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Balancing the right to Protest

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1 Balancing the right to Protest
QFL: How do you balance the right to protest and protect the law with the rights of others? Project: Immigration and protest - a case study of Dover in School: The Towers School and Sixth Form Centre, Kent. Date: September 2016

2 In your own words explain:
What does it mean to hold extremist views? What is the difference between extremism and violent extremism?

3 A university has been raising the fees they charge to students
A university has been raising the fees they charge to students. To protest about this a group of students all sit down in the main entrance to the university, making it almost impossible for anyone to get in or out (a “sit in”). They boo any student or teacher that tries to enter or leave. Acceptable Borderline Unacceptable

4 Going on a march to protest about the number of people that have died in the Channel Tunnel trying to get to England Acceptable Borderline Unacceptable

5 Going on a march to protest about the number of people that have died in the Channel Tunnel trying to get to England. When a group protesting about immigration arrives and run towards people to hit them people protect themselves. This leads to a fight breaking out. Acceptable Borderline Unacceptable

6 Developing a group called the EDL to take back the initials from a far right group. Organising peaceful protests celebrating difference rather than intolerance Acceptable Borderline Unacceptable

7 Acceptable Borderline Unacceptable

8 Dover Protests, extremist, violent extremists or neither?
Thinking about our learning and the information you already have on Dover Protests how do you feel at the moment? Do you think all the people involved expected the marches to be violent? If people involved are classed extremists are they all extremist?

9 Is it legal to protest? Protests and marches: letting the police know
By law you must tell the police in writing 6 days before a public march if you’re the organiser. Tell the police the: date and time of the march route the names and addresses of the organisers The police have the power to: limit or change the route of your march set any other condition of your march If you arrange a march at short notice, you must still tell the police as soon as you can. The police can also: change the location limit how long a rally lasts limit the amount of people who attend stop a sit-down protest if it blocks road traffic or public walkways If there’s no march involved If there’s no march organised as part of your protest, you don’t have to tell the police.


11 So what went wrong in Dover?
We know from investigating images and information there was violence at Dover on more than one occasion.

12 Investigating the story
Use the newspaper articles you have been given to find evidence of where the protests crossed the line into what we could call violent extremism Can you identify which side are more extremist? How have the police handled the protests? Have their approaches changed?

13 How do you balance the right to Protest?
Can you understand this lady’s view? Dover woman's desperate plea for far- right protesters to be BANNED from marching again in town I am therefore pleading for the fascists to be banned from entering Dover on this day. They are not welcome, their views are frankly medieval and if they have such concern then why not demonstrate in their own towns. The sort of people who are anti-fascist, like myself, despise violence. I am a very liberal minded person and always listen to what people have to say. I do understand the frustrations a lot of people have on immigration. However, I am human and see no sense in violence which solves nothing but only create pain and great loss.

14 For your documentary Based on today’s learning:
What would you want to ask the police? What would you want to ask protesters? What would you want to ask people living in Dover?

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