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Network & Security Services (NSS) – Cloud / Managed Secure Remote Access CED DDM Event August 8th 2017 Dino Busalachi Central Region USA

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Presentation on theme: "Network & Security Services (NSS) – Cloud / Managed Secure Remote Access CED DDM Event August 8th 2017 Dino Busalachi Central Region USA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Network & Security Services (NSS) – Cloud / Managed Secure Remote Access
CED DDM Event August 8th 2017 Dino Busalachi Central Region USA

2 Enabling The Connected Enterprise
 The Industrial Internet of Things is a disruptive force in manufacturing  New capabilities & innovation for this industry  Step change in simplicity and cost of ownership for assets

3 Secure connections between plants and the enterprise
KEY AUTOMATION MARKET DRIVERS Technology Tailwinds IT-OT CONVERGENCE AVAILABILITY OF DATA SCALABLE COMPUTING OPTIONS LOWER COST OF CONNECTIVITY Secure connections between plants and the enterprise Convert data to information for better business decisions Greater value from managing information at the appropriate level More smart devices on the factory floor More Data • Lower cost of connectivity • Analytics in the controller, at the edge, or in the cloud • Contextualize data CUSTOMER IMPLICATIONS

4 Automation Perspectives
4/17/2018 THE CONNECTED ENTERPRISE enhanced by the Internet of Things delivers transformational value in productivity and global competitiveness Rockwell Automation believes “The Connected Enterprise” will enable .. transparent information flow information availability at the tip of your finger across the enterprise, Being able to tap into any smart assets collecting data, processing data to be aggregated and analyzed, so that in the end data can be transformed into information and knowledge. Our partnerships with companies such as Cisco Systems, Microsoft, AT&T Panduit bring together the IoT technologies and services to enable smart manufacturing I n n o v a t i o n Faster Time to Market Improved Asset Utilization $ Lower Total Cost of Ownership Enterprise Risk Management

5 $ Enabling the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
CONNECTED ENTERPRISE - CUSTOMER OUTCOMES Faster Time to Market Improved Asset Utilization $ Lower Total Cost of Ownership Enterprise Risk Management INFORMATION SOLUTIONS CAPABILITIES – CLOUD | ON-PREMISE | EDGE So, let’s take a look at how we deliver this value to you, our customers. Starts with World class DCS Integrated Architecture portfolio Multidiscipline, Information enabled This is the basis of the Plant PAx Architecture Add software capabilities - Scalable MES – Scales from comprehensive solutions to fit for purpose apps Scale deployment from on prem to cloud Scalable analytics Compute data closest to the source An appliances, edge devices, and on- or off-premise cloud platform. Mobility and Collaboration tools Empower teams to make better decisions by sharing knowledge. Connected Services Remote monitoring, equipment performance, device heath and diagnostics, Machine learning and Predictive maintenance solutions enable uptime SCALABLE EXECUTION SYSTEMS SCALABLE ANALYTICS MOBILITY & COLLABORATION CONNECTED SERVICES RA IIoT INFRASTRUCTURE Auto Discovery & Configure Zero Config Devices Zero Config Dashboards People in the IIoT FactoryTalk Cloud Platform SMART CONNECTED ASSETS EtherNet/IP Enabled Network Infrastructure SENSORS & ACTUATORS INTELLIGENT MOTOR CONTROL CONTROLLERS TERMINALS MACHINES & EQUIPMENT REMOTE ASSETS Enabling the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)

6 Rockwell Automation’s Industrial IoT Platform
CLIENT ERP MES Primary emphasis is the 3 tiers to the architecture All three tiers of the architecture are built in decoupled fashion allowing for all of pieces to be developed independent of each other. This also allows for adopters of the cloud platform to develop their own implementations on any of these layers as needed. Present information to users on mobile devices & desktops & to other systems SERVER Data Storage & Aggregation | Data Model Computation | Notification | Elasticity SCALABLE ANALYTICS Contextualize information to provide insights on Microsoft Azure GATEWAY Small Medium Large Collect data from devices & other sources in various form factors DEVICE

7 Transformative Value of the Industrial IoT SaaS Reduces the TCO of and Simplifies Manufacturing I.T.
Equipment Supplier  Operations Start Small Scale to Enterprise Lower TCO Trustworthy Exchange of Info Business Model Flexibility Asset & Operations Performance Consumables Multi-tenant Visibility for your Supply Chain Cloud Solutions Can Add Value When… You’d like to partner more effectively with your Machine Builders You’d like to be integrated with your Supply Chain in REAL TIME You need to support more plants/assets with fewer people Information Technology operating costs are too high Growing lack of technical resources Maturing workforce Developing markets Local deployments or support is difficult  Service Remote Service & Support <SME’s Supporting >Assets Predictive Maintenance  Finance  Engineering OpEx vs. CapEx Predictable Costs Flexibility Minimize Manufacturing IT Product/Process Design Scalability

8 Simple, Secure Access for ALL Sanctioned Stakeholders
A Vision for the Manufacturing Supply Chain Differentiated, High Value Supply Network BU & Corp Headquarters Remote Support Prod/Proc Designers CI/Quality Org Distributor A Consumables VAR B Rep C Parts/MRO Org Equip Supplier 1 Equip Supplier 2 Customer 1 Customer 2 Utilities Customer 3 Simple, Secure Access for ALL Sanctioned Stakeholders

