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Interactive risk assessment with the OiRA tool EU-OSHA – The OiRA Team

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Presentation on theme: "Interactive risk assessment with the OiRA tool EU-OSHA – The OiRA Team"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interactive risk assessment with the OiRA tool EU-OSHA – The OiRA Team

2 Structure Risk Assessment OiRA

3 Structure EU legal approach to health and safety;
Risk Assessment EU legal approach to health and safety; The hierarchy of prevention; A practical approach - 5 steps; Reasons for not carrying out risk assessments regularly.

4 Structure The OiRA Project OiRA In Brief; Values; Goals;
State of play; OiRA target audience; OiRA levels.

5 Structure OiRA The OiRA Community:
OiRA partners: National Level & EU Social Dialogue EU-OSHA support for OiRA partners; What EU-OSHA expects from OiRA partners. The OiRA Promotion: Materials at OiRA partners’ disposal; New OiRA website: Private zone. Communication Toolkit; Social Media; Pilot Projects.

6 Risk Assessment Risk assessment is the cornerstone of the European approach to prevent occupational accidents and ill health and to ensure the safety and health of workers. The icons represent the step-by-step approach to conduct a proper risk assessment with OiRA: Preparation; Identification & Evaluation; Action Plan; Report.

7 Risk Assessment EU legal approach to health and safety
Directive 89/391/EEC - OSH 'Framework Directive' All hazards and risks, workers, workplaces, employers. Supported by more specific Directives Work equipment, work environment, specific hazards, specific worker groups. Legislation is central but not only instrument to prevention

8 Risk Assessment The hierarchy of prevention Avoid & eliminate risks
Reduce and minimise hazards AND separate from the workers by technical measures; by organisational measures; by personal measures. Improve safety behaviour

9 Risk Assessment A practical approach: 5 steps
Step 1. Identify the hazards and those at risk Step 2. Evaluate and prioritise the risks Step 3. Decide on preventive actions Step 4. Take action! Step 5. Monitor and review the situation

10 Risk Assessment Reasons for not carrying out risk assessments regularly Source: EU-OSHA ESENER-2 survey

11 OiRA Project Community Promotion

12 The OiRA Project OiRA (Online interactive Risk Assessment) is a free web-based platform that helps micro and small companies (MSEs) assess and manage their OSH risks. The icons represent the main features of the tool and its target audience: Employers: They have a legal obligation to protect their workers and to undertake risk assessments. OiRA can be tailored and customised to a range of professional activities. Employees will benefit from OiRA as the tool helps their companies conduct a proper risk assessment to ensure their safety and health. OiRA tools cover a wide range of sectors across Europe. OiRA is particularly useful for MSEs.

13 Software + Free Sharing Data protection The OiRA Project In Brief Join
Use Copy Develop Data protection Sharing The idea of open source. No costs, no comercial use, copy from other/existing tools and the library. Data protection: always an important aspect for employers. No one has access to their data. Mention discussion with partners who wanted access to the data for research purposes. General statistics available, but no information about single users. Modules available (psychosocial, maintenance, dangerous substances, environmental factors, machine safety, ageing workers….). OiRA is much more than a (risk assessment) software, guides the user, gives access to more information. In trainings we can see, how employers/responsable persons get engaged, start searching for more information etc.

14 The OiRA Project Values The OiRA philosophy:
Provision of free and open source software; More than a software, a diffusion model where social partners play a key role; OiRA tools available to the end-users free of charge; Development of an OiRA community: Sharing tools (possibility to clone and translate/adapt tools from other countries/sectors); Sharing of experiences/good practice.

15 The OiRA Project Goals OiRA aims to:
Contribute to the ‘development of simple tools to facilitate Risk Assessment (RA)’ (Community Strategy ); Develop and promote practical tools to help Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) to put in place the RA process; Help demystify the RA process among MSEs; Build a critical mass of social partners (EU and national), governments, public institutions interested in developing and disseminating RA tools tailored to the specificities and needs of European MSEs.

