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How the internet works By Tom and Josh.

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1 How the internet works By Tom and Josh

2 How the internet works Google is a search engine based in a huge warehouse in east of California and there are millions of machine and wires but that’s not the only one.

3 What the word internet means
The word internet means international network. The word "Internet" describes a digital connection between many networks or a network of networks. It is often believed to mean "International Network," but when the name was coined in the early 80s, people had no concept of how the Internet's size and scope would grow.

4 Data packets A data packet has other parts besides the raw data it contains - often referred to as the payload. Data packets also have headers that carry certain types of metadata, along with routing information. For example, IP data packets have a header containing an IP address of origin and destination IP address. Data packets also may have trailers that help refine data transmission.

5 Ip address Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are unique numeric identifiers that are needed by every device that connects to the Internet. The are a shared common resource that must be managed carefully to ensure the continued growth and stability of the Internet. Most of the Internet is currently addressed with IP version 4 (IPv4) addresses. IPv6 addresses are also in use, but not yet to the same extent. IPv6 is a more recent protocol, offering a much larger address pool than IPv4. However, IPv6 is not intended as a direct replacement for IPv4. Rather, the two address protocols are able to be used together across the Internet.

6 switch On a network, a switch is a hardware device that filters and forwards network packets, but often not capable of much more. The first network device that was added to the Internet was a switch called the IMP, which helped send the first message on October 29, A network switch is more advanced than a hub but not as advanced as a router. The picture shows an example of a NETGEAR 5 port switch.

7 Don’t post any personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile number.
Think carefully before posting pictures or videos of yourself.  Once you’ve put  a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just yours anymore.

8 Change your password regularly and keep it in a safe place.
Don’t share your password with anyone. Don’t open attachments from anyone you don’t know. Log out or sign off from your account when you’ve finished looking at/sending your . Don’t reply to spam or forward chain s. Keep your personal information personal – don’t share bank or credit card information by . Your bank will not discuss your private financial situation by . If you receive any correspondence that claims to come from your bank, telephone your branch to verify it and discuss the matter over the telephone instead. Make sure that you have antivirus software installed and keep it up to date


10 pics of google



13 That’s how the internent works

14 In March 1989 Sir Tim Berners-Lee wrote a memo that led, eventually, to the web. That was 25 years ago this year. Back in the 1980s, even the simple concept of documents which could be hyperlinked was difficult to understand. So what will digital life be like another 25 years from now? How dramatically will things have changed by 2040? People could think that technology is bad.

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