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2014 International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure Long Beach, California Session 223 Impacts and Mitigation Strategies for Solar Array Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "2014 International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure Long Beach, California Session 223 Impacts and Mitigation Strategies for Solar Array Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure Long Beach, California Session 223
Impacts and Mitigation Strategies for Solar Array Systems Within Highway Right of Way Areas Art Hirsch TerraLogic Sustainable Solutions November 8, 2014 Sustainability based rating systems have become quite numerous over the past few years. It is estimated that there are over 200 individual rating systems for civil engineering projects. I thought it would be informative to share a summary of some rating systems that are or are currently being planned to be used by transportation agencies. It is hard to determine if these rating systems will eventually be consolidated into just a few credible rating systems or programs. Many programs that have been developed are specific to an organization’s operations, environmental needs, local context and sustainability philosophy

2 Right of Ways As a Resource
Acres of undeveloped land Follow utility corridors Secured by fencing Access Maintained

3 Presentation Overview of solar projects in ROW
Overview of CDOT ROW-Solar Studies Risk Factors Safety Environmental Operation and Maintenance ROW Resource Issues

4 Acknowledgements Colorado Department of Transportation; Applied Research and Innovation Branch Colorado State University-Pueblo; School of Engineering


6 Oregon Solar Highway Project

7 Baldock Rest Area- Oregon

8 Carver, Massachusetts

9 Astoria-Megler Bridge, Oregon

10 Veteran's Glass City Skyway Bridge, Ohio DOT

11 Germany

12 Aschaffenburg, Germany

13 Belgium- Solar Power Train Tunnel

14 CDOT ROW Alternative Study 2011
Solar Wind Biofuel Geothermal Hydroelectric



17 ROW Alternative Energy CDOT
Alternative ROW Source Giga-Watt Hours/Year- Solar 554,700/55,500 (10% efficiency) Wind 380 Biomass 5 Geothermal 8,530 acres Hydropower Very limited Colorado 2007 Energy Demand 5,547,000 GWh/year

18 CDOT Solar Study 2013-2014 Leasing land to energy developer
Identify impacts and mitigation strategies Safety Environmental Operation and Maintenance Solar array generated energy Interstates 76 and 70 model locations Guidance document to management

19 Interstate 76 Interstate 70

20 R&D Approach Task 1- Literature review/communication
Task 2- Impact and risk identification Task 3- Solar array design and criteria Task 4- Report development/presentation

21 Risk Factors Severity of Consequence Probability of Occurrence
Regulatory non compliance Environmental impacts Safety impacts Highway operations Probability of Occurrence Low Medium High

22 Low Risk Elements Environmental Wildlife attraction Bird migration
NEPA process Hazardous waste Safety Driver awareness Traffic controls Operation/Maintenance Mowing alterations/Security fencing

23 Medium Risk Elements Environmental
General wildlife habitat impact (migration) Prairie dog colonies Noxious weeds Safety Glint/glare Working in the ROW Solar array framework integrity (wind) Solar array access Theft Operation/Maintenance Snow blowing/plowing

24 Higher Risk Elements Environmental Stormwater management/revegetation
T&E habitat Community acceptance Safety Immovable structure Traffic controls Panel security Operation/Maintenance Snow drifting and deposition Magnesium chloride

25 Environmental Permitting Considerations
Coordinate with CDOT Regions for NEPA requirements (Categorical Exclusion) Stormwater Management Plan and Construction Stormwater Permit (greater that one acre) Phase I and Phase II Hazardous Waste Assessment Local government permitting identified Public outreach and education ROW permitting

26 ROW Accommodation of Alternative Energy
Federal Requirement- Facility does not impede the safe and efficient operation of the highway Policy Options Utility Accommodation Meets definition of a utility technology In an FHWA approved state DOT Utility Plan Air Space Lease

27 ROW As A Viable Resource
Significant amount of energy available Solar energy applications Lease land to energy developers Use energy (lighting, signaling) Sell on the grid Solar energy becoming cheaper per KWH Impacts can be mitigated DOT reluctance/ROI FHWA restrictions

28 TerraLogic Sustainable Solutions
Art Hirsch TerraLogic Sustainable Solutions

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