16 The OiRA Project State of play OiRA in numbers*:
124 OiRA tools have been published, 13 are in progress and 61 sectors covered; The OiRA community is composed of 16 OiRA national partners and 12 EU sectoral social partners who develop EU tools for their sector; 48,528 accounts have been created since August 2011; 59,979 accumulated risk assessments have been carried out with OiRA since August 2011. *up to 30 June 2017

17 The OiRA Project OiRA target audience: National Partners EU Social
EU sectoral social partners (employers and workers); OiRA tools cover more than 40 sectors. EU Social Dialogue Partners National Partners Micro & Small Companies (MSEs) 28 EU Member States + Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein + accession countries; Public/National OSH Institutes; Social partners. Micro companies constituted more than nine of out ten companies (92.4%) in the non-financial business sector of EU 28 in 2013, while small enterprises accounted for 6.4%.* Source:

18 The OiRA Project OiRA levels: EU-OSHA (Facilitator) MSEs (End users)
Community Level 2 OiRA content management system MSEs (End users) Level 3 Intermediaries Tools development 3 levels of OiRA: Level 1: Software tool generator (data protection) facilitated by EU-OSHA EU-OSHA has a role of facilitator and it offers: The OiRA tools generator which allows social partners and other partners at EU and national level and national public authorities/national OSH institutes to build OiRA tool(s) consisting of: A questionnaire in the form of statements to which explanations, references to national legislation, recommendations and good practice solutions are to be added. The content is organised in modules and submodules; A simplified method to evaluate the risks/problems spotted as a result of the hazard identification exercise; An action plan to which the end-user is automatically led by the tool itself; An automatically generated report documenting the risk assessment that can be printed and/or downloaded in word format and amended or completed if necessary; A guide on how to develop an OiRA tool (explaining the approach and the architecture of the OiRA tools generator, the target audience, the language to be used, etc.); Manuals on how to use the OiRA tools generator; Face-to-face and online assistance by EU-OSHA. To foster the use of the OiRA tools by ensuring good promotion/dissemination and implementation; EU-OSHA does not charge any cost for the participation in the project; The OiRA content management system is available in 17 languages. Level 2: Tools’ content development & promotion by the OiRA community The OiRA community is made up of the organisations and people developing OiRA tools. It aims to facilitate the development of OiRA tools by stimulating the exchange of tools, knowledge and good practices, promoting collaborative work, reinforcing existing relationships within the community and creating new ones. The members of the OiRA community are: Sectoral social partners at EU and national levels (employers’ and employees’ organisations); EU and national authorities (ministries, labour inspectorates, occupational safety and health (OSH) institutes, etc.); The community members stay in regular contact with EU-OSHA, meet once a year to share information and experiences, and work together by sharing the content of OiRA tools, promotional material and so on. Level 3: The important role of intermediaries in reaching out MSEs (end-users) MSEs are generally hard to reach due to their large number and often wide geographical dispersion. There are several challenges when involving intermediaries, including: Ensuring that intermediaries’ interests are aligned with those of the OSH programme owners and those influential actors, such as financial advisers, who have an organisational or personal interest in promoting the OSH programme.; OSH initiators, like public agencies, have to consider intermediaries as much as MSEs themselves when designing OSH regulations involving intermediaries, taking into account the strengths of intermediaries and building on them when designing intervention programmes; Various studies show how, for instance, accountants and financial and industry advisers can serve as intermediaries

19 The OiRA Community

20 The OiRA Community OiRA partners: National Level Belgium Bulgaria
Croatia Cyprus Czechia France Finland Greece Iceland Italy Latvia Lithuania Malta Portugal Slovenia Spain See full list here:

21 The OiRA Community OiRA partners: EU Social Dialogue
See full list here:

22 Server & CMS maintenance Promotion strategies & products
The OiRA Community EU-OSHA support for OiRA partners Server & CMS maintenance Translation Financial support OiRA Community Training & helpdesk Promotion strategies & products Modules & examples To develop OiRA, EU-OSHA offers: Free access to the OiRA tools generator; Translation into the national language; All the information required to develop an OiRA tool; Training for the developers of the tool; Help desk support (for technical matters); Membership of the OiRA community (enabling partners to contribute to/ benefit from the tools and developments made by other members); Funding for a national pilot tool.

23 Involvement of social partners Maintenance of the tools’ content
The OiRA Community What EU-OSHA expects from OiRA partners Development of instruments OiRA philosophy Involvement of social partners Expert validation Promotion Maintenance of the tools’ content OiRA philosophy/Memorandum: Free of charge; Data protection; Sector specific; Based on activities rather than risks; Open source – information can be used and shared by everyone (exception: no commercial use); Pictures are not included in this agreement – each partner needs to make sure to have the rights on using the respective pictures. IT infrastructure - a website of the social partner organisation(s): Commitment from the national OiRA partner (e.g. Ministry, Labour Inspectorate, OSH institute) to dedicate resources to the tools implementation and promotion; Support/Information of social partners; Implementation plan of the tool; Promotion campaign to raise awareness of the tool; Acceptance of the OiRA philosophy – signing the memorandum.

24 The OiRA Promotion

25 OiRA website (Private zone)
The OiRA Promotion Materials at partners’ disposal: OiRA website (Private zone) Social Media Audio-visual material Publications Events/Meetings Press Relations Toolkit

26 The OiRA Promotion New website - Launched in February 2017
Managed by EU-OSHA; Available in 25 languages; All OiRA tools by country, language and sector; Sections on MSEs and RA; Facts and Figures (ESENER-2). Promotional resources Monthly OiRA update. News items OSHmail OiRA section. OiRA community - Private zone National Partners / IRAT Network EU Sectoral Social Partners

27 The OiRA Promotion New website - Private zone
Limited to OiRA community members; Partners’ profile viewing; Upload news, tools, promotional resources and strategic documents; Collaboration area; Access to partners’ ítems.

28 The OiRA Promotion Communication Toolkit Tool 1 – Taglines
Tool 2 – Pitch Tool 3 – Illustrations / Icons Tool 4 – Infographics Tool 5 – Videos Tool 6 – Web – banners Tool 7 – Social Media Posts Tool 8 – OiRA Communication Guide OiRA Flyer

29 The OiRA Promotion Examples Tool 3 – Illustrations / Icons Sectors
Metasectors - Sectors: Hairdressing; HORECA; Live performance; Manufacture of pharmaceuticals and related products. Metasectors: Agriculture; Construction; Transport; Public utilities.

30 The OiRA Promotion Tool 4 – Infographics Tool 5 – Videos EU Level
EU Level Napo in…risk assessment online

31 The OiRA Promotion Tool 6 – Web-banners OiRA Flyer EU Level
National Level Sectoral Level OiRA Flyer

32 The OiRA Promotion Social Media Posts Infographics Tools
Official Accounts

33 The OiRA Promotion Examples Posts ready to use (3 levels) Infographics

34 The OiRA Promotion Examples Embedded in OiRA tools Official Accounts
Follow us! andHealthatWork agency-for-safety-and-health-at-work Official Accounts

35 The OiRA Promotion Pilot Projects National & Sectoral Level Purpose:
Test the implementation of the promotion/communication toolkit on the field and measure impact/success; Rationalise resources (EU-OSHA role as facilitator); Steps: 2017 (second half): Selection of one pilot each at national and sectoral level; Discussion/agreement on the “products/actions” to be implemented; Adaptation of a communication/promotion plan to each pilot; Start implementation. 2018 (up to summer): Continue implementation; Measure impact – evaluation; Decision of potential new pilots/further decisions.

36 To learn more about risk assessment tools visit our OiRA website at
Explore and use all the OiRA tools available at Please spread the news and share our tools using the hashtag #OiRAtools Thank you! EU-OSHA

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