9 IoT Maturity Model Manufacturers Collaborating with their Machine Builder Partners
 Service Decrease field visits with remote access Increase first-time fix rates Reduce cost of software updates/support Reduce downtime & mean time between failure Increase Customer Satisfaction  Analyze Reduce part supplier and manufacturing process issues Decrease field visits with preventative actions Increase uptime (support premium SLA) Increase market share via better market analysis  Innovate Enable self-service support Increased productivity with greater info sharing Increase market share with greater differentiation New revenue streams from expanded portfolio and industry offerings  Integrate Reduce warranty claims Reduce support call time and number Reduce product failure Increase market share via superior design Enable upsell and cross-selling opportunities

10 FactoryTalk Cloud Platform
Variety of client tools for both mobile and desktop Alignment with mobility work Client APIs capable of providing secure integration with other systems Clients/UI 3 tiers to the architecture Gateways in various form factors – working with Ryan’s team to determine appropriate hw for a productized version Alignment with Info Software and MFT / Mobility groups Common infrastructure and services that provide the base for various Rockwell Automation solutions Data Ingestion Storage Modeling Security Calculation Events Client APIs Server Common gateway platform Gateways in various form factors for various Rockwell Automation solutions and products Gateway

11 Data Visualization & Integration

12 Connected Machine

13 Various Ingress & Egress Adapters
Platform Agnostic Device & Data Discovery Multiple OS Data Processing Remote Orchestration Store & Forward GATEWAY Collect data from devices & other sources in various form factors COLLECT

Medium Large GATEWAY OPTIONS FORM FACTOR Industrial Appliance Server, Datacenter, Cloud INGRESS EtherNet/IP, FT Live Data, SQL, Historian APPS Data Processing, Store & Forward Data Processing, Analytics, Store & Forward EGRESS FT Cloud, Generic HTTPS, IoT Hub Various PERFORMANCE 500 data items / second 5,000 data items / second 50,000 data items / second

15 SERVER Contextualized information to provide insights - built on Microsoft Azure
Data Model Computation Metadata Notification Data Cleansing, Storage & Aggregation Time Series & Transactional Data Elasticity Data model Application organization context Metadata Min/Max, Description, Eng. units Catalog data Time stamps Data cleansing, storage and aggregation Time series data Interfaces to local/device logged data (e.g. Ensemble) Transaction management Device managed transactions (e.g. JXR) Notification service CONTEXTUALIZE

Let’s talk about the walk from data to decision. Analytics starts with data, RA Architecture is information enablement Traditional - human input to determine Acton Served us well – OEE, Production Dashboards, helped improve productivity Future – predict and recommend or take Acton Modeling and machine learning come into play Traditional – Human refines data, builds models Future = model self learns, builds model automatically Scalability - run where they can deliver the most value. PROCESS ANALYTICS - close to the source of the data Controller or EDGE – so the loop can be closed as fast as possible, BUSINESS ANALYTICS tolerate more latency, Don’t have the same real-time needs Cloud and mash up of data. At the INNOVATIONS ZONE booth, you’ll see a PUMP OPTIMIZATION Running Logix backplane. It recognizes the equipment in the system, Using real-time data, models the operating condition of the system Output sent to Logix controller, which throttles the pump to optimize the performance of the system. RA Focus - perform analytics at the right level to yield the most effective results. DEVICE SYSTEM ENTERPRISE SCALABLE ANALYTICS DATA DESCRIPTIVE What happened? SYSTEM HUMAN INPUT ACTION DECISION DIAGNOSTIC Why did it happen? PREDICTIVE What will happen? PRESCRIPTIVE What should I do? FEEDBACK Decision Support Decision Automation

17 Power BI - Scalable Analytics for The Connected Enterprise
See your Operations AND Business Intelligence in a single pane of glass Monitor live dashboards for the data that matters most Track your data in real-time with support for streaming data Drill through to underlying reports to explore and discover new insight Pin new visualizations and KPIs to monitor performance Discover, explore, and combine any data type or size, regardless of location Ask questions of data to visualize, analyze, and forecast Make faster decisions, share broadly, and access insights on any device

18 Microsoft Power BI & The Connected Enterprise

Here are the key areas of extensibility grouped by architecture area.  Gateway ·         SDK allowing for the creation of additional Data Adapters (Ingress from devices or Egress to Cloud or other targets) ·         SDK allowing for the creation of custom processing logic that can be performed in the gateway platform ·         Configurable Middleware allowing for custom routing of data through the gateway platform Server ·         Extendable Plugin based Server architecture ·         Runtime interpretable scripting interface ·         Integration services allowing data to be transferred from RA Cloud to other systems and services Thin UI ·         Fully documented web services on the Server allowing for custom client development ·         Thin UI framework (SDK) providing Client side data service library, Widget Library, Canvas as well as navigation and workflow. ·         Widget Editor used to create new dashboards widgets from SVGs which can be used with base UI, or the Thin UI framework listed above GATEWAY SERVER CLIENT Creation of additional data adapters Creation of custom processing apps Configuration of data routing & workflows Extendable plugin based server architecture Runtime interpretable scripting interface Data integration with other systems & services Creation of custom dashboards & widgets Web services interfaces for visual & analytics tools Extensible UI framework

20 Manufacturing Operations Management
Agile Operations Scalable Analytics Master Data Management and Integration Shop Floor Integration

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