals which they may choose to achieve independently. Students work on the extended activity in class instead of regular content In this way, the alternative activity becomes the student’s class work.

23 Learning Contract, Elementary
Name _______________________ My question or topic is: To find out about my question or topic… I will read: I will look at and listen to: I will write: I will draw: I will need: Here’s how I will share what I know: I will finish by this date: (

24 Learning Contract, Intermediate and Middle School
To demonstrate what I have learned about ____________________, I want to _ Write a report _ Put on a demonstration _ Set up an experiment _ Develop a computer presentation _ Build a model _ Design a mural _ Write a song _ Make a movie _ Create a graphic organizer or diagram _ Other This will be a good way to demonstrate understanding of this concept because ______________________________________________________________ To do this project, I will need help with My Action Plan is________________________________________________ The criteria/rubric which will be used to assess my final product is _________ My project will be completed by this date _____________________________ Student signature: ________________________________ Date ___/___/___ Teacher signature: ________________________________ Date ___/___/___ (

25 7. Independent Studies Seven Steps: Choosing a topic, issue, problem …
Initial questioning Planning the independent study Uncovering the information: the research Putting it together: the findings and the product Presentation of the Independent Study Evaluating the Independent Study

26 Independent Studies Initial questioning – KWLU Chart K
What you know about the topic W What do you want to know about the topic? L What did you learn about the topic? U How will you use what you learn to present to an audience

27 8. Self-Evaluation What did you do well? What might you improve?
What resources were most important? Use the Six Thinking Hats® to evaluate your work?